The species composition and relative density of bats were compared in forests of various sizes occurring as “islands” in the agricultural landscape of central Poland. The following island categories were distinguished: very small (0.3–0.7 km2), small (1.0–1.5 km2), medium (2.0–3.5km2) and large (approx. 18 km2). Bats flying over lanes were caught at 34 mist net stations in 13 islands at the end of June and beginning of July (period I) and again at the end of July and beginning of August (period II). Twelve species of bats were recorded (Plecotus auritus, Eptesicus serotinus and Barbastella barbastellus were the dominant species), and the number of species in specific categories of islands ranged from 8–9, except in the very small islands, where only 4 species were confirmed. Species diversity rose with the size of the islands. Nyctalus leisleri and Myotis mystacinus were caught only in the large island. The frequency of B. barbastellus and Nyctalus noctula clearly increased with island size as opposed to E. serotinus and P. auritus. The relative density (mean numbers of individuals caught at one location on one night) during period I increased with island size from very small (1.8) to large (8.1), while during period II, the highest values were achieved in the medium-sized islands (13.4). The mean number of species for one location and night rose in a similar manner. Forest fragmentation to very small units of less than 1 km2 in size negatively influences bat ensembles.
The work of Jean Baudrillard has gained for itself large groups of followers and opponents alike. But Baudrillard is often misinterpreted by both camps. The reason for this, apart from anything else, is the characteristic way in which he gets hold of the “objects” of his interest. When reading his work one witnesses a tendency towards non-standard accounts of subject matter. He operates on the border of its significance and, at the same time, he often (quite intentionally) contradicts himself. In the article I present Baudrillard’s view of the productive theory and the dialectical method. I sketch the reasons why he condemns them and replaces them with the seductive theory-fiction or with theoretical terrorism and reversibility or even with symbolic exchange. These are the strategies by which, with passion, he comes to terms with objects. Many hitherto published studies of the theories of Jean Baudrillard tackle and focus on its concrete elements in contexts of the utmost diversity. This article, on the contrary, is concerned with the theoretico-methodological viewpoint, and it thus serves as a certain kind of general introduction to the investigation of the work of Jean Baudrillard. Baudrillard’s idiosyncratic method is introduced and comparisons are made. A characterisation and mutual comparison is made of the productive and seductive way of theorising. The study also points to the content of these, with stress being placed on Baudrillard’s seductive way. Last but not least theory-fiction, as an independent method, is brought into contrast with method of a dialectical stripe., Tomáš Zemčík., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii
Zuerst werden Aspekte der Landwirtschaft zu Beginn des Mittelneolithikums behandelt: Die Beigaben aus den Gräbern des älteren Mittelneolithikums von Trebur, Kr. Groß–Gerau, lassen auf unterschiedliche ökonomische Grundlagen der Kulturen Hinkelstein (Viehhaltung und Jagd) und Großgartach (Ackerbau) schließen. Die Stratigraphie von Singen, Kr. Konstanz, läßt erstmals eine kontinuierliche quantitative Veränderung des Getreidespektrums (von Einkorn zu Nacktweizen) innerhalb des Mittelneolithikums (Hinkelstein–Großgartach–Rössen) erkennen. Die Untersuchung der Genese von Hinkelstein zeigt, daß diese Kultur in deutlicher Abhängigkeit von der stichbandkeramischen Kultur entstand. Die Basis für die Herausbildung beider Kulturen dürfte ein gemeinsamer geistig–spiritueller Hintergrund gewesen sein (anthropomorphe bzw. adorante Symbolik). Die immer stärkere Abstraktion der religiösen Symbolik der Hinkelstein–Kultur könnte mit deren Ende zusammenhängen. Dieses Symbolgut stichbandkeramischer Tradition ist innerhalb der Großgartacher Kultur, hinter der vor allem die ehemals linienbandkeramischen Populationen vermutet werden müssen, fast völlig verschwunden, dagegen wird es innerhalb der jüngeren Stichbandkeramik weiter tradiert. and TREE–MOTIFS AND SICKLE. ASPECTS AND THOUGHTS ON THE TRANSITION FROM THE EARLY TO MIDDLE NEOLITHIC IN CENTRAL EUROPE. Initially attention is drawn to aspects of agriculture practised at the beginning of the Middle Neolithic: Distinct features of the economy of both the Hinkelstein (with stock–raising and hunting) and Grossgartach (agriculture) cultures can be recognised in funerary goods found in graves of the older Middle Neolithic period in Trebur (district of Gross Gerau, Hessen, Germany). The settlement stratigraphy in Singen (district of Konstanz, Baden–Wuerttemberg, Germany) evidences a continuous quantitative transition in the variety of cereals used, from einkorn (Triticum monococcum) to naked wheat (Triticum aestivum L), during the Middle Neolithic (Hinkelstein–Grossgartach– Roessen). Studies on the genesis of the Hinkelstein culture shows its definitive dependence on the Stroke–ornamented Ware culture. A common spiritual background was presumably the basis for the emergence of both cultures, as seen in anthropomorphic or adorational representations. An increasing abstraction in religious symbolism within the development of the Hinkelstein culture could have been a contributing factor to its end. For anthropomorphic symbolism in the tradition of the Stroke–ornamented Ware culture disappeared almost completely during the course of the succeeding Grossgartach, itself constituted by the remaining Linear Pottery population. Yet, this traditional symbolism was carried forth by the later Stroke–ornamented Ware culture.
Jurské rohovce z oblasti dnešního Bavorska představují nezanedbatelný fenomén, který na rozdíl od mnoha jiných proniká do kulturního prostředí pravěkých Čech ze západu. Ačkoli jsou tyto suroviny využívány v českém prostředí nepřetržitě přinejmenším od mladého paleolitu po starší eneolit, je možné pozorovat různé trendy jak v množství jejich přísunu, tak v preferenci jednotlivých variet. Předkládaná stať přináší přehled dosavadního stavu pramenné základny, a především na jejím základě formuluje své závěry. and The Jurassic cherts from the area of today’s Bavaria represent a significant phenomenon which, unlike other phenomena, penetrates the Bohemian prehistoric cultural environment from the west. Although these raw materials have been used in the territory of Bohemia continuously at least from the Upper Paleolithic period to the Early Eneolithic, it is possible to observe different trends both in terms of supply amount, and in the preference for individual varieties. The presented paper offers an overview of the current state of source materials, and also forms conclusions on this basis.