Climate change scenarios predict losses of cold-adapted species from insular locations, such as middle high mountains at temperate latitudes, where alpine habitats extend for a few hundred meters above the timberline. However, there are very few studies following the fates of such species in the currently warming climate. We compared transect monitoring data on an alpine butterfly, Erebia epiphron (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) from summit elevations of two such alpine islands (above 1300 m) in the Jeseník Mts and Krkonoše Mts, Czech Republic. We asked if population density, relative total population abundance and phenology recorded in the late 1990s (past) differs that recorded early in 2010s (present) and if the patterns are consistent in the two areas, which are separated by 150 km. We found that butterfly numbers recorded per transect walk decreased between the past and the present, but relative population abundances remained unchanged. This contradictory observation is due to an extension in the adult flight period, which currently begins ca 10 days earlier and lasts for longer, resulting in the same total abundances with less prominent peaks in abundance. We interpret this development as desynchronization of annual cohort development, which might be caused by milder winters with less predictable snow cover and more variable timing of larval diapause termination. Although both the Jeseník and Krkonoše populations of E. epiphron are abundant enough to withstand such desynchronization, decreased synchronicity of annual cohort development may be detrimental for innumerable small populations of relic species in mountains across the globe., Martin Konvička, Jiří Beneš, Oldřich Čížek, Tomáš Kuras, Irena Klečková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) in newborns is influenced by genetic determinants, gestational and postnatal age, and other variables. Premature infants have a reduced HRV. In neonatal HRV evaluated by spectral analysis, a dominant activity can be found in low frequency (LF) band (combined parasympathetic and sympathetic component). During the first postnatal days the activity in the high frequency (HF) band (parasympat hetic component) rises, together with an increase in LF band and total HRV. Hypotrophy in newborn can cause less mature autonomic cardiac control with a higher contribution of sympathetic activity to HRV as demonstrated by sequence plot analysis. During quiet sleep (QS) in newborns HF oscillations increase - a phenomenon less expressed or missing in premature infants. In active sleep (AS), HRV is enhanced in contrast to reduced activity in HF band due to the rise of spectral activity in LF band. Comparison of the HR and HRV in newborns born by physiological vaginal delivery, without (VD) and with epidural anesthesia (EDA) and via sectio cesarea (SC) showed no significant differences in HR and in HRV time domain parameters. Analysis in the frequency domain re vealed, that the lowest sympathetic activity in chronotropic cardiac chronotropic regulation is in the VD group. Different neonatal pathological states can be associated with a reduction of HRV and an improvement in the health conditions is followed by ch anges in HRV what can be use as a possible prognostic marker. Examination of heart rate variability in neonatology can provide information on the maturity of the cardiac chronotropic regulation in early postnatal life, on postnatal adaptation and in pathological conditions about the potential dysregulation of cardiac function in newborns, especially in preterm infants., K. Javorka, Z. Lehotska, M. Kozar, Z. Uhrikova, B. Kolarovszki, M. Javorka, M. Zibolen., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We investigated hematopoiesis in untreated and ionizing radiation-exposed cyclooxygenase-2-deficient (COX-2 KO) mice. We performed a complex hematological analysis of 16 parameters in untreated COX-2 KO male mice or COX-2 KO male mice irradiated with the dose of 4 Gy of γ-rays and their wildtype littermates. At baseline, hematopoiesis was increased in COX-2-deficient mice, but attenuated by irradation in COX-2- deficient mice compared to wildtype. To conclude, the antiinflammatory action of the COX-2 genetic disruption plays a positive role in hematopoiesis under basal conditions but is detrimental following radiation exposure., M. Hofer, Z. Hoferová L. Dušek, K. Souček, A. Gruzdev., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Tento článek přináší pohled na diverzitu herpetofauny na ostrově Borneo. Autor pobýval tři týdny na výzkumné stanici Brunejské univerzity a během denních a nočních odchytů zaznamenával obojživelníky a plazy v nížinném smíšeném dvojkřídláčovém pralese. Článek se zaměřuje na zajímavé a významné druhy herpetofauny, a tak není jen výčtem druhů tropického lesa., This paper presents species diversity of amphibians and reptiles from lowland mixed dipterocarp rainforest in the Ulu Temburong National Park, Brunei Darussalam in Borneo. A three-week herpetological survey at Kuala Belalong Field Studies Centre is described, and several endangered and ecologically important species are mentioned., and Zdeněk Mačát.
This paper deals with results of a special survey focused on the problem (issue) of historical consciousness of Communist Party voters. The opening part of the article presents a theoretical and methodological framework: there is introduced an operationalization of concepts such as collective memory, historical consciousness, collective identity, and also outlined the position of the Communist Party in the Czech post-communist political system. The empirical part of the text is devoted to the problems of Czech modern history, particularly to the way in which Communist Party electorate in different contexts assesses various historical periods or phenomena prior to 1989 and also how a subsequent systemic change is reflected., Daniel Kunštát., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Jezerní sedimenty jsou ideálním přírodním archivem, který zachycuje minulé změny nejen samotného jezera, ale i okolního prostředí. Jsou zároveň jedinečné tím, že se v nich zachovávají zbytky těl různých organismů, z čehož lze zrekonstruovat druhové složení celého jezerního ekosystému. Zjištěné druhy nám také poskytují informace o životním prostředí v minulosti. Díky postupnému usazování jezerního sedimentu v průběhu holocénu tak můžeme zaznamenat nejen dlouhodobý vývoj rostlinných společenstev, ale i přírodních podmínek v horizontu tisíců let. V jezeře Šúr se během pozdního glaciálu vyskytovaly vodní rostliny rdesty, stolístky a parožnatky. Od časného holocénu se začaly objevovat na živiny a teplo náročnější druhy, jako např. šejdračka bahenní či růžkatce a během středního holocénu v jezeře expandovala kotvice plovoucí a lekníny. Na konci středního holocénu a během pozdního holocénu postupně došlo k zaplnění jezera organickým materiálem a vzniku ostřicové slatiny a posléze olšového lesa., Lake sediments are natural archives of past changes not only in the lake itself, but also in its surroundings. They preserve remains of numerous organisms, from which the species composition of the entire lake ecosystem can be reconstructed, providing information about the past environment. Thanks to gradual deposition of sediment in the lake Šúr (western Slovakia) during the Holocene period, both the long-term development of plant communities and the environmental conditions over thousands of years can be reconstructed. During the succession, aquatic communities were replaced by sedge fen and alder forest., and Anna Potůčková.