"A scholarly edition of Aquinas's Opera omnia, with a lexical database, a dictionary, two collection of historical sources, and an extensive bibliography."
This SOAP service implements the IMS Open Corpus Workbench (CWB), a collection of open-source tools for managing and querying large text corpora (ranging from 10 million to 2 billion words) with linguistic annotations. Its central component is the flexible and efficient query processor CQP. The service makes it possible to index a new corpus and query it.
Software for corpus linguists and text/data mining enthusiasts. The CorpusExplorer combines over 45 interactive visualizations under a user-friendly interface. Routine tasks such as text acquisition, cleaning or tagging are completely automated. The simple interface supports the use in university teaching and leads users/students to fast and substantial results. The CorpusExplorer is open for many standards (XML, CSV, JSON, R, etc.) and also offers its own software development kit (SDK).
Source code available at https://github.com/notesjor/corpusexplorer2.0
COSTRA 1.0 is a dataset of Czech complex sentence transformations. The dataset is intended for the study of sentence-level embeddings beyond simple word alternations or standard paraphrasing.
The dataset consist of 4,262 unique sentences with average length of 10 words, illustrating 15 types of modifications such as simplification, generalization, or formal and informal language variation.
The hope is that with this dataset, we should be able to test semantic properties of sentence embeddings and perhaps even to find some topologically interesting “skeleton” in the sentence embedding space.
Costra 1.1 is a new dataset for testing geometric properties of sentence embeddings spaces. In particular, it concentrates on examining how well sentence embeddings capture complex phenomena such paraphrases, tense or generalization. The dataset is a direct expansion of Costra 1.0, which was extended with more sentences and sentence comparisons.
Segment from Český zvukový týdeník Aktualita (Czech Aktualita Sound Newsreel) issue no. 9B from 1943 captures an ice sports course for mandatory youth service instructors, which was organised by the Board of Trustees for the Education of Youth as part of the Ice Sports Week event held at Štvanice Ice Arena in Prague from 1 to 6 February. Training in speed skating and ice hockey was led by hockey players Josef Maleček, Vladimír Zábrodský and Jiří Tožička. The event was attended by General Secretary of the Board František Teuner.
This bilingual thesaurus (French-English), developed at Inist-CNRS, covers the concepts from the emerging COVID-19 outbreak which reminds the past SARS coronavirus outbreak and Middle East coronavirus outbreak. This thesaurus is based on the vocabulary used in scientific publications for SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses, like SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. It provides a support to explore the coronavirus infectious diseases. The thesaurus can be browsed and queried by humans and machines on the Loterre portal (https://www.loterre.fr), via an API and an rdf triplestore. It is also downloadable in PDF, SKOS, csv and json-ld formats. The thesaurus is made available under a CC-by 4.0 license.