The study offers a basic overview of the manuscripts of the ars memorativa treatises in late medieval Czech lands. On the basis of the surviving evidence it is possible to prove that during the 15th century this ancient art (however suspicious and cumbersome it may seem today) was known and practiced here. It coexisted with general (often primarily medical) set of advices on efficient studying some of which openly criticize the art of memory for being too impractical. Besides copies of Italian and West European art of memory models, there is a number of these treatises and shorter treatments of the art composed in the Czech lands. Each of them includes specific features and innovations not encountered elsewhere. The manuscript context of ars memorativa shows that it was not seen as a part of rhetoric theory intended for a restricted number of intellectuals but as a means of storing and recuperating important information actively used especially by students and preachers. and Lucie Doležalová.
Cieľom tejto štúdie je uvedenie Antisthenových rečí Aias a Odysseus do širšieho kontextu sókratovskej literatúry. Výklad vychádza z otázky, či je možné čítať tieto reči z hľadiska sókratovskej dialektiky. Prvá časť pripomína diferenciu medzi rétorikou a dialektikou, ktorú naznačuje Platón v Prótagorovi, keď stavia do protikladu dlhú monologickú reč (makros logos) a krátku dialogickú reč (brachylogia). Druhá časť sa venuje výkladu niektorých Antisthenových zlomkov, ktoré naznačujú, že Antisthenés spájal brachylogiu so skúmaním zdatnosti (areté), ale zároveň kritizoval Platónove pokusy o jej esencialistické uchopenie. Proti Platónovi namieril zrejme aj svoj koncept oikeios logos a tézu o nemožnosti sporu, ktorú by sme mohli uchopiť pomocou sókratovského učenia o škodlivosti nevedenia. Posledná časť sa zaoberá viacerými aspektmi Antisthenových rečí, dáva ich do vzťahu s predošlým výkladom a poukazuje na ich dialektický charakter, ako aj na Antisthenovo osobité poňatie vzťahu medzi rétorikou a dialektikou., The aim of this study is to introduce Antisthenes’ declamations Ajax and Odysseus into the wider context of Socratic literature. The interpretation has as its starting point the question of whether it is possible to read these declamations from the viewpoint of Socratic dialectic. The first part reminds us of the difference between rhetoric and dialectic, which Plato adumbrated in the Protagoras, where the long monological declamation (makros logos) is opposed to the short dialogical declamation (brachulogia). The second part is devoted to the interpretation of some of Antisthenes’ fragments which adumbrate how Antisthenes connects brachulogia with the investigation of virtue (aretē), but at the same time criticised Plato’s attempts to find an essentialist understanding of them. It was against Plato that he evidently aimed his concept oikeios logos and the thesis concerning the impossibility of contradiction, which we might understand with the help of the Socratic doctrine of the harmfulness of unknowing. The last part tackles the various aspects of Antisthenes’ declamations, relates them to the foregoing interpretation and shows their dialectical character, as well as Antisthenes’ peculiar understanding of the relation between rhetoric and dialectic., and Vladislav Suvák.
The article looks at how emotion is represented in Bohemian folk chronicles, i.e. texts of a historiographic character, written by autodidacts - mostly peasants and artisans. At the core of our analysis is the most famous work of this kind, Paměti Františka Jana Vaváka z let 1770-1816 (Memoirs of František Jan Vavák 1770-1816). Other writings from the turn of the 19th century (e.g. those of Václav Jan Mašek, Jan Petr, Ondřej Lukavský) are also considered. Our initial question is: How, and in which contexts, did Czech-speaking authors of the late 18th and early 19th century, having no opportunity to get acquainted with contemporary philosophical theories, express affects? The study shows that the emotions, especially joy and grief, are expressed in a way recommended by early modern rhetoricians (e.g. Cypriano de Soarez or Bernard Lamy): particular figures are associated with particular affects. Though the principle is the same, the figures used by autodidacts differ from those recommended by the rhetoric manuals. Being unable to read Latin, German or French rhetorics, the authors had probably grasped the principles of how to represent affect from their reading, but adapted them according to their own talent and vision. As might be expected given the rural origin and values of the authors, joy is expressed mostly in the context of weather favourable for the harvest, while grief is realised in the context of rising prices and natural disasters., Dmitrij Timofejev., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The article discusses the theoretical and methodological considerations as well as the partical application of two incarnations of the rhetorical turn in socio-cultural anthropology. Rhetorical turn is understood as a linguistic and constructivist turn, which marks a substantial part of contemporary thinking in the social sciences and humanities.
The article is a historical-systematic study dedicated to Kant’s critical philosophy. It contains therefore both a historical and a systematic level: for every selected historical example, an example of Kant’s critical philosophy, it follows and investigates a selected systematic problem of the relationship between philosophy and rhetoric. The relationship between philosophy and rhetoric is therefore not examined here directly and immediately, but indirectly – through an examination and interpretation of selected works of Kant. In this context, the author refers to the results of international Kantian research, which has also recently focused more and more on an examination and interpretation of the relationship between Kant’s critical philosophy and rhetoric, and based on his own examination and interpretation of the corresponding texts and passages, comes to the conclusion that the relationship of Kant’s critical philosophy to rhetoric is more nuanced than is generally assumed. and Článek je historicko-systematickou studií věnovanou Kantově kritické filosofii. Má proto jak historickou, tak systematickou rovinu: na vybraném historickém příkladu, příkladu Kantovy kritické filosofie, sleduje a zkoumá zvolený systematický problém vztahu mezi filosofií a rétorikou. Vztah mezi filosofií a rétorikou zde proto není zkoumán přímo a bezprostředně, ale nepřímo – prostřednictvím zkoumání a interpretace vybraných Kantových spisů. Autor v této souvislosti navazuje na výsledky mezinárodního kantovského bádání, které se v poslední době stále více zaměřuje také na zkoumání a interpretaci vztahu Kantovy kritické filosofie k rétorice, a na základě vlastního zkoumání a interpretace odpovídajících textů a textových pasáží dospívá k závěru, že vztah Kantovy kritické filosofie k rétorice je nuancovanější, než se obvykle předpokládá.
Since the late 9th century the genre of “the letter of invitation” has enjoyed an uncanny status in Czech political discourse. Great Moravia’s incorporation into Slavia orthodoxa ensued from Prince Rastislav’s request for Christian missionaries addressed to the Byzantine Emperor Michael III. Consonantly, the eastward political orientation of Czechoslovakia after WW2 was, in part, the result of František Palacký’s refusal to accept the “Committee of Fifty’s” invitation extended in its missive of April 6, 1848 (attributed by K. H. Borovský to Franz Schusselka) to represent his people at the German Parliament convening in Frankfurt. My paper juxtaposes the two most recent variations on the said epistolary genre: 1) the letter authored by Vasil Biľak together with four other top CPC functionaries in mid- 1968 asking Leonid Brezhnev for “a brotherly assistance,” that is, a military intervention thwarting the imminent counterrevolution in their homeland; and 2) the letter “United We Stand” (Wall Street Journal, Jan. 30, 2003) co-signed by Václav Havel and an assorted septet of European prime ministers urging its implied addressee, George W. Bush, to dispatch the military that would “rid the world of the danger posed by Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction.” Th e compelling need to compare these two texts was highlighted by Havel himself in his speech of November 20, 2002 insisting that “it is necessary […] to weigh again and again on the fi nest scales whether we are truly helping people against a criminal regime and defending humankind against its weapons, or whether perchance this is not another– understandably more sophisticated than the Soviet one of 1968–version of ‘the brotherly assistance.’” My analysis demonstrates that the latter is the case and that the US invasion of Iraq solicited by Havel’s letter was as unjustifi ed and unsophisticated as the earlier Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia that Biľak’s epistle legitimized.
This work deals with the changes of rhetorical education and emotional orders in the second half of the 18th century. The aim of the research is to assess the relations among language education, funtions of medias, anthropological models and expression of emotions on the Threshold of enlightenment. The background of the research shapes the transformation of rhetorical tradition. The research of the broad field of pedagogical, rhetorical and moral discurs is focused on the collegium of Karl Heinrich Seibt., Václav Smyčka., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy