Changes in runoff parameters are very important for Slovakia, where stream-flow discharges, being supplied by precipitation and groundwater runoff, are preferentially influenced by climatic conditions. Therefore, teleconnections between runoff parameters, climate parameters and global atmospheric drivers such as North Atlantic Oscillation, Southern Pacific Oscillation, Quasi-biennial oscillation and solar activity were studied in the Nitra River Basin, Slovakia. Research was mostly based on records of 80 years (1931-2010) for discharges and baseflow, and 34 years for groundwater heads. Methods of autocorrelation, spectral analysis, cross-correlation and coherence function were used. Results of auto-correllograms for discharges, groundwater heads and base flow values showed a very distinct 11-year and 21-year periodicity. Spectrogram analysis documented the 11-year, 7.8-year, 3.6-year and 2.4-year periods in the discharge, precipitation and air temperature time series. The same cycles except of 11-years were also identified in the long-term series of the North Atlantic Oscillation and Southern Pacific Oscillation indices. The cycle from approximately 2.3 to 2.4-years is most likely connected with Quasi-biennial oscillation. The close negative correlation between the North Atlantic Oscillation winter index and the hydrological surface and groundwater parameters can be used for their prediction within the same year and also for one year in advance.
One of the key hydrodynamic problems of gravitational flow with free surface namely the problem of free or unknown boundary has been dealt with in this study. By means of analytical transformation from N-dimensional space to N-1 dimensional space the equations of movement on the fluid boundary are derived from the Euler´s equations independently of the circumstance, whether this boundary is solid, i. e. the bottom, or free surface. In the second part the boundary potential and closing up the system of boundary equations will be treated. and Štúdia sa zaoberá jedným z kľúčových problémov gravitačného prúdenia s voľnou hladinou - problémom neznámej pohyblivej hranice. Známe sú dve približné riešenia tohto problému. Jedno poskytuje lineárna teória malých rozruchov (malých vĺn) a druhé teória plytkej vody. V štúdii je riešený tento problém priamou transformáciou Eulerových rovníc na materiálové hranice pohybujúcej sa tekutiny, t.j. na pevné steny a na voľnú hladinu. Použitý teoretický prístup sa zaobíde teda bez zjednodušujúcich predpokladov teórie malých vĺn a teórie plytkej vody.
One of the key hydrodynamic problems of gravitational flow with free surface namely the problem of free or unknown boundary has been dealt with in this study. In the first part of the study the equations of movement on the fluid boundary have been derived from the Euler´s equations by means of analytical transformation from N-dimensional space to N - 1 one. In this second part the boundary potential and closing up the obtained system of boundary equations is treated. and Predmetom tejto štúdie je jeden z kľúčových problémov gravitačného prúdenia s voľnou hladinou - problém neznámej hranice. V prvej časti štúdie boli odvodené rovnice pohybu tekutiny na jej materiálovej hranici, ako na pevnej, tak aj na voľnej hladine. To sa podarilo urobiť priamou analytickou transformáciou prostredníctvom vzťahov platných medzi vnútornými a vonkajšími deriváciami závisle premenných na hranici tekutiny. Táto časť štúdie sa zaoberá uzatvorením systému hraničných rovníc, získaných transformáciou v 1. časti štúdie.
Recently hydrological mapping have gained renewed interest in connection with climate-change impact studies, determination of water budgets at different temporal and spatial scales and the validation of atmospheric simulation models and hydrological models. Grids maps are often chosen for the representation of the spatial distribution of diverse physiographic and hydrologic information. This study focuses on the spatial estimation of the long-term mean annual actual (ET) and potential (EP) evapotranspiration in mountainous basins in Central Slovakia. Three methods used for EP and ET estimations are compared in a mapping framework: the modified empirical Turc model, the energy based SOLEI model and continuous water balance simulation using WASIM model. The spatial variability and consistency of EP and ET estimated by the different methods is evaluated and the performance of resulting ET grid maps is compared with the observed long-term water balance in three Hron river basins: river Hron to Bystra, Hron to Brezno and Hron to Banska Bystrica profiles. and Mapovanie prvkov hydrologickej bilancie má čoraz väčšie uplatnenie pri modelovaní priestorových zmien jednotlivých hydrologických prvkov, na určenie komponentov hydrologickej bilancie vybraných území, pri overovaní platnosti údajov pre rôzne atmosférické a hydrologické modely, ale aj pri štúdiách spojených s posudzovaním dôsledkov možnej zmeny klímy na hydrologický cyklus. Táto práca je venovaná možnostiam mapovania dlhodobého priemerného ročného aktuálneho (ET) a potenciálneho výparu (EP) s využitím rastrovej (štvorcovej) formy vyjadrenia ich priestorovej variability. Na konštrukciu máp EP a ET boli použité tri rôzne metódy: empirický model Turca, energeticky založený model SOLEI a model hydrologickej bilancie WaSiM. Výsledkom práce bolo zhodnotenie priestorovej variability a vzájomnej konzistencie rôznych metód aplikovaných na mapovanie EP a ET a porovnanie ich presnosti voči meraným dlhodobým prvkom hydrologickej bilancie v troch povodiach - povodí Bystrej, povodí Hrona po profil Brezno a po profil Banská Bystrica.
Drought as a natural phenomenon becomes more often the subject of the research. It is because of the increasing frequency of extreme climatic events also in mild climate conditions. Groundwater drought indices could be derived for different groundwater parameters, among them for base flow, groundwater head stage, spring yield, or groundwater recharge. Base flow drought assessment methods were proposed in the paper. Base flow values were separated from the discharge hydrograms using the new HydroOffice 2010 program package, lately developed by Gregor. The base flow drought severity index was applied, calculated as the value of the base flow drought deficit volume divided by the drought duration. After that, the standardized base flow drought severity index was proposed as the ratio of the base flow drought index and the average long-term annual base flow. Proposed methods were applied in the Nitra River basin. Base flow drought occurrence was characterized also from the seasonality point of view. and Sucho ako jeden z prírodných javov sa čoraz častejšie stáva predmetom výskumu. Príčinou je narastajúca frekvencia výskytu extrémnych klimatických situácií aj v miernych zemepisných šírkach. Klasifikačné kritériá výskytu sucha v podzemnej vode možno odvodiť pre rôzne parametre podzemnej vody, napríklad pre hodnoty podzemného odtoku, úrovne hladiny podzemnej vody, výdatnosti prameňa alebo dopĺňania zásob. V príspevku sú navrhnuté metódy hodnotenia sucha v podzemnom odtoku. Hodnoty podzemného odtoku boli z hydrogramu prietokov odseparované pomocou nového štatistického balíka HydroOffice 2010, ktorý bol v nedávnej minulosti vytvorený Gregorom. Index závažnosti sucha bol vypočítaný ako podiel nedostatkového objemu podzemného odtoku a dĺžky trvania sucha. Následne bola hodnota indexu závažnosti sucha normalizovaná vydelením dlhodobou priemernou hodnotou podzemného odtoku. Navrhnutá metodika bola použitá pre povodie toku Nitra. Výskyt sucha v podzemnej vode bol hodnotený aj z pohľadu jeho sezónnosti.
This study focuses on modeling hydrological responses of shallow hillslope soil in a headwater catchment. The research is conducted using data from the experimental site Uhlířská in Jizera Mountains, Czech Republic. To compare different approaches of runoff generation modeling, three models were used: (1) onedimensional variably saturated flow model S1D, based on the dual-continuum formulation of Richards’ equation; (2) zero-dimensional nonlinear morphological element model GEOTRANSF; and (3) semidistributed model utilizing the topographic index similarity assumption - TOPMODEL. Hillslope runoff hydrographs and soil water storage variations predicted by the simplified catchment scale models (GEOTRANSF and TOPMODEL) were compared with the respective responses generated by the more physically based local scale model S1D. Both models, GEOTRANSF and TOPMODEL, were found to predict general trends of hydrographs quite satisfactorily; however their ability to correctly predict soil water storages and inter-compartment fluxes was limited. and Studie je zaměřena na modelování hydrologické reakce mělké svahové půdy v pramenné části povodí Nisy, k výzkumu byla použita data z experimentálního povodí Uhlířská. Porovnání různých konceptuálních představ modelování odtoku bylo uskutečněno pro: (1) jednorozměrný model proměnlivě nasyceného proudění S1D; (2) model založený na bezrozměrném nelineárním morfologickém prvku - GEOTRANSF a (3) semi-distribuovaný model využívající principu podobnosti na základě topografického indexu - TOPMODEL. Hydrogramy odtoku ze svahu a změny zásob vody v půdě vypočtené zjednodušenými modely GEOTRANSF a TOPMODEL byly porovnány s odpovídajícími odezvami fyzikálně založeného modelu S1D. Oba modely, GEOTRANSF i TOPMODEL, byly poměrně úspěšné v předpovědi základních trendů hydrogramů odtoku, jejich schopnost správně předpovídat zásoby vody v půdě a toky mezi nimi však byla omezená.
In this paper we focused on the history of floods and extreme flood frequency analysis of the upper Danube River at Bratislava. Firstly, we briefly describe the flood marks found on the Danube River in the region of Bratislava, Slovakia, and provide an account of the floods’ consequences. Secondly, we analyzed the annual maximum discharge series for the period 1876–2012, including the most recent flood of June 2013. Thirdly, we compare the values of T-year design discharge computed with and without incorporating the historic floods (floods of the years 1501, 1682, and 1787 into the 138-year series of annual discharge peaks). There are unfortunately only a few historic flood marks preserved in Bratislava, but there are very important and old marks in neighbouring Hainburg and other Austrian cities upstream to Passau. The calculated T-year maximum discharge of the Danube at Bratislava for the period 1876-2010 without and with historic flood values have been compared. Our analysis showed that without incorporating the historic floods from the years 1501, 1682, and 1787 the 1000-year discharge calculated only with data from the instrumented period 1876- 2013 is 14,188 m3 s -1 , and it is lower compared to the 1000-year discharge of 14,803 m3 s -1 when the three historic floods are included. In general, the T-year discharge is higher throughout the whole spectrum of T-year discharges (10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500-year discharge) when the three historic floods are included. Incorporating historic floods into a time series of maximum annual discharge seems to exert a significant effect on the estimates of low probability floods. This has important implications for flood managements and estimation of flood design discharge.
The hydrological modeling can be considered as one of major possibilities for the quantification and qualification of changes in hydrological processes. For the application the WetSpa (Water and Energy Transfer between Soil, Plant and Atmosphere) model calibrated for the Hornad River Basin have been chosen. WetSpa simulates the most important hydrological processes in a river basin, such as runoff, actual evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge, and hydrographs at selected locations in the stream network, etc. The application have been done in the frame of the scientific objectives of the Tisza River Project - Reallife scale integrated catchment modelling for supporting water-related environmental management decisions (5th Framework Programme EU on Research and Technology Development). The Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering, the research unit of the Free University of Brussels (VUB) in cooperation with Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMÚ) and Water Research Institute in Bratislava (VÚVH) were responsible for calibration, validation and application of the WetSpa model in the Hornad River basin. and Pri hodnotení vplyvu využívania krajiny na priebeh povodní v povodí Hornádu sa aplikoval model WetSpa. Fyzikálne založený model bol vyvinutý na simuláciu a predpoveď prenosu vody a energie medzi pôdou, rastlinstvom a atmosférou (Water and Energy Transfer between Soil, Plants and Atmosphere- WetSpa). Modelové riešenie sa použilo v úlohe 5. rámcového programu EÚ ''Projekt rieky Tisa - integrované modelovanie povodia na podporu rozhodovacieho procesu v oblasti vody a prostredia od nej závislého''. Zodpovedným pracoviskom pre vytvorenie a aplikovanie modelu bolo Oddelenie hydrológie a hydrotechniky Univerzity Vrije v Bruseli. Úlohou spolupracujúcich organizácií zo SR (Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav a Výskumný ústav vodného hospodárstva) bolo zabezpečiť a poskytnúť vstupné údaje a konzultácie pri kalibrácii modelu a jeho aplikácii.
In theories of cognition, 4E approaches to cognition are seen to refrain from employing robust representations in contrast to Predictive Process, where such posits are utilized extensively. Despite this notable dissimilarity with regard to pos-its they employ in explaining certain cognitive phenomena, it has been repeatedly argued that they are in fact compatible. As one may expect, these arguments mostly end up contending either that Predictive Process is actually nonrepresentational or that 4E approaches are representational. In this paper, I will argue that such arguments are inadequate for the indicated purpose for several reasons: the variety of representational posits in Predictive Process, the diverse attitudes of practitioners of 4E approaches toward representations and the unconstrained use of the term “representation” in cognitive science. Hence, here I will try to demonstrate that any single argument, if it depends on representational 4E approaches or nonrepresentational Predictive Process, falls short of encompassing this heterogeneity in pertinent debates. Then, I will analyze similar arguments provided by Jacob Hohwy and Michael Kirchhoff to illustrate how destructive this seemingly ordinary criticism is.