A convergence structure generalizing the order convergence structure on the set of Hausdorff continuous interval functions is defined on the set of minimal usco maps. The properties of the obtained convergence space are investigated and essential links with the pointwise convergence and the order convergence are revealed. The convergence structure can be extended to a uniform convergence structure so that the convergence space is complete. The important issue of the denseness of the subset of all continuous functions is also addressed.
We consider the functional equation f(xf(x)) = ϕ(f(x)) where ϕ: J → J is a given homeomorphism of an open interval J ⊂ (0, ∞) and f : (0, ∞) → J is an unknown continuous function. A characterization of the class S(J,ϕ) of continuous solutions f is given in a series of papers by Kahlig and Smítal 1998–2002, and in a recent paper by Reich et al. 2004, in the case when ϕ is increasing. In the present paper we solve the converse problem, for which continuous maps f : (0, ∞) → J, where J is an interval, there is an increasing homeomorphism ϕ of J such that f ∈ S(J,ϕ). We also show why the similar problem for decreasing ϕ is difficult.
Síla stisku ruky je velmi dobrým ukazatelem zdraví, výkonnosti kosterního svalstva a celkově je dobrým indikátorem zdravotního stavu a vitality. Testosteron je hormon, který je primárně zodpovědný za rozvoj sekundárních pohlavních znaků a zároveň má silný vztah k tělesné síle a zevním ukazatelům rozvoje skeletální svaloviny. Byla publikována řada prací, které poukazují na úzký vztah mezi testosteronem a agresí. Nebyl však doposud vysvětlen kauzální vztah mezi hladinou testosteronu a výsledným agresivním chováním, tedy konkrétní působení metabolitů testosteronu v specifických oblastech mozku. Na základě publikovaných experimentálních prací jsou diskutována některá možná/částečná vysvětlení působení testosteronu na vznik agresivního chování. Dále je diskutován vztah mezi silou stisku ruky a lidským sexuálním chováním – tedy sexuální dimorfismus v síle stisku, ženská percepce (v rozdílných fázích menstruačního cykly) stisku ruky u mužů a volba partnera ve vztahu k jeho fitness (jak je hodnocena dle síly stisku ruky, jež je dobrým ukazatelem hladiny testosteronu)., Handgrip strength (HGS) is a very good marker of physical health, good muscle performance and an overall indicator of health status and vitality. Testosterone, as a hormone primarily responsible for secondary sexual traits development, is also strongly correlated to body strength and somatic features which represent it. It has been widely reported that testosterone correlates with aggression. However, the pathway of testosterone metabolites in specific brain regions, or cause and effect formula of testosterone level and aggression has not been satisfactorily explained. Several possible and/or partial explanations based on published experiments are discussed. Furthermore, the relation between HGS and human sexual behavior is discussed – the sexual dimorphism in HGS, the perception of male HGS by females at different stages of the menstrual cycle and the selection of a partner with respect to his fitness (as estimated by HGS which is a good indicator of testosterone level)., and Daniela Cunha, Filipe Monteiro, Yasin Hamarat, Martin Čuta
The road traffic accidents (RTA) cause large dainage on human health and life, material and environmental damages. The human resource losses represent the main component of the social costs of RTA. These total costs are estimated at per cents of GDP. The severity and effects of the sleep-related RTA are similar to the alcohol-related RTA. According to foreign studies they comprise 1 to 25% of all accidents. In the Czech Republic these data are not available, the amount of social costs of the sleep-related RTA can be estimated at billions of CZK yearly.
In October 1932 Iraq was accepted as a member of the League of Nations and the British mandate was terminated. It was the first modernArab state to achieve (formal) independence. It was also the first to experience a military coup d’état in 1936. Staff Lt. General Bakr Şidqī, Commander of the 2nd division at Kirkūk was, during the absence of his superior, made acting chief of staff and took advantage of his temporary post to carry out a military coup d’état. He established a precedent which was to be followed many times in Arab politics. The first military coup d’état, originating from new sources of political power, produced an almost complete change in the operation of the machinery of government. No other incident, since the establishment of the kingdom in 1921, had such far-reaching effects on the internal politics of Iraq.
The Treaty of Lisbon has introduced several modifications concerning the EU courts that have already had a significant impact on their activity. The most important one is the possibility for all national courts to address to the Court of Justice references for a preliminary ruling on the interpretation and validity of acts of the Area of freedom, security and justice. A similar impact can be attributed to the possibility for natural and legal persons to contest regulatory acts which are of direct concern to them. However, the Treaty of Lisbon has also introduced modifications that have not had any significant impact on the activity of the EU courts. This is the case, for example, for the provisions on actions brought by national Parliaments for infringement of the principle of subsudiarity or the provisions on direct actions in the Area of freedom, security and justice.
We describe the male courtship song of the newly-discovered species Drosophila santomea, endemic to the island of Saõ Tomé and the sister species of the widely distributed D. yakuba, which also inhabits the island. The song of D. santomea resembles that of D. yakuba in lacking a "sine" song, but the interpulse interval (IPI) in the "pulse" song is about 67 ms for the former species and 110 ms for the latter. This is the largest difference in IPI observed between any two sister species in the D. melanogaster subgroup, and may play a role in the strong sexual isolation between these two species.
We can conclude that the Hungarian Penal Code does not include statutory regulations fore the consent of the aggrieved person. To be able to adopt this instrument The judicial practice made this legal institution applicable by developing its conditions and background. Given that the consent of the aggrieved person restricts the scope of criminal liability I do consider that this institution is agrees with the requirements of the sate constitution. I would also like to point out that several authors are on the opinion that the consent of the injured person should be regularized with a statutory rule to ensure the requirements of legal certainty. However, the new Penal Code, that is currently in the phase of public harmonization, does not include it, either.