The main purpose of the paper is to ofer an overview of recent research problems and debates concerning the emergence of masculinity/masculinities through the gendered preparation and consumption of food. While it takes the shape of a systematic review of scientiic papers related to the mutual interdependence of masculinities and food -related practices in the past decade, it attempts to provide a synthetic snapshot of the ield. First of all, an inventory of dominant images of masculinity and food is outlined in order to provide a frame of reference for the subsequent discussion. Masculinity is then examined as an emergent quality of various practices of a) consumption and b) production of food in two chapters. In the first chapter, both the content and forms and attitudes in regard to masculine consumption are discussed, including speciically priorities in food choices and related health issues. In the second chapter, manly cooking as performance (as presented by the media and represented by customs) on the one hand and as a necessity (in purely male groups) on the other is brought under scrutiny., Adam Gajdoš., Obsahuje bibliografii, and Abstrakt a klíčová slova anglicky
Sleep is regulated by complex biological systems and environmental influences, neither of which is fully clarified. This study demonstrates differential effects of partial sleep deprivation (SD) on sleep architecture and psychomotor vigilance task (PVT) performance using two different protocols (sequentially) that each restricted daily sleep to 3 hours in healthy adult men. The protocols differed only in the period of sleep restriction; in one, sleep was restricted to a 3-hour block from 12:00 AM to 3:00 AM, and in the other, sleep was restricted to a block from 3:00 AM to 6:00 AM. Subjects in the earlier sleep restriction period showed a significantly lower percentage of rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep after 4 days (17.0 vs. 25.7 %) and a longer latency to the onset of REM sleep (L-REM) after 1 day (78.8 vs. 45.5 min) than they did in the later sleep restriction period. Reaction times on PVT performance were also better (i.e. shorter) in the earlier SR period on day 4 (249.8 vs. 272 ms). These data support the view that earlier-night sleep may be more beneficial for daytime vigilance than later-night sleep. The study also showed that cumulative declines in daytime vigilance resulted from loss of total sleep time, rather than from specific stages, and underscored the reversibility of SR effects with greater amounts of sleep., H. Wu ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
We analyzed human postural responses to muscle vibration applied at four different frequencies to lower leg muscles, the lateral gastrocnemius (GA) or tibialis anterior (TA) muscles. The muscle vibrations induced changes in postural orientation characterized by the center of pressure (CoP) on the force platform surface on which the subjects were standing. Unilateral vibratory stimulation of TA induced body leaning forward and in the direction of the stimulated leg. Unilateral vibration of GA muscles induced body tilting backwards and in the opposite direction of the stimulated leg. The time course of postural responses was similar and started within 1 s after the onset of vibration by a gradual body tilt. When a new slope of the body position was reached, oscillations of body alignment occurred. When the vibrations were discontinued, this was followed by rapid recovery of the initial body position. The relationship between the magnitude of the postural response and frequency of vibration differed between TA and GA. While the magnitude of postural responses to TA vibration increased approximately linearly in the 60-100 Hz range of vibration frequency, the magnitude of response to GA vibration increased linearly only at lower frequencies of 40-60 Hz. The direction of body tilt induced by muscle vibration did not depend on the vibration frequency., A. Polónyová, F. Hlavačka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Maligní arytmie jsou častou komplikací ischemie myokardu během rozvoje spazmu koronární cévy. Popisujeme pacienta s variantní anginou pectoris, opakovaně resuscitovaného pro zástavu oběhu při maligní arytmii, kterému byl naimplantován ICD. Během stenokardií se na EKG objevuje obraz elevací ST segmentů v oblasti přední stěny, se vznikem setrvalé polymorfní komorové tachykardie. Pro recidivy tachyarytmie byla nutná zevní defibrilace. Při koronarografii dochází na RIA k rozvoji spazmu s počátkem v periferii tepny, postupujícím až do oblasti bifurkace s RD s přechodným uzávěrem tepny a vznikem komorové tachykardie. Po přidání blokátoru kalciového kanálu a depotního nitrátu a vysazení betablokátoru je pacient již nadále zcela bez potíží., Tomáš Skála, Martin Hutyra, Jan Galuszka, Marián Fedorco, Roman Husár, Marek Richter, J. Lukl, and Lit.: 20
The text examines school failure and the underachievement of boys in the light of the wider context of gendered, un/equal opportunities in the education system and process. Recent findings from international research reports are raised in a discussion to confirm or refute theories of the marginalization of boys and young men. Based on relevant Czech statistical data, the article contributes to opening up Czech sociological debate on gendered educational and life courses., Iva Šmídová., tabulky, and Obsahuje bibliografii
Předmětem studie je teoretická analýza feministické antropologie jako relativně autonomního výzkumného směru a svébytné antropologické disciplíny. Zvláštní pozornost bude věnována vývojovým proměnám feministické antropologie. Cílem studie je přispět k ap- likaci genderového přístupu na výzkum sociokulturních jevů. Proto je feministická antropologie analyzovaná jako přístup, který v opozici k tradičnímu androcentrickému studiu člověka vnáší do vědy o kultuře „ženský hlas“ a genderovou perspektivu., The subject of this study is a theoretic analysis of feministic anthropology as a relatively autonomous research approach and an independent anthropological discipline. Special attention will be paid to evolutionary changes of feministic anthropology. The study aims at enhancing the use of gender approach when researching socio-cultural phenomena. That is why feministic anthropology is analysed as an approach which – as opposed to the traditional androcentric study of man – brings into cultural science a “woman’s voice” and gender point of view., Václav Soukup, and Literatura
Sociology and sociological theory have been effective in analyzing societal and institutional conflict and violence, but less so in analyzing the specifics of interpersonal violence. This article examines the sociological significance of domestic violence. This relationship, or sometimes its neglect, is underlain by several tensions and paradoxes, which in turn have broader implications for sociology, sociological theory and social theory. These matters are examined through: the possible paradox of violence and intimacy in the phenomenon of domestic violence; the importance of the naming and framing of such violence; explanation, responsibility and agency; and gender, hegemony and discourse in men’s violence to known women, as part of a multi-faceted power approach., Jeff Hearn., and Obsahuje použitou literaturu