The article introduces the Czech broadside ballad as one of the genres of semi-popular production. It outlines its development, formal characteristics and specific features and, at the same time, points out its integration into the broader Central European cultural context. It mentions the interest of the Czech public at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century in this song genre and concerns more dosely with the collection of broadside ballads in the Museum of the Prostějov Region in Prostějov. It presents the extent of the collection, its physical State and the stage of scientific scrutiny. It specifies the chronological and genre aspects of the collection and mentions the minor curiosities. The aim of the article was not the content analysis of the individual prints, but rather the specification of their provenance. The enclosed provenance register lists the individual printers as well as printing families dedicated to the broadside production from the end of the eighteenth to the beginning of the twentieth century. The concluding part of the article accentuates the importance of broadside prints and the need of their preservation for future generations.
Species richness and above-ground biomass of vascular plants and bryophytes of poor acidic fens (the Sphagno recurvi-Caricion canescentis alliance), rich Sphagnum fens (the Caricion fuscae and Sphagno warnstorfii-Tomenthypnion alliances) and calcareous spring fens (the Caricion davallianae alliance including tufa-forming spring fens) were studied. The study area was in the western parts of the Outer Carpathians in the border region of the Czech and Slovak Republics. The numbers of species were recorded in plots ranging from 0.00196 to 16m2 and correlated with chemical factors and above-ground biomass. The chemical properties of springwater (mainly pH, conductivity, Ca2+, Mg2+) were the main factors influencing the species richness of vascular plants. Tufa-forming calcareous fen communities (Carici flavae-Cratoneuretum) had the highest species richness of vascular plants. In contrast, the highest species richness of bryophytes occurred at pHneutral sites, in peat forming calcareous fen communities (Valeriano-Caricetum flavae) and in those with Sphagnum warnstorfii and S. teres. Bryophyte species richness of small plots was correlated with the iron concentration in the springwater. The differences in species richness of calcareous fens were related to the mowing regime. Litter mass had a negative effect on the species richness of vascular plants. Mosses responded to high amounts of litter or vascular plant biomass by a significant decrease in biomass. Two types of Sphagnum fens: (a) strongly dominated by Sphagnum flexuosum or S. palustre (rich in phosphates) and (b) polydominant (poor in phosphates), were also compared. In the former, the slope of the regression for the dependence of bryophyte species richness on plot size was less steep.
The current state of the taxonomy of Rubus ser. Discolores in the Czech Republic is summarized. Since 1995, when the group was treated in the Flora of the Czech Republic (Holub 1995), six new species have been recognized, some of which are also known from adjacent areas. They are described in the present study: R. austroslovacus Trávníček, R. flos-amygdalae Trávníček et Holub, R. guttiferus Trávníček et Holub, R. parthenocissus Trávníček et Holub, R. pericrispatus Holub et Trávníček and R. portae-moravicae Holub et Trávníček. The first five belong to the group of triploid species close to R. montanus Lej. and R. grabowskii Weihe, whilst R. portae-moravicae is related to R. praecox Bertol. Two additional species, originally recognized under provisional names, were found to be identical to species described earlier: R. perperus H. E. Weber and R. phyllostachys P. J. Mueller; the latter is also found in Slovakia. At present, 17 indigenous species, one naturalized alien (R. armeniacus Focke) and one rare garden escape (R. ulmifolius Schott) of the ser. Discolores are known to occur in the Czech Republic. Distribution data and a key for the identification of all the species are presented.
Main aim of the study was to determine the temporal and spatial patterns of relations between monthly and annual average river flow (RF) and water temperature (WT) for 53 rivers in Poland. The research made use of monthly and annual WT and RF for 88 water gauges for the period 1971–2015. Correlations were established using the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and the similarity of RF–WT relations was determined using the Ward’s hierarchical grouping. It was demonstrated that correlations between average annual RF and WT were negative (for >85% of water gauges) and statistically significant (p<0.05) only for 30% of water gauges. It was confirmed that the studied RF–WT relations underwent seasonal changes. Positive correlations were clearly predominant in the winter months, while from April to September these relations were negative and statistically significant. The RF–WT relations were also characterized by spatial differences and this had been confirmed by separation of seven groups of water gauge profiles distinguished with the help of the Ward's hierarchical grouping method. The strongest RF–WT relations were apparent in the case of mountainous rivers, for which snow melt supply and summer rainfall supply were predominant, and lakeland rivers, which had a considerable share of groundwater supply. These were classified as cold rivers, as opposed to the cool rivers in the lowland belt, for which the RF–WT relations were the weakest. The results obtained may contribute to the elaboration of an appropriate management strategy for river ecosystems, which are assigned important economic and environmental functions.
Two new species, Taraxacum maricum and Taraxacum cristatum, of the section Erythrosperma from Central Europe are described in this paper. These species are similar to western European taxa, T. maricum to T. proximum, and T. cristatum is morphologically close to T. scanicum. Both new taxa are triploid apomictic microspecies. Specific characteristics, information on distribution and ecology and comparison with similar species are presented. Pictures and distribution maps of the new species are also included.
Unikaryon montanum sp, n. infects the fat body, muscle, Malpighian tubules and ovaries of adult Ips typographus L. The development is haplokaryotic, with separate nuclei during the schizogony and sporogony. Sporonts have the cellular envelope with added layer of electron dense material. Two types of spores are formed: small broad-oval primary spores, 1.5 x 1.0 pm, with warty surface of spore wall, uninucleate, with isofilar polar filament in 5/6 coils and elongated-oval environmental spores, 0.8-1 x 2 pm, with warty spore wall attenuated at the anterior end, uninucleate, with spore polar filament in 8 coils. Both types have a dual polaroplast with the anterior part of a layer of confluent fine lamellae ending posteriorly in bulbous processes, and posterior part composed of coil of tubules.
The study deals with the historical determinants, concepts and practical implementation of the foreign policy of the Slovak Republic in the first decade of its existence (from its establishment in 1993 to Slovakia's accession to the NATO and EU in 2004). Author examines the external and internal factors shaping the Slovak foreign policy, i.e. in particular the dynamics, which on the one hand resulted from the attractiveness of NATO and the EU (and of the Western orientation in general) but on the other hand was based on the anti-liberal and nationalist political traditions and tendencies that were very significant in Slovakia in the respective period. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
The composition of the vegetation of fishpond mires in the Třeboň Basin (Czech Republic) was studied in relation to temporal fluctuations in certain environmental factors. The water-table depth, water pH and electrical conductivity at 49 permanent plots were measured at approximately threeweek intervals from March to October 2003. Minimum, maximum, mean, median and variation in the above-mentioned environmental factors were correlated with vegetation composition. The most important environmental factors explaining the variation in vegetation were mean pH and maximum water-table level. Median conductivity increased with increase in waterlogging and eutrophication. Some seasonal trends in the dynamics of these parameters were observed. The lowest conductivity was in spring, increased continuously throughout summer and peaked in autumn. In contrast, water level decreased in summer, when evapotranspiration was greatest, and rose in autumn after heavy rainfall. The pH increased from March to June, then was stable and decreased at the end of summer. Seasonal trends were generally identical in all vegetation types. The fluctuations in the environmental factors were so considerable that they may influence the reliability of vegetation environmental analyses.
A new genus, Vindobonella gen. n. (Acerentomidae s. l.), and a new species, Vindobonella leopoldina sp. n., are described from Vienna. The new genus belongs to a group characterized by a reduced labial palp and a non-modified striate band on abdominal segment VIII.
Cílem práce je diskutovat význam her v předliterárních společnostech. Této společenské aktivitě je dosud věnována nedostatečná pozornost především, co se období evropské prehistorie týká. Článek je založen na hypotetické interpretaci rondelů jakožto ohraničeného místa pro provozování her. Na důležitost fenoménu her z hlediska jejich společenské funkce poukazuje úvodní teoretická pasáž. Faktografický základ textu tvoří formální a metrické srovnání rondelů několika archeologických kultur studovaného období. Interpretační rámec doplňují etnohistorické informace z oblasti Mezoameriky o významu institucionalizované míčové hry pro fungování tamní stratifikované společnosti. and The aim of this contribution is to discuss the significance of games in preliterate societies. To date, not much attention has been paid to this social activity, primarily concerning the period of European prehistory. This article is based on a hypothetical interpretation of rondels as an enclosed area for playing games. The introductory theoretical passage refers to the importance of the phenomenon of games in terms of their social function. The factual basis of the text comprises a formal and metric comparison of rondels of several archaeological cultures in the studied period. The interpretational framework is supplemented by ethnohistorical information, from Mesoamerica, on the significance of an institutionalised ball game for the functioning of the stratified society there.