Pro odhad stáří jednotlivých vývojových linií latinskoamerické flóry se dnes využívají také tzv. molekulární hodiny. Výsledky jejich aplikace ukazují, že se řada prvků současné flóry dostala do Latinské Ameriky až po rozpadu prakontinentu Gondawana, tzn. jsou mladšího stáří než by odpovídalo době rozpadu Gondwany. Do Latinské Ameriky se mohly rozšířit dvěma různými mechanismy: migrací rostlin přes pevninu a nebo disperzí diaspor na dlouhou vzdálenost přes oceány. Důkazem migrace tropických čeledí přes kontinenty je i řada fosilních nálezů, které mohou také posloužit jako druhý nezávislý zdroj datování jejich původu., So called molecular clocks are nowadays used to estimate the age of individual lineages of Latin American flora. The results of their application show that a number of elements of current flora came to Latin America after the collapse of the ancient continent of Gondwana. This could be explained by two different mechanisms: by migration of plants across the land or by dispersion of their diasporas across the oceans. The amount of fossils proving migration of tropical families across continents is often used as the second, independent source for dating their origin., and Anna Potůčková, Daniel Stančík.
Současná diverzita tropické flóry a bioty Latinské Ameriky je výsledkem řady historických událostí, ke kterým došlo během jejího dlouhého vývoje. Výskyt stejných či příbuzných čeledí, rodů nebo druhů v oblastech a na kontinentech představujících součásti někdejšího prakontinentu Gondwana jsou výsledkem působení tří mechanismů: rozpadu souvislého areálu výskytu (vikariance) na území někdejší Gondwany, migrací rostlin přes kontinenty severní polokoule a disperzí přes oceány. Při mezikontinentálním rozšíření řady čeledí však často nehrál roli jen jeden z výše uvedených mechanismů, ale často šlo o jejich kombinace. Tím se stává studium historie různých taxonů komplikovanější. K jejímu odhalení je potřeba mít jasnou představu o stáří jejich jednotlivých vývojových linií, umožňující správnou interpretaci působení konkrétního mechanismu na jejich dnešní rozšíření a diverzitu., The tropical flora and biota of Latin America was influenced during its long history by several events that led to their current diversity and disjunct distribution. Three mechanisms have been proposed to explain the occurrence of the same or closely related families, genera and/or species among fragments of former Gondwana: vicariance, migration of plants across the continents and long distance dispersion. Recent intercontinental distribution of several taxa is commonly a result of their combination. Good knowledge of the age of principal lineages is needed for the correct interpretation of the effect of these mechanisms on the distribution and diversity of the investigated lineages., and Anna Potůčková, Daniel Stančík.
This work discusses the clinical performance of chromogranin A, free metanephrine and normetanephrine determination in plasma using a radioimmunoanalytical methods for the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma. Blood samples were collected from 55 patients (46 pheochromocytomas, 9 paragangliomas). A sampling of biological materials was performed preoperatively and about one week, six months and one year after adrenal gland surgery. The comparative group without a diagnosis of pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma consisted of 36 pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma patients more than 4 months after adrenal gland surgery, and of 87 patients, 16 of them with multiple endocrine neoplasia, 9 with medullary and 5 with parafolicullar carcinoma of the thyroid gland. The rest were patients with various adrenal gland disorders. Chromogranin A, metanephrine and normetanephrine were determined in the EDTA-plasma using a radioimmunoassay kits Cisbio Bioassays, France and IBL International GmbH, Germany. Clinical sensitivity was 96 % for the combination of metanephrine and normetanephrine, and 93 % for chromogranin A. Clinical specificity was 100 % for the combination metanephrine and normetanephrine, and 96 % for chromogranin A. Falsely elevated levels of chromogranin A were observed in 1 patient with chronic renal insufficiency and 9 analyses were influenced by the administration of proton pump inhibitors. These results were excluded of CGA specificity. Both the combination of plasma free metanephrine, normetanephrine and chromogranin A as determined by radioimmunoassays, which are simple without the necessity of special laboratory material, are effective markers of pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma. Chromogranin A exerts association to malignity and all markers are associated with tumor mass., R. Bílek, T. Zelinka, P. Vlček, J. Dušková, D. Michalský, K. Novák, E. Václavíková, J. Widimský Jr., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The oldest butterfly fossil known, which was formed about 55 Ma in what is now Denmark, is described. The fragments of its forewing venation indicates it belongs to the Hesperiidae. Further reconstruction indicates that it fits in the Coeliadinae and is close to the extant genera Hasora and Burara. It is here described as Protocoeliades kristenseni gen. et sp. n. It is the first butterfly fossil found on a continent (Europe) where its closest relatives do not currently occur. Its position on the phylogenetic tree of the Coeliadinae and its importance in understanding the time dimension in the evolution of butterflies, and their ecological and biogeographic implications are discussed., Rienk De Jong., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This article describes the attitudes of the Czech public towards the Velvet Revolution and towards the social situation preceding and following it. The text deals with the general image of Velvet Revolution in the context of modern Czech history, tracks public opinion on this event, deals with evaluations of the period before and after November 1989, and handles assessments of the whole previous period. The event of the Velvet Revolution in Czech history is seen predominantly as a highlight, and as a positive phase in Czech history. Similarly, the stage that followed is seen in a predominantly positive light, although not so much as the change of political regime itself. However, there is a significant difference between how Czech public opinion judged the first and second decades after the Velvet Revolution. According to the public, not all areas of society have showed improvement during the latter period; in some cases developments are viewed negatively., Stanislav Hampl, Jiří Vinopal, Jiří Šubrt., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of short non-coding regulatory RNA molecules which play an important role in intracellular communication and cell signaling and which influence cellular processes such as proliferation, differentiation, and cellular death. Over the past two decades, the crucial role of m icroRNAs in controlling tissue homeostasis and disease in cardiovascular systems has become widely recogni zed. By controlling the expression levels of their targets, several miRNAs have been shown to modulate the function of endothelial cells (miR-221/222 and -126), vascular smooth muscle cells (miR-143/145) and macrophages (miR-33, -758, and -26), thereby regulating the development and progression of atherosclerosis. The stability of miRNAs within the blood suggests that circulating miRNAs may function as important biomarkers of disease development and progression. Numerous circulating miRNAs have been found to be dysregulated in a wide variety of different disease states, including diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease., D. Dlouhá, J. A. Hubáček., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Naše znalosti o ekologii a rozšíření řady druhů hub byly po dlouhou dobu založeny pouze na pozorování plodnic a sporulujících útvarů v terénu a na identifikaci izolovaných druhů hub. Nedávné pokroky a dostupnost metod založených na studiu DNA a jejich téměř rutinní používání v laboratořích rozšířilo naše znalosti o substrátech kolonizovaných různými druhy hub. Na druhou stranu se ukázalo, že některé druhy kolonizují stejný substrát, ale na geograficky velmi vzdálených lokalitách. Některé druhy ani nelze zařadit do jasně vymezené ekologické skupiny, mění svou ekologii v průběhu svého životního cyklu., Our information about the ecology and distribution of particular fungal species has for a long time been based only on observations of fruit bodies and sporulating structures in the field and on identification of isolated fungal strains. Recent developments in molecular methods and their routine use in mycology have revealed that some fungi may colonize different substrates than originally supposed. On the other hand, other fungi colonize their typical habitats in localities that are enormously distant from each other. Some fungi may not be easily assigned to a single ecological group, as they change various life styles during their life cycle., and Ondřej Koukol.