The aim of the study was to evaluate short-term heart rate variability (HRV) as an index of cardiac autonomic control in rats with lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced endotoxemia. Animals were injected intraperitoneally with LPS (100 μg/kg b.w.) and control group with an equivalent volume of saline. ECG recordings were done before (base) and 60, 120, 180, 240 and 300 min after LPS or saline administration. HRV magnitude was quantified by time and frequency-domain analysis (mean RR interval, SDRR, RMSSD, spectral powers in low (LF) and high frequency (HF) bands. Heart tissue homogenates and plasma were analyzed to determine interleukin 6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and oxidative stress level (TBARS). Administration of lipopolysaccharide was followed by continuous rise in colonic body temperature compared to saline-treated controls. Endotoxemia in rats was accompanied by significant decrease in HRV spectral activity in high-frequency range at maximal body temperature (logHFpower: 1.2±0.5 vs. 1.9± 0.6 ms2, P<0.01). Increased IL-6 was found in heart tissue homogenates of LPS rats (8.0±0.6 vs. 26.4±4.8 pg/ml, (P<0.05). In conclusions, reduced HRV in HF band may indicate a decreased parasympathetic activity in LPS-induced endotoxemia as basic characteristics of altered cardiac control during response to endotoxemia., I. Zila, D. Mokra, J. Kopincova, M. Kolomaznik, M. Javorka, A. Calkovska., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) in newborns is influenced by genetic determinants, gestational and postnatal age, and other variables. Premature infants have a reduced HRV. In neonatal HRV evaluated by spectral analysis, a dominant activity can be found in low frequency (LF) band (combined parasympathetic and sympathetic component). During the first postnatal days the activity in the high frequency (HF) band (parasympat hetic component) rises, together with an increase in LF band and total HRV. Hypotrophy in newborn can cause less mature autonomic cardiac control with a higher contribution of sympathetic activity to HRV as demonstrated by sequence plot analysis. During quiet sleep (QS) in newborns HF oscillations increase - a phenomenon less expressed or missing in premature infants. In active sleep (AS), HRV is enhanced in contrast to reduced activity in HF band due to the rise of spectral activity in LF band. Comparison of the HR and HRV in newborns born by physiological vaginal delivery, without (VD) and with epidural anesthesia (EDA) and via sectio cesarea (SC) showed no significant differences in HR and in HRV time domain parameters. Analysis in the frequency domain re vealed, that the lowest sympathetic activity in chronotropic cardiac chronotropic regulation is in the VD group. Different neonatal pathological states can be associated with a reduction of HRV and an improvement in the health conditions is followed by ch anges in HRV what can be use as a possible prognostic marker. Examination of heart rate variability in neonatology can provide information on the maturity of the cardiac chronotropic regulation in early postnatal life, on postnatal adaptation and in pathological conditions about the potential dysregulation of cardiac function in newborns, especially in preterm infants., K. Javorka, Z. Lehotska, M. Kozar, Z. Uhrikova, B. Kolarovszki, M. Javorka, M. Zibolen., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Diabetes mellitus is associated with a variety of cardiovascular complications including impaired cardiac muscle function. The effects of insulin treatment on heart rate, body temperature and physical activity in the alloxan (ALX)-induced diabetic rat were investigated using in vivo biotelemetry techniques. The electrocardiogram, physical activity and body temperature were recorded in vivo with a biotelemetry sy stem for 10 days before ALX treatment, for 20 days following administration of ALX (120 mg/kg) and thereafter, for 15 days whilst rats received daily insulin. Heart rate declined rapi dly after administration of ALX. Pre-ALX heart rate was 321 ± 9 beats per minute, falling to 285 ± 12 beats per minute 15-20 days after ALX and recovering to 331±10 beats per minute 5-10 days after commencement of insulin. Heart rate variabilit y declined and PQ, QRS and QT intervals were prolonged after administration of ALX. Physical activity and body temperature declined after administration of ALX. Pre-ALX body temperature was 37.6 ± 0.1 °C, falling to 37.3 ± 0.1 °C 15-20 days after ALX an d recovering to 37.8±0.1 °C 5-10 days after commencement insulin. ALX-induced diabetes is associated with disturbances in heart rhythm, physical activity and body temperature that are variously affected during insulin treatment., F. C. Howarth ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Cardiovascular pathologies are frequently associated with anxiety
and other behavioral disturbances. Ivabradine, an inhibitor of the
hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channels in
the sinoatrial node, decreases heart rate and provides
cardiovascular protection. Although ivabradine is increasingly
used in cardiovascular medicine, the data on its behavioral
effects are lacking. The aim of this work was to show
ivabradine’s potential effect on behavior in healthy and
hypertensive rats. After a four-week treatment period, systolic
blood pressure was increased in the N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl
ester (L-NAME)-group and ivabradine significantly reduced it.
Furthermore, it reduced the heart rate in both the control and
L-NAME-group. In the control group, ivabradine enhanced the
time spent in and transition to the open arms of the elevated
plus maze test (EPM). In the L-NAME-group, ivabradine does not
show a significant effect on the time spent in the EPM open arms
and the number of transitions into them. Furthermore, ivabradine
has no impact on cognitive function in both control and L-NAME
groups. We conclude that ivabradine showed no undesirable
effects on anxiety, locomotion or learning; in fact, some of these
parameters were even improved. For the first time it has been
shown that ivabradine is a safe cardiovascular drug regarding its
effect on psycho-behavioral manifestations.
The spectral analysis technique was applied for noninvasive assessment of heart-rate baroreflex sensitivity (BRS). The coherence between fluctuation of blood pressure and heart rate at 0.1 Hz and at respiratory frequency is high. This fact enables the assessment of BRS by means of calculating the modulus (or gain) of the transfer function between variations in blood pressure and heart rate. The noninvasive continuous blood pressure registration according to Peňáz was used. During voluntarily controlled breathing intervals, the amplitude of 0.1 Hz and respiratory peaks in the spectra of heart rate and blood pressure changed markedly. Nevertheless, the average sensitivity of the baroreflex (modulus) changed insignificantly. This result indicated that the stability of BRS can be advantageous for the use of BRS in clinical practice. The difference between the modulus at 0.1 Hz and at the breathing rate indicates that baroreflex is only one of the factors causing respiratory arrhythmia. We also compared the determination of BRS by spectral analysis with the following alternative method: both lower extremities were occluded for 5 minutes. The release of pressure in the occluding cuffs decreased blood pressure which was followed by a baroreceptor-mediated increase of heart rate. Both methods correlated, but more detailed analysis revealed the role of the low pressure receptors in BRS determined by spectral analysis.
The aim of the study was to assess the association between promoter polymorphism [A(-596)G] in interleukin-6 gene and office systolic and diastolic blood pressures, and the heart rate (HR) in apparently healthy Czech subjects. Furthermore, we evaluated the possible influence of gender, BMI and smoking on these supposed associations. An age-matched (40-50 years) and gender-matched (F/M=81/89) sample of apparently healthy Czech subjects (n=170, F/M=81/89) without hypertension, other cardiovascular diseases or diabetes was examined. The A(-596)G Il-6 gene polymorphism was detected by the PCR method. No differences in genotype distribution and/or allelic frequency was found between groups with lower systolic blood pressure (£ 122 mm Hg) and higher systolic blood pressure (> 122 mm Hg). Similarly, no differences in the IL-6 polymorphism were found between lower (£ 86 mm Hg) and higher (> 86 mm Hg) diastolic blood pressure groups. However, we proved a significant increase of genotypes AG+GG as well as the allele (-596)G in higher (>78 beats/min) heart rate group. The genotypes AG+GG represent significantly higher relative risk for higher HR frequency, especially in women. Among lean persons with a low heart rate frequency, fewer AG+GG genotypes were determined than among any other subjects. The genotypes AG+GG are more frequent in non-smoking persons with higher HR compared to non-smoking subjects with lower HR, especially in women. Gender, BMI and smoking substantially modify the distribution of A(-596)G Il-6 gene polymorphism in apparently healthy persons with lower or higher heart rate., A. Vašků, M. Souček, M. Goldbergová, J. Vácha., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Glucocorticoids (GCS) are known to modulate cardiovascular response during stress conditions. The present study was aimed to test the hypothesis that permissive and/or stimulating effect of GCs is essential for the maintenance of peripheral vascular resistance and for the adequate response of cardiovascular system to stressor exposure. The effects of acute pharmacological adrenalectomy (PhADX) on humoral and cardiovascular parameters were studied in adult Wistar rats under the basal conditions and during the acute restraint stress. Acute PhADX was performed by the administration of metyrapone and aminoglutethimide (100 mg/kg s.c. of each drug) resulting in a suppression of endogenous glucocorticoid synthesis. Blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and core body temperature were measured using radiotelemetry. BP responses to administration of vasoactive agents were determined in pentobarbital-anesthetized animals. PhADX considerably attenuated stress-induced increase of BP, HR and core body temperature. PhADX did not abolish BP and HR lowering effects of ganglionic blocker pentolinium indicating preserved sympathetic function in PhADX rats. BP response to exogenous norepinephrine administration was attenuated in PhADX rats, suggesting reduced sensitivity of cardiovascular system. Suppression of corticosterone synthesis by PhADX increased basal plasma levels of ACTH, aldosterone and plasma renin activity in unstressed animals but there was no further increase of these hormones following stressor exposure. In conclusion, PhADX attenuated stress-induced rise of blood pressure, heart rate and core body temperature indicating an important permissive and/or stimulating role of glucocorticoids in the maintenance of the adequate response of cardiovascular system and thermoregulation to several stimuli including acute exposure to stressor.
Whole-body vibration (WBV) is a new exercise method, with good acceptance among sedentary subjects. The metabolic response to WBV has not been well documented. Three groups of male subjects, inactive (SED), endurance (END) and strength trained (SPRINT) underwent a session of side-alternating WBV composed of three 3-min exercises (isometric half-squat, dynamic squat, dynamic squat with added load), and repeated at three frequencies (20, 26 and 32 Hz). VO2, heart rate and Borg scale were monitored. Twenty-seven healthy young subjects (10 SED, 8 SPRINT and 9 END) were included. When expressed in % of their maximal value recorded in a treadmill test, both the peak oxygen consumption (VO2) and heart rate (HR) attained during WBV were greatest in the SED, compared to the other two groups (VO2: 59.3 % in SED vs 50.8 % in SPRINT and 48.0 % in END, p<0.01; HR 82.7 % in SED vs 80.4 % in SPRINT and 72.4 % in END, p<0.05). In conclusions, the heart rate and metabolic response to WBV differs according to fitness level and type, exercise type and vibration frequency. In SED, WBV can elicit sufficient cardiovascular response to benefit overall fitness and thus be a potentially useful modality for the reduction of cardiovascular risk., B. Gojanovic, F. Feihl, G. Gremion, B. Waeber., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The aim of our study was to verify the relationship between heart rate (HR) and ventricular fibrillation threshold (VFT) during different types of ventilation in female Wistar rats from the circadian point of view. The ex-periments were performed under pentobarbital anesthesia (40 mg/kg i.p., adaptation to a light-dark cycle 12:12 h, open chest experiments) and the obtained results were averaged independently of the seasons. The VFT measure-ments were performed during normal ventilation (17 animals) and hypoventilation (10 animals). The HR was re-corded immediately before the rise of ventricular arrhy-thmias. Results are expressed as arithmetic means ± S.D. and differences are considered significant when p<0.05. The basic pe-riodic characteristics were calculated using single and population mean cosinor tests. The results from our experiments have demonstrate that 1) the VFT and HR respond identically to hypoventilation by a decrease in the light and also in the dark phases, and 2) hypoventilation changes the 24-h course of the VFT without a change in the 24-h rhythm of the HR. It is concluded that the HR and VFT behave as two independent functional systems without apparent significant circadian dependence during both types of ventilation., P. Švorc, I. Bračoková, I. Podlubný., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Exercise stimulates increases in heart rate (HR), stroke volume (SV) and cardiac output (CO). These adaptive mechanisms are strongly dependent on the type of exercise. Both rowing and cycling are widely used for physical training worldwide; however, evidence regarding the differences in major hemodynamic parameters during rowing and cycling remains insufficient. Ten healthy male volunteers were randomly assigned to perform either a rowing or cycling exercise. After 20 min rest, the group who had rowed first performed the cycling exercise and vice versa. Exercise was performed at a power-to-weight ratio of 2 W/kg for 2 min. HR, SV, CO and blood pressure (BP) were measured noninvasively using pulse-wave analysis at baseline and immediately after each exercise. HR, SV and CO were significantly higher after exercise than at rest. Whereas HR was comparable between rowing and cycling, SV and CO were significantly higher after rowing than after cycling. BP was comparable among all three measurements. Rowing increased SV and CO to a greater extent than cycling, whereas HR and BP were not influenced by the type of exercise. Our data suggest that rowing leads to more extensive stimulation of cardiac contractility and/or decreases in peripheral vascular resistance compared with cycling., P. Horn, P. Ostadal, B. Ostadal., and Obsahuje bibliografii