Cíl: Cílem našeho příspěvku bylo zjistit vztah mezi konstrukty kvality života související se zdravím Health Related Quality of Life, používaný ve standardní zkratce HRQoL a subjektivní pohody Subjective well-being, používaný ve standardně zavedené zkratce SWB, u pacientů s chronickým onemocněním, konkrétně bronchiálním astmatem. Zaměřujeme se na diskriminační validitu obou konstruktů. Metodika: Výzkumný soubor tvořilo 316 pacientů, kteří byli vyšetřeni na plicní ambulanci ve Fakultní nemocnici Ostrava. HRQoL byla hodnocena prostřednictvím zkrácené verze Dotazníku kvality života astmatiků (Mini Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire, Mini AQLQ), SWB prostřednictvím Indexu osobní pohody (Personal Wellbeing Index, PWI). Ke zjištění závislosti mezi vybranými proměnnými byl použit Pearsonův korelační koeficient a lineární regresní analýza. Diskriminační validitu jsme zkoumali prostřednictvím zkoumání rozdílů v HRQoL a SWB z hlediska vybraných klinických proměnných. Rozdíly v HRQoL a SWB byly zjišťovány vícefaktorovou analýzou rozptylu (ANOVA). Výsledky: Korelace mezi HRQoL (operacionalizované prostřednictvím Mini AQLQ) a SWB (operacionalizované prostřednictvím PWI) jsou pozitivní a středně silné. Percepce kontroly astmatu byla identifikovaná jako signifikantní prediktor obou konstruktů, avšak vytvářela vyšší míru variability v rámci HRQoL. Závěr: SWB a HRQoL představují související, avšak odlišné konstrukty. Výsledky podporují chápání HRQoL jako konstruktu založeném na větší míře klinických proměnných než je tomu u SWB., Aim: The goal of the study was to determine the relationship between the health-related quality of life (usually abbreviated as HRQoL) and subjective well-being (usually abbreviated as SWB) of patients with chronic disease, namely bronchial asthma. The focus was on discriminative validity of both constructs. Methods: The research sample consisted of 316 patients examined at the Pulmonary Clinic of the University Hospital Ostrava. HRQoL was assessed by a short version of the Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (Mini AQLQ) and SWB was assessed by the Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI). Pearson’s correlation coefficient and linear regression analysis were used for evaluation of dependencies between selected variables. Discriminative validity was explored by examination of differences between HRQoL and SWB relevant to selected clinical variables. Differences in HRQoL and SWB were detected by multi-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: The correlations between HRQoL (assessed by the Mini AQLQ) and SWB (assessed by the PWI) are positive and moderate. Perception of asthma control was identified as a significant predictor of both constructs. However, it produced greater variance in the context of HRQoL. Conclusion: SWB and HRQoL are related but distinct constructs. The results support the notion of HRQoL as a construct based on a larger set of clinical variables as compared to SWB., Patricie Popelková, Elena Gurková, and Literatura
Many aspects of surgical treatment of intestinal malrotation in children remain to be debatable. In the opinion of the majority of the specialists, surgical treatment is required after the diagnosis taking into account serious complications of intestinal malrotation. Purpose. The purpose of this research was to conduct an analysis of surgical tactics and operative treatment method for isolated and associated intestinal malrotations in children. Material and methods. We observed 123 children at the age of one day to 15 years with malrotation during the period of 2002 to 2013. Results. We presented the data from observing 123 children at the age of one day to 15 years with various clinical-anatomic forms of intestinal malrotation over from 2002 to 2013. In 62 patients (50.4%), the evidences of the high intestinal obstruction were prevalent, while 61 (49.6%) showed signs of low intestinal obstruction. 116 patients (94,3%) were given operative intervention: radical – 95(81,9%) and palliative – 21 (18,1%). In 56 % of the cases, various simultaneous surgeries were required. There are proposed differential approaches in relation to anatomic form of malrotation and possibility of the fixation of large intestine in the physiological position. Conclusion. The results obtained from the operative treatment are presented. The lethal outcomes could be reduced from 54.7%, among the patients being observed from 2002 to 2010, to 16,7% in patients being operated during 2011 to 2013., Nasriddin Shamsiddinovich Ergashev, Jamoliddin Bahronovich Sattarov, and Literatura
Úvod: Syndrom Freyové (aurikulotemporální syndrom) je častá komplikace chirurgie příušní žlázy, který je způsoben aberantním prorůstáním parasympatických vláken nervus auriculotemporalis do kožních potních žlázek. Typicky je syndrom charakterizován pocením, zarudnutím a pálením kůže parotické oblasti, zejména v návaznosti na chuťové podněty. Vytvoření interpoziční bariéry mezi kůži a lůžko po parotidektomii může vést ke snížení rizika této komplikace. Cíl: Cílem studie bylo stanovení četnosti výskytu syndromu Freyové u operovaných pacientů a zhodnocení účinnosti použití svalového laloku z musculus sternocleidomastoideus (m. SCM) v jeho prevenci. Soubor a metodika: Jde o retrospektivní studii. Soubor 167 pacientů, u kterých byla provedena parciální či totální parotidektomie v letech 2007–2011, byl rozdělen do dvou skupin. U první skupiny pacientů byla provedena rekonstrukce svalovým lalokem z m. SCM (n = 42), u druhé skupiny rekonstrukce provedena nebyla (n = 125). Diagnostika syndromu Freyové v pooperačním období byla stanovena na základě subjektivního hodnocení symptomů, údajů z dotazníku a objektivním průkazem Minorovým testem. Výsledky: Celkový výskyt syndromu Freyové činil 15 % (25/167 pacientů), ve skupině bez rekonstrukce 16 % (22/125), ve skupině s rekonstrukcí 7 % (3/42). Rozdíl mezi skupinami ve výskytu aurikulotemporálního syndromu byl dle Fisherova exaktního testu statisticky významný (p < 0,05). Závěr: Svalový lalok z m. SCM použitý k vytvoření interpoziční bariéry mezi kožní lalok a resekční lůžko po parotidektomii představuje jednoduchou, rychlou a efektivní metodu v prevenci syndromu Freyové po parotidektomii., Background: Frey´s syndrome (auricotemporal syndrome) is frequent sequelae of parotid gland surgery caused by inappropriate regrowth of parasympathetic fibres of the auriculotemporal nerve into sweat glands of the skin. Typically, the syndrome is characterized by sweating, erythema and flushing of the skin overlying the parotid region, especially in response to taste stimuli. Placement of an interpositional barrier between the skin and the parotid gland can prevent these complications. Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the incidence of Frey´s syndrome and the impact of using sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) flap on this syndrome. Material and methods: In a retrospective study, a series of 167 patients who underwent partial or total parotidectomy between January 2007 and December 2011 were divided into two groups. One group had an SCM flap reconstruction (n = 42), and the other group did not (n = 125). A subjective clinical evaluation, a questionnaire and the objective Minor´s test were used to diagnose the syndrome post-surgery. Results: The overall incidence of Frey´s syndrome was 15% (25/167 patients), 16% (22/125) in the non-SCM flap group and 7% (3/42) in the SCM flap group, respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between the two groups according to the Fisher´s frequency exact test (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The SCM flap, used as an interposing barrier between the overlying skin and the parotid bed following parotidectomy, is a simple, fast and efficient method for preventing Frey´s syndrome following parotidectomy. Key words: Frey´s syndrome – auriculotemporal syndrome – sternocleidomastoid muscle flap – parotidectomy The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study. The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers., and B. Gál, Z. Kadaňka Jr, T. Hložková, J. Hanák, J. Hložek
Cíl. Shrnout dostupné informace a analyzovat zobrazené nálezy na námi zachycených běžných i méně běžných případech tarzální koalice. Budeme se zabývat primárními i sekundárními nálezy při vlastním zobrazení i korelací s literaturou, udávanými histologickými nálezy, zobrazovacími metodami a protokoly, diferenciální diagnózou a krátkou informací o klinickém nálezu a léčbě. Metody. Vyšetřili jsme osm pacientů s různými typy tarzální koalice - s koalicí talokalkaneální mediální i dorzální, s koalicí kalkaneonavikulární, s oboustrannou talokalkaneální koalicí i s koalicí talokalkaneokuboidní, která byla součástí komplexnější dysplazie. Nálezy jsou analyzovány především na CT a MR, jsou doplněny RTG snímky. Výsledky. V závislosti na typu koalice a zvolené projekci, jsou známky na RTG snímku buď patognostické (u šikmé projekce a kalkaneonavikulární koalice), nebo diskrétní a nepřímé (u ostatních projekcí a ostatních typů koalice). CT a MR zobrazí tuto vadu při vhodně zvolených rovinách zobrazení a sekvencích nepochybně. Mezi nejvýznamnější nálezy patří zúžená nebo přemostěná kloubní štěrbina, nerovná kortikální kost, edém, osteoskleróza a změna tvaru kostí. Časté jsou sekundární degenerativní změny okolních kloubů. Závěr. Povědomí o známkách této vady umožňuje její rozpoznání i přes její málo frekventní výskyt, a to i v případech, kdy na ni klinický lékař nevysloví podezření. Na CT a MR je třeba při vyšetřování hlezna rutinně zachycovat i oblast subtalárních kloubů a tarzu., Aim. To summarize and display the imaging findings in patients with different types of both frequent and less frequent types of tarsal coalition, to discuss the imaging protocols, differential diagnoses and give brief information on clinical findings and treatment. Method. The authors display CT, MRI and X-ray findings in 8 patients with the main types of coalition (talocalcaneal, calcaneonavicular), with a bilateral talocalcaneal coalition and in a patient with a complex synostosis. Results. The encountered findings were: narrowed or absent joint space, thinned irregular cortical line, adjacent oedema and sclerosis and an unusual shape of the involved bones. Secondary degenerative changes in the adjacent joints were often encountered. Depending on the type of coalition and on the projection, this diagnosis presents with X-ray findings, which are either prominent (in calcaneonavicular coalition and an oblique X-ray) or subtle and indirect (all other cases). In MRI and CT the diagnosis is much more obvious. The pathognomonic signs as well as secondary degenerative signs will be pointed out together with the appropriate imaging protocols. A differential diagnosis will be discussed. The findings of the authors will be correlated with the literature. Conclusion. It is necessary to be aware of the findings in tarsal coalition, in order to establish the diagnosis even in cases unsuspected by the clinitian. This is more challenging in plain X-rays, in CT and MRI it is mandatory to include the subtalar and tarsal joints in the examination of the ankle., Jindra Brtková, Petra Jiříčková, and Literatura
Těhotenství žen bez domova představuje specifický sociálně-zdravotní problém, který má řadu aspektů. Prvním z nich je minimální prevence otěhotnění plynoucí jednak z menší dostupnosti antikoncepčních prostředků z ekonomických důvodů, jednak z nízkého intelektu, případně z naděje, že těhotenství je cesta k vyřešení tíživé sociální situace za pomoci státu nebo dobročinných organizací. Vážným problémem je také značné zdravotní riziko pro těhotnou i pro plod plynoucí z nedostatečné intimní hygieny, z absence pravidelné gynekologické péče, z rizika nákazy sexuálně přenosnými chorobami, ze závislosti na návykových látkách i z malnutrice. Podobně je sociálně-zdravotně problematická i perinatální péče. Tato situace je demonstrována ilustrativní kazuistikou. Klíčová slova: bezdomovkyně – pouliční medicína – těhotenství, Pregnancy of homeless women represents a specific social and health problem which involves a number of aspects. The first one is minimum prevention of pregnancy as a result of a more difficult access to contraceptives for economic reasons, because of low intelligence or maybe a hope that pregnancy offers a way to solve a precarious social situation with the support of the state or charitable organizations. A serious problem is also a considerable health risk for the pregnant woman and fetus, resulting from inadequate intimate hygiene, the absence of regular gynecological care, risk of sexually transmitted diseases, addictions and malnutrition. Similarly problematic are the social and health aspects of perinatal care. The described state is illustrated by case studies. Key words: homeless women – pregnancy – street medicine, and Andrea Pekárková
The Material of the study has formed 78 sick, found on stationary treatment in Republican Scientific Centre Coloproktologii since 1992 on 2010. As it is seen, from table, from 78 sick mans was 58(74,3%), womans 20(25,7%). 19(24,3), sick were at age from 15 before 20 years, 49(60,2%) at age from 21 before 40 years and 13 (16,6%) sick from 41 before 60 years. The Main complaint sick at arrival were a stubborn constipations, which noted beside 70 (89,7%) sick, including absence of the independent chair existed beside 55(70,5%), but beside 54(69,2%) sick were noted periodic stomachache, growing on measure of the absence of the chair. The Ballooned belly existed beside all 78 (100%) sick moreover beside 20(25,6%) of them flatulence was constant. The Sickness and retching existed beside 24(30,7%), weakness, reduction to capacity to work beside 52(66,6%), increasing of the temperature of the body beside 10(12,8%), paradoxical diarrhoeas beside 6(7,6%) sick. Endoskopicheskiy method (rectoromonoscopy, colonoscopy) turned out to be else less informations 51,8% coincidences of the diagnosis. So we biopsy on Svensonu executed beside all sick, entered with suspicion on disease Girshprunga. In our observations from 78 sick beside 42(53,8,1%) were aboveanalni, beside 20(25,6%) sick rectalis, beside 13(16,6%)rectosigmoideys , beside 2(2,5%) leftside and beside 1(1,2%) sick subtotalis form hipoganglios. At biopsies on Svensonu on observations, from 78 sick, beside 44(56,4%) is revealled hipoganglios, but beside 35(44,8%) аganglios rectum. As can be seen from presented tables, from 78 sick beside 68(87,2%) us is executed onemoments radical operation, 10(12,8%) sick is as far as possible made resection hipoor aganglionarnaya of the zone, decompensate part of the large intestine and is formed colostomy. In all events at operations. The Remote results executed radical operation on cause disease Girshprunga traced from 1 before 10 years beside 57(73%) sick. The Results of the surgical treatment were valued on scale Vezika: good, satisfactory and unsatisfactory. In our observations beside 46(80,7%) sick results came in well, beside 10(17,5%) satisfactory and beside 1(1,8%) sick was an unsatisfactory result., Mirzahmedov M. M., Ahmedov M. A., Sapaev D. A., and Literatura
Few studies concerning the importance of wheat allergy affecting the course of atopic eczema in adolescents and adult patients exist. Aim: The evaluation if wheat allergy can deteriorate the course of atopic eczema. Follow-up of patients with confirmed food allergy to wheat. Method: Altogether 179 persons suffering from atopic eczema were included in the study: 51 men and 128 women entered the study with an average age of 26.2 (s.d. 9.5 years) Dermatological and allergological examinations were performed, including skin prick tests, atopy patch tests, and specific serum IgE for wheat, open exposure test and double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenge test with wheat flour. Results: Wheat allergy affecting the coures of atopic eczema was confirmed in eight patients (4.5%) out of 179 patients enrolled in this study by double-blind, placebo controlled food challenge test. The course of atopic eczema showed a positive trend in patients with confirmed food allergy at 3, 6, 9, 12 month follow-up (statistical evaluation with paired t-test) after the elimination of wheat flour. Conclusion: Wheat allergy may play an important role in the worsening of atopic eczema (acting as a triggering exacerbating factor) only in a minority of adolescents and adult patients (4.5% in our study). The diagnostic methods (skin prick test, specific IgE, atopy patch test, history) cannot be used as separated tests for the determination of food allergy to wheat in patients with atopic eczema.Open exposure tests and double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenge should be used for the confirmation of wheat allergy affecting the course of atopic eczema., Jarmila Čelakovská, Květuše Ettlerová, Karel Ettler, Jaroslava Vaněčková, Josef Bukač, and Literatura 34
The acute destructive pneumonias (ADP) occupy up to 80% of the total number of pneumonias. They require constant improvement of treatment strategy. Nowadays the use of surfactants is a part of most treatment protocols. The aim was to study the features of the solid phase bronchoalveolar lavage in children with the ADPs in the dynamics of complex treatment with exogenous surfactant. Material and methods: We examined 39 patients of contaminated surgery. We identified 2 groups of patients. The patients of first group (n=27) had pulmonary pleural form of ADP, the second group (n=12) had pulmonary form of ADP. All patients got classical treatment and the earlier draining of pleural cavity. We used as an antiseptic reamberin 1.5% by 10 ml/kg and endobronchially injected exogenous surfactant Bl in dose12 mg/kg body weight a day, 6 mg/kg every 12 hours. All the children were made a bronchoscopy to obtain BAL to study the crystallization properties. The solid phase of BAL was studied by method of cuneal dehydration. Results: All facies before treatment were divided into two groups according to classification of facies of biological fluids. Only the facies of the second and the third types were detected there. It was revealed that the sizes of the zones of the facies were different in the comparison groups before treatment and after. And the level of crystalline structures and amorphous aggregates were different in the groups with different degrees of inflammation. Conclusion: So, we can assume that the change in surfactant system is characterized by changes in the morphological structure of solids phases of BAL. And the morphological structure of BAL depends on the chemical composition of BAL., Yuliya Modna, Tatiana Tananakina, Elina Dyka, Ievgen Mozhaiev, Pavlo Borodin, and Literatura
Objective: to analyze main clinical-statistical indices of spine and spinal cord injuries (SCI) and system of organization of medical aid to the victims. We conducted a cohort retrospective study of materials of medical institutions of Tashkent city. Medical records of patients and records of forensic examinations were analyzed. 242 cases of spinal cord injuries were studied. Over the last 10 years in Tashkent the frequency of SCI have been tend to increase, males and working-age people are dominated. In 60.9% of cases the injury was associated, in 36.2% - isolated, and in 2.9% - combined. Fallings from height and road traffic accidents were the main reasons for getting SCI. Lesions at cervical level registered in 45% of cases, thoracic level - 27.3%, at lumbar level - 27.7%, respectively. According to ASIA/IMSOP, full injuries were noted in 40.1% of cases, incomplete injures were in 59.9%. Overall mortality from SCI was 68.6%. study allowed to get in detail the clinical and statistical indicators of SCI in the region., Rukhulla Zabikhullaevich Khikmatullaev, Alisher Iskandarovich Iskandarov, Dildora Zabikhullaevna Khakimova, and Literatura
Červencové číslo Clinical Chemistry (2008) přineslo v sekci Clinical case studies dvě kazuistiky z oblasti tyreoidální laboratorní diagnostiky [1, 2]. První z nich je od jihoafrických autorů (University of Cape Town) a pojednává o nálezu zvýšeného volného tyroxinu u eutyreoidní pacientky. Ve druhé kazuistice čtveřice autorů z Harvardské lékařské fakulty a Dětské nemocnice v Bostonu (Maryland, USA) popisuje zvýšené koncentrace celkového tyroxinu a trijodtyroninu při normálním TSH u mladistvé pacientky se strumou. Oba články doprovodili svými obsáhlými komentáři biochemik Larry J. Kricka (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA) a endokrinolog Kenneth D. Burman (Georgetown University, Washington, USA). Kazuistiky i oba komentáře dokládají těsnou souvislost analytické a postanalytické fáze laboratorního cyklu a zásadní význam podrobného kvalifi kovaného pohledu na laboratorní výsledky včetně nutnosti okamžitého řešení zjištěných rozporů. V článku je krátký výtah z těchto článků., Section Clinical Case Studies in July issue of Clinical Chemistry (2008) brought two cases from the sphere of thyroid laboratory diagnostics [1, 2]. The fi rst one by South African authors (University of Cape Town) deals with elevated free thyroxine levels found in an euthyroid woman. Second case described by authors from Harvard Medical School and Children´s Hospital in Boston (MA, USA) discuss discrepancy between normal TSH and higher both total thyroxine and total triiodothyronine found in a girl patient with goiter. Both articles are widely commented by the biochemist Larry J. Kricka (Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA), and the endocrinologist Kenneth D. Burman (Georgetown Univ., Washington, DC). Clinical cases and commentaries as well performs evidence for the tight connection between analytical and postanalytical phases of laboratory cycle, and a crucial importance of detailed and competent insight into laboratory results including immediate solution of all disagreements discovered. Here we bring a short digest from these articles., Schneiderka Petr, and Lit.: 2