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67902. The enzymes of glycogen and trehalose catabolism from Hysterothylacium aduncum (Nematoda: Anisakidae)
- Creator:
- Żółtowska, Krystyna, Łopieńska, Elżbieta, Rokicki, Jerzy, and Dmitryjuk, Małgorzata
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Nematoda, Hysterothylacium aduncum, enzymes, carbohydrate metabolism, glycogen, and trehalose
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The activity of α-amylase, glucoamylase, maltase, trehalase, glycogen phosphorylase and trehalose phosphorylase was measured in extracts from larval and adult Hysterothylacium aduncum (Rudolphi, 1802), parasitic nematode of marine fish. The content of glycogen and trehalose in the worm's body was also determined. Both the hydrolytic and phosphorolytic paths of sugar decomposition are present in H. aduncum. In the larvae glycogen was utilised mainly via the hydrolytic path. In the adults the activities of phosphorolytic enzymes were higher than in the larvae. In both stages the activity of trehalose phosphorylase is present. In adult nematodes it is uncommonly high. The dominating sugars in the adults were glucose and glycogen, while in the larvae it was trehalose.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
67903. The epidemiology of cryptosporidiosis: application of experimental sub-typing and antibody detection systems to the investigation of water-borne outbreaks
- Creator:
- McLauchlin, James, Casemore, David P., Moran, Sheila, and Patel, Sushma
- Format:
- Type:
- model:internalpart and TEXT
- Subject:
- Cryptosporidium parvum, cryptosporidiosis, subtyping, and seroprevalence
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- A technique based on the analysis of banding patterns obtained by SDS-PAGE Western-blotting of an oocyst wall antigen obtained from faeces has been evaluated to subtype Cryptosporidium parvum Tyzzer, 1912. This technique appears to have sufficient stability to recognise multiple types of this parasite. A similar Western-blotting technique has also been used to assess antibody responses to cryptosporidial antigens in human sera. Two systems were developed: one against three antigens of apparent molecular weights 6, 14 and 17 kDa; the second against oocyst wall antigens of apparent molecular weights 57, 69, 75, 89, 128, 151 and 173 kDa. Antibodies to three antigens of apparent molecular weights 6, 14 and 17 kDa were most successful as diagnostic markers in that they were found in >88% of convalescent phase sera from confirmed cryptosporidiosis patients and were uncommon (>7%) in control subjects. Faecal samples from human and animal sporadic cases yielded a wide range of cryptosporidial antigen banding patterns. Samples from patients in a water-borne outbreak in South Devon (England) in 1995 also yielded a wide range of banding patterns including members within individual household family groups. These results are in contrast with those from samples collected from other defined geographical areas, including some from a second water-borne outbreak where much more homogeneous banding patterns were obtained. Sera collected for other purposes from apparently uninfected individuals 9 months after the South Devon 1995 outbreak were examined. Antibodies to the three antigens of molecular weights 6, 14 and 17 kDa were detected in 32-49% of individuals resident in the outbreak water supply area, and in 15-21%) of those resident in an adjacent water supply area. The significance of these findings is discussed in relation to data obtained from epidemiological field studies.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
67904. The Epigravettian of Kůlna cave? A revision of artefacts
- Creator:
- Nerudová, Zdeňka and Moník, Martin
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Epigravettian, Kůlna Cave, knapping technology, chert of Olomučany type, GIS, epigravettien, jeskyně Kůlna, technologie kamenné industrie, and rohovec typu Olomučany
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Several archaeological artefacts from Kůlna Cave (Blansko disctrict, Czech Republic) date its settlement to the last 250 thousand years. The stratigraphy both inside the cave and at the entrance was complicated, so that macroscopically similar sediments may have comprised of Magdalenian, Gravettian, and Micoquian industries. The first radiocarbon dates surprisingly showed one Epigravettian date, obtained from an animal bone from layer 5, supposedly belonging to the Magdalenian. Also, a further series of dates from strictly controlled contexts (i.e., those definitely correlated with a single layer) showed interstratification of finds between layers. The question of whether there was indeed an Epigravettian settlement phase of the cave was tested with the analysis of butts of debitage, and preserved cores from layers 5 and 6, to specify the used knapping technology. It became clear that the used technology was uniform throughout Magdalenian layers 5 and 6, but spatial analysis of hearths and heated artefacts indicate these were likely to have been disturbed and may also include older material. and Jeskyně Kůlna (okr. Blansko, Česká republika) poskytla velké množství archeologických nálezů, dokládající osídlení jeskyně po dobu posledních 250 tisíc let. Stratigrafická situace uvnitř i v sondách ve vstupu do jeskyně nebyla jednoduchá a proto se v makroskopicky témž sedimentu mohly nalézt společně industrie magdalénienu, gravettienu a micoquienu. Překvapením bylo první radiokarbonové datování, ve kterém bylo mimo jiných dat získáno datum odpovídající dnes epigravettienu, pocházející ale ze zvířecí kosti z vrstvy 5, která měla náležet magdalénienu. I další série radiokarbonových dat přes to, že vzorky byly důsledně kontrolovány, aby jejich asociace s patřičnou vrstvou byla jistá, přinesla další doklady interstratifikace nálezů mezi vrstvami. Bylo otázkou, zda epigravettienské datum ze zvířecí kosti odpovídá nějakému epizodickému osídlení jeskyně, nebo zda jde jen o náhodně zavlečenou kost do jeskynní stratigrafie. Byla proto provedena analýza charakteru patek debitáže a dochovaných jader, pocházejících z vrstvy 5 a 6 za účelem identifikace technologie jejich sbíjení. Ukázalo se, že technologie sbíjení je v magdalénienských vrstvách uniformní, ale prostorová analýza ohnišť a teplem ovlivněných artefaktů nevylučuje promíchání vrstev včetně intruze staršího materiálu.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
67905. The epistemic value of music
- Creator:
- Bakalova, Marina
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- cross-modal congruence, knowledge as success from ability, musical expressiveness, and phenomenal concepts
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- Assuming that music can be expressive, I try to answer the question whether musical expressiveness has epistemic value. The article has six parts. In the first part, I provide examples of what music can express. I suggest that it can express inner states with phenomenal character. In the second part, I build up an argument in favor of the claim that, granted its expressiveness, music can convey conceptual content which is not verbal, and which cannot be expressed verbally. This conclusion is limited to concepts like lyrical, nostalgic, melancholy, joyful, distressful etc. In the third part, I explain what musical expressive content is, in contrast and by analogy to, propositional content. In the fourth part, I apply Mitchell Green’s multi- space model of artistic expression to music. I argue that Green’s theory of expression provides a powerful explanation of how a musical sequence can express states with phenomenal character. In the fifth part, I use that model to define adequacy conditions for musical expressive ascriptions. In the last part, I attempt to explain musical knowledge by combining Green’s multi-space model with Sosa-style virtue epistemology.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
67906. The epitaph of Helfric Gut in St. Vitus Cathedral
- Creator:
- Muchka , Ivan P. and Konečný, Lubomír
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
67907. The equality cases for the inequalities of Oppenheim and Schur for positive semi-definite matrices
- Creator:
- Zhang, Xiao-Dong and Ding, Chang-Xing
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Oppenheim's inequality, Schur's inequality, positive semidefinite matrix, and Hadamard product
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- In this paper, necessary and sufficient conditions for equality in the inequalities of Oppenheim and Schur for positive semidefinite matrices are investigated.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
67908. The equational theory of paramedial cancellation groupoids
- Creator:
- Ježek, Jaroslav and Kepka, Tomáš
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- math, paramedial groupoids, and equational theory
- Language:
- English
- Rights:
- and policy:public
67909. The estimation of Czech conditional food import demand
- Creator:
- Janda, Karel and Rausser, Gordon C.
- Publisher:
- CERGE-Charles University
- Format:
- print and 45 s.
- Type:
- model:monograph and TEXT
- Subject:
- Obchod, ceny, dovoz, ekonometrické modely, ekonomická analýza, odhady, nabídka a poptávka, potraviny, zemědělské výrobky, Česko, 338.439.62, 303.725.33, 339.562, (437.3), (048.85), (066), 4, and 339
- Language:
- English and Undetermined
- Description:
- Karel Janda, Gordon Rausser.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
67910. The ethical dimension of practical wisdom
- Creator:
- Rozmarynowska, Karolina
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Aristotle, ethics, and practical wisdom
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- The paper is a reflection on the role of practical wisdom in ethics. By explaining and trying to understand the essence of practical wisdom, the author has endeavoured to determine whether it can be treated as a central ethical category, and if so, then why. In these analyses, author has referred to the concept of Aristotle, universally acknowledged as the classical one. Characterizing and describing that concept, she tries to answer three questions: 1) What is practical wisdom? 2) What function does it perform in ethics? 3) What is the relationship between practical wisdom and other ethical categories? The article is divided into four parts. Each of them concerns different aspects of the analysis of practical wisdom. As a result, the author has come to several important conclusions: Practical wisdom 1) enables appropriate action, i.e. success in action; 2) refers not only to the means-to-ends relationship, but refers to the end itself; 3) is imperative, because it tells what to do; 4) referring to the unusual situation, it allows to understand that every general principle is limited; 5) it is the intellectual ability to recognize how to achieve happiness., Příspěvek je úvahou o úloze praktické moudrosti v etice. Vysvětlením a pokusem o pochopení podstaty praktické moudrosti se autor snažil určit, zda může být považován za centrální etickou kategorii, a pokud ano, pak proč. V těchto analýzách se autor zmiňuje o pojetí Aristotela, všeobecně uznávaném jako klasický. Charakterizuje a popisuje tento koncept a snaží se odpovědět na tři otázky: 1) Co je praktická moudrost? 2) Jakou funkci plní v etice? 3) Jaký je vztah mezi praktickou moudrostí a ostatními etickými kategoriemi? Článek je rozdělen do čtyř částí. Každá z nich se týká různých aspektů analýzy praktické moudrosti. V důsledku toho autor dospěl k několika důležitým závěrům: Praktická moudrost 1) umožňuje vhodné kroky, tj úspěch v akci; 2) odkazuje nejen na vztah mezi prostředky, ale odkazuje na samotný konec; 3) je nezbytné, protože říká, co má dělat; 4) s odkazem na neobvyklou situaci umožňuje pochopit, že každý obecný princip je omezen; 5) je to intelektuální schopnost rozpoznat, jak dosáhnout štěstí., and Karolina Rozmarynowska
- Rights:
- and policy:public