Parasites of the genus Cryptosporidium Tyzzer, 1910 are one of the most common protistan parasites of vertebrates. Faecal samples from 179 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes [Linnaeus]), 100 grey wolves (Canis lupus Linnaeus), 11 golden jackals (Canis aureus Linnaeus), and 63 brown bears (Ursus arctos Linnaeus) were collected in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. Samples were examined for the presence of Cryptosporidium spp. using microscopy and PCR/sequence analysis. Phylogenetic analysis based on the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU), actin and 60-kDa glycoprotein (gp60) genes using the maximum likelihood method revealed the presence of Cryptosporidium tyzzeri Ren, Zhao, Zhang, Ning, Jian et al., 2012 (n = 1) and C. andersoni Lindsay, Upton, Owens, Morgan, Mead et Blackburn, 2000 (n = 2) in red foxes, C. canis Fayer, Trout, Xiao, Morgan, Lai et Dubey, 2001 (n = 2) and C. ubiquitum Fayer, Santín et Macarisin, 2010 (n = 2) in grey wolves, and C. galli Pavlásek, 1999 in brown bears (n = 1) and red foxes (n = 1). Subtyping of isolates of C. ubiquitum and C. tyzzeri based on sequence analysis of gp60 showed that they belong to the XIId and IXa families, respectively. The presence of specific DNA of C. tyzzeri, C. andersoni and C. galli, which primarily infect the prey of carnivores, is probably the result of their passage through the gastrointestinal tract of the carnivores. Finding C. ubiquitum XIId in wolves may mean broadening the host spectrum of this subtype, but it remains possible this is the result of infected prey passing through the wolf - in this case deer, which is a common host of this parasite. The dog genotype of C. canis was reported for the first time in wolves.
V posledních letech byl podstatně redefinován vztah mezi českým a mezinárodním právem. Nyní je ČR povinna dodržovat závazky, které pro ni vyplývají z mezinárodního práva (čl. 1 odst. 2 Ústavy), vyhlášené mezinárodní smlouvy ratifikované se souhlasem Parlamentu jsou součástí právního řádu s předností před rozpornými ustanoveními zákonů (čl. 10 Ústavy) a na základě judikatury Ústavního soudu ČR mají mezinárodní smlouvy o lidských právech stejnou právní sílu jako ustanovení vnitrostátního ústavního pořádku.Právní důsledky těchto proměn jsou však stále předmětem debaty. To platí i o odpovědnosti české veřejné moci za škodu způsobenou porušením mezinárodních závazků. Tento článek se přiklání k tomu, že taková odpovědnost by měla být uznávána přinejmenším ve vztahu k mezinárodním smlouvám v působnosti čl. 10 Ústavy.Ve prospěch takového názoru svědčí srovnání s Francií a Polskem, tedy státy, které při obdobném ústavním uspořádání takovou odpovědnost uznaly, a rovněž odkaz na zásady právního státu, na které Ústavní soud ČR nahlíží jako na klíčový základ pro existenci odpovědnosti veřejné moci za škodu. and In the last years, the relationship between Czech and international law has been substantially redefined. By now, The Czech Republic shall be obliged to respect its undertakings under international law (Art 1-2 Constitution), published treaties ratified upon the consent of the Parliament shall be “the part of the legal order”with precedence over any conflicting provision of the Acts of the Czech Parliament (Art 10 Constitution), and, under the case-law of the Czech Constitutional Court, treaties on human rights shall have the same rank as the provisions of domestic constitutional law. However, legal consequences of these transformations are still subject to debate. This is also true of the liability of the Czech State in tort for breaches of its international undertakings. The present article argues such liability shall be recognized at least with regard to treaties coming in the ambit of Art 10 Constitution. This view is supported by comparison with France and Poland, or States, which, under comparable constitutional setting, have come to recognize such liability in tort, an, also by reference to the rule of law principles which the Czech Constitutional Court views as the key legal
ground for the existence of the State liability in tort.
This paper aims to describe the production of minor items, mostly dress accessories, from non-ferrous metals on a market square to understand how the organization of space looked like and to get an insight of chaînes d’opératoires. Base for this research are numerous production waste finds from excavations which were conducted in Wroclaw at New Market Square – a place which fulfils a role of a market square since the 2nd half of the 13th century to this day. The paper focus on spatial analysis of finds based on proposed ‘typology’of metal scraps in relation to organization of similar production in the whole medieval city. and Článek se zabývá drobnými artefakty (především oděvními aplikacemi) z neželezných kovů, jež pocházejí z prostoru náměstí Nowy Targ ve Vratislavi. Předmětem výzkumu je početný soubor výrobního odpadu z druhé poloviny 13. a ze 14. století. Článek se zaměřuje na prostorovou analýzu různých typologických skupin kovového odpadu ve formě odstřižků a úlomků, a to s přihlédnutím k dokladům obdobné produkce v rámci celého města. Vypracovaná typologie předmětů slouží jako východisko studia funkčního uspořádání tržního prostranství a tzv. operačního řetězce výroby.
Of 31 species of coprophagous beetles from the following families: Aphodiidae, Geotrupidae, Scarabaeidae, individuals of 25 species carried deutonymphs of Uropoda orbicularis (Müller, 1776). The mite's preferences for attaching to specific parts of an insect's body were determined by examining 4,318 specimens of beetles from the following families: Aphodiidae, Geotrupidae, Scarabaeidae, Hydrophilidae and Histeridae. We recorded 14,507 cases of phoresy (5,822 deutonymphs and 8,685 of pedicels without mites) on 2,056 insects. Elytra and the third pair of legs were the areas most frequently occupied by the mites. The mite's preferences for attaching to specific parts of an insect body are reported for the first time.
A survey of soil fauna in Poland revealed 30 cases of centipedes carrying mites of the sub-order Uropodina. The 155 phoretic deutonymphs collected belonged to two species of Uropodina - Oodinychus ovalis (C.L. Koch, 1839) and Uroobovella pulchella (Berlese, 1904). These mites displayed a high degree of selectivity in their choice of carrier. The only species of centipede transporting mites was Lithobius forficatus (Linnaeus, 1758), despite the presence of 30 other species in the same habitats. It is possible that the large size and relatively fast speed of movement of this centipede make it a very good mite carrier. The majority of the mites were located on the sides of the centipedes, on segments near the anterior end. The high selectivity in the choice of carrier as well as the point of attachment suggests adaptation by the mites for phoresy by L. forficatus.
Post-war Czechoslovakia needed foreign labour and the ineffective system of planned economy even increased the demand. Polish labour was preferred in a significant way by Czechoslovak companies during the whole period of the communist regime. Therefore, some companies from certain industrial sectors, such as glass and textiles, became almost dependent on Polish labour. Overwhelming majority of the workers were women. At the same time, governments and central planning bodies of both countries tried to control and sometimes even limit the foreign workforce both from economic and political reasons. After the arrival of Polish guest workers, rumours about their immoral behaviour, perceived as hunting for husbands in Czechoslovakia in order to stay in an economically better developed country, spread among their Czech neighbours. This stereotype is based on facts in some cases but do not necessarily evince a relationship between cause and effect. It is likely that negative opinion on the Polish workwomen was infl uenced by a stereotypical view of their country of origin (and of foreigners in general) and their gender. Other reasons for taking a job in the CSR, like a wish to escape from social control at home as well as to obtain scarce commodities, played an important role.
The article deals with major conflicts over competing interpretations of contemporary history which took place in Poland after 1989. It frames this subject in a chain of historical debates concerning among others the Second World War, attitudes of Polish society vis-à-vis extermination of Jewish population during the Holocaust and post-War resistance against the Communist regime. It describes attempts of the Polish political right to impose a nationalistic narrative in the sphere of public history and examines political meaning of several state-run projects (Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk, Museum of Polish Jews’ History in Warsaw, European Solidarity Centre in Gdańsk, Museum of Poles Saving Jews in World War II in Markowa).
Recenzent představuje ediční řadu monografií evropských států „Evropské dějiny ve 20. století“ (Europäische Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert), kterou v mnichovském nakladatelství C. H. Beck inicioval a řídí odborník na soudobé dějiny Ulrich Herbert a jejíž součástí jsou Borodziejovy dějiny Polska. Podle recenzenta patří k nejinvenčnějším z dosud vydaných svazků řady. Přístup autora, předního polského historika soudobých dějin, k tématu hodnotí jako věcně kritický, z metodologického hlediska kombinující „nové politické dějiny“ se sociálně vnímanými hospodářskými dějinami a aspekty dějin mentalit. Za hlavní přínos pokládá diferencovaný pohled na polské dějiny, zahrnující v sobě pluralitu historických aktérů s jejich rozdílnými záměry a vnímáním reality., The reviewer presents a series of monographs on the history of individual European countries. Called Europäische Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert (European History in the Twentieth Century), the series was initiated by C. H. Beck, Munich, and is edited by an expert on contemporary history, Ulrich Herbert. The reviewer then considers one of the books in the series, Borodziej’s history of Poland. According to the reviewer, it is among the most inventive of the volumes published so far. Borodziej is a leading Polish scholar of contemporary history, and, according to the reviewer, the approach he takes in the book is factually critical, combining ‘new political history’ with socially perceived economic history and aspects of the history of mentalities. He considers the chief contribution to be its differentiated view of Polish history, comprising a plurality of historical actors with different aims and perceptions of reality., and [autor recenze] Jiří Pešek.