Neuroscience is a fascinating discipline – its dynamic progress has led to the emergence of new interdisciplinary research programmes with great potential. One of these research areas is neuroeconomics. As will be shown in this article, this discipline, which is diffi cult to clearly characterize and defi ne, is faced with many problems. Th is paper argues that social scientists should be interested in the problems and tendencies in social neuroscience for several reasons. Neuroeconomics, and other disciplines inspired by neuroscience, will compete with their parent disciplines in many fi elds of interest. On one hand it will be necessary for scientists to defi ne and defend the irreplaceable roles of their disciplines, but also critically evaluate the potential of new approaches on the other. In the context of this discussion, which reopens questions about the scientifi c status of economics and its roles, this paper introduces the main problems related to neuroeconomics. Th is paper concludes that these problems represent a wide domain for social scientists and methodologists of science. and Neurověda je fascinující disciplínou – její dynamický rozvoj podněcuje vznik nových interdisciplinárních výzkumných programů s velkým potenciálem. Jednou takovou oblastí je i neuroekonomie. Jak se ukáže v článku, tato disciplína, kterou je obtížné jednoznačně vymezit a určit její defi nici, se potýká se spoustou problémů. Článek y jj fi argumentuje, že by se společenští vědci měli těmito problémy a tendencemi v sociální neurovědě zabývat, a to hned z několika důvodů. Neuroekonomie, a také další neurovědou inspirované disciplíny, budou svým mateřským oborům konkurovat v mnoha oblastech, přičemž bude nezbytné, aby vědci byli schopni na jedné straně defi novat a obhájit nezastupitelné role svých disciplín, na straně druhé kriticky vyhodnocovat potenciál nových přístupů. V kontextu této diskuze, která znovu otevírá otázky ohledně vědeckého statusu ekonomie a jejích rolí, článek vymezuje základní problémy, s nimiž se neuroekonomie potýká. Práce dospívá k závěru, že tyto problémy představují široké pole působnosti pro společenské vědce a metodology vědy.
We review recent developments in the field of B stars circumstellar environment modelling and discuss future improvements which are necessary to obtain more realistic models of the circumstellar environment of B stars.
When the dimensions of standard commercial chambers for measuring gas exchange cannot accommodate the object being measured, scientists construct their own chambers. The time needed to reach chamber steady state (chamber response time) depends on net system volume (e.g. chamber and tubing volume) and airflow. Unfortunately, some authors take chamber response time into consideration while others ignore it. We present the formula for calculating chamber response time. and I. Weiss, Y. Mizrahi, E. Raveh.
Significant part of our work was developing a new type of CO2 and H2O gas exchange chambers fit for measuring stand patches. Ground areas of six chambers (ranged between 0.044-4.531 m2) constituted a logarithmic series with doubling diameters from 7.5 to 240.0 cm. We demonstrate one of the first results for stand net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) rates and temporal variability for two characteristic Central European grassland types: loess and sand. The measured mean NEE rates and their ranges in these grasslands were similar to values reported in other studies on temperate grasslands. We also dealt with the spatial scale dependence from ecophysiological point of view. Our chamber-series measurement was performed in a perennial ruderal weed association. The variability of CO2-assimilation of this weed vegetation showed clear spatial scale-dependence. We found the lowest variability of the vegetation photosynthesis at the small-middle scales. The results of spatial variability suggest the 0.2832 m2 patch size is the characteristic unit of the investigated weed association and there is a kind of synphysiological minimi-area with characteristic size for each vegetation type. and Sz. Czóbel ... [et al.].
The aim of the AIRFLY (air fluorescence yield) project is to simulate and to measure the process of the fluorescence and Cherenkov emission produced by impact of cosmic rays on molecules of nitrogen in high level atmosphere. Several setups were designed to measure fluorescent and Cherenkov light. In this paper we report the chamber with controlled atmosphere to simulate conditions in various levels of the Earth atmosphere. The chamber was designed in the Institute of Physics of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University and the Joint Laboratory of Optics of Palacky University and Institute of Physics of Academy of Sciences in Olomouc. and Cílem projektu AIRFLY je napodobit a proměřit proces fluorescenční a Čerenkovské emise vznikající dopadem kosmického záření na molekuly dusíku ve vyšších vrstvách atmosféry. Bylo navrženo několik uspořádání pro měření fluorescenčního a Čerenkovského světla. V tomto článku je popsána komora s řízenou atmosférou pro modelování podmínek v různých výškách zemské atmosféry. Komora byla zkonstruována ve Fyzikálním ústavu AV ČR ve spolupráci se Strojní fakultou ČVUT a Společnou laboratoří optiky Univerzity Palackého a FZÚ AV ČR v Olomouci.
Jednou, krátce před půlnocí, tížen příslibem redakci Československého časopisu pro fyziku, nechávám běžné práce, otevřu Word a po nadpisu mě napadne podívat se do kalendáře: opravdu, za chvíli začíná 19. říjen 2010. Právě před 100 lety, 19-10-1910 (tak sám rád psal), se narodil Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, velká postava vědy 20. století, jeden z nejuniverzálnějších astrofyziků, nositel Nobelovy ceny za fyzku v roce 1983, ve vědeckých kruzích známý jako Chandra. O fyzikálním a astronomickém významu jeho Nobelovy ceny, kterou získal společně s W. A. Fowlerem, jsem již v tomto časopisu psal [1]. V následujícím se chci více zaměřit na události a postavy v okolí jeho světočáry; přitom čerpám především z podrobné biografie [2]. Na závěr připojím několik osobních vzpomínek na interakci s ním, nebudu však již opakovat ty, které jsou uvedeny v článku psaném před 27 lety., Jiří Bičák., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Short-term weight-reducing regimens were shown to influence fatty acid composition of serum lipids unfavorably. Adding long chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LC PUFA) to a low-calorie diet (LCD) could avoid these changes. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of a short-term in-patient weight-reducing regimen including LCD with yogurt enriched by low doses of n-3 PUFA (n-3 LCD). The enriched yogurt contained 790 mg of fish oil, predominantly eicosapentaenoic (20:5n-3; EPA) and docosahexaenoic (22:6n-3; DHA). Forty obese women were randomly assigned to the group consuming LCD and joghurt either with or without n-3 enrichment. Following the 3-week diet in the n-3 LCD group a significantly higher increase in the proportion of n-3 LC PUFA (sum of n-3 FA, EPA and DHA) in serum lipids was confirmed. In phospholipids (PL) a significant difference in the sum of n-6 fatty acids was found, a decrease in the n-3 LCD group and an increase in LCD group. Significantly higher increase in the PL palmitate (16:0) was shown in the LCD group. The results suggest that low doses of n-3 fatty acid enrichment can help to avoid unfavorable changes in fatty acid composition in serum lipids after a short-term weight-reducing regimen., P. Hlavatý, M. Kunešová, M. Gojová, E. Tvrzická, M. Vecka, P. Roubal, M. Hill, K. Hlavatá, P. Kalousková, V. Hainer, A. Žák, J. Drbohlav., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The channel network at this region was built up for drainage and also to provide irrigation water. The water level in the whole channel network system affect groundwater level and viceverse. From the view of mutual interaction between channel network and groundwater it has been necessary to assess impact of channel network silting on this interaction. The measurements of thickness of silts along three main channels were carried out in 1993. Then in 2004 there were done measurements in selected profiles along three channels: Aszód, Gabčíkovo-Topoľníky and Komárňanský channel. The paper shows changes in measured thickness and volume of silt in particular channels. It was shown the channel silting up has not been changed significantly during the monitored period. This fact is documented by graphical presentation of silt thicknesses of channels. The differences between silt top and channel bottom levels are presented. and Obsahom príspevku je hodnotenie zmien stavu kanálovej siete Žitného Ostrova z hľadiska zanesenia kanálov dnovými nánosmi v období rokov 1993 až 2004. Kanálová sieť bola vybudovaná v tomto regióne v priebehu 19. storočia jednak na čiastočné odvodnenie územia a zároveň na zabezpečenie závlah. Hladina vody v kanáloch ovplyvňuje výšku hladiny podzemnej vody v ich okolí a naopak. Z hľadiska procesu vzájomnej interakcie kanálovej siete s okolitou podzemnou vodou je nevyhnutné venovať pozornosť vplyvu zanášania kanálov dnovými nánosmi, keďže tieto môžu v značnej miere tento proces ovplyvňovať. V roku 1993 boli merané zanesenia kanálovej siete ŽO na vopred stanovených priečnych profiloch niektorých hlavných kanálov. V priebehu rokov 2004 boli vykonané kontrolné merania zanesenia vo vybraných profiloch kanálov Aszód, Gabčíkovo-Topoľníky a Komárňanského kanála. Tieto kontrolné merania sa robili vždy v úseku na začiatku, v strede a na konci jednotlivých kanálov, pretože sa uvažovalo s predpokladom lineárnych zmien hrúbok nánosov pozdĺž kanálov. Grafickými prílohami príspevok dokumentuje skutočnosť, že v priebehu sledovaného obdobia nedošlo k podstatným zmenám zanesenia kanálovej siete. Keďže pre účely príspevku sú dôležité hrúbky nánosov (teda rozdiely medzi dnom kanála a vrchom nánosovej vrstvy), bolo postačujúce, aby kontrolné merania boli robené od hladiny a neboli vztiahnuté na nadmorské výšky.
Acute phase proteins and markers of proteosynthetic activity reflect the clinical activity in Crohn´s disease (CD). The impact of anti-tumor necrosis factor antibody (anti-TNF) therapy on serum levels of acute phase proteins and proteosynthetic markers was studied. Fourteen patients with active CD were treated with 5 mg per kg of anti-TNF in intravenous infusion. Clinical activity (assessed by Crohn´s disease activity index - CDAI), α-1-acid glycoprotein, haptoglobin, cholinesterase and prealbumin were assessed before and in months 1 and 5 after treatment. A sustained decrease in CDAI was observed. This was accompanied by a significant decrease in α-1-acid glycoprotein and haptoglobin in month 1 (p=0.005 and p=0.01, respectively) while in month 5 the levels of both acute phase proteins rose significantly (p=0.003 for α-1-acid glycoprotein and p=0.02 for haptoglobin). Cholinesterase and prealbumin significantly increased in month 1 after the treatment (p=0.02 and p=0.0006, respectively), the increase was sustained in cholinesterase while prealbumin levels diminished in month 5. We conclude that the clinical improvement after anti-TNF therapy for CD is accompanied by changes of acute phase proteins and proteosynthetic markers. The assessment of these laboratory markers may be useful in the management of CD patients treated with anti-TNF., V. Kupčová, L. Turecký, Z. Detková, M. Príkazská, A. Keleov., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Its high oxidant capacity and ability to generate reactive oxygen species cause ozone toxicity. We studied the effect of ambient ozone on chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence, antioxidant enzymes, ascorbate contents, and lipid peroxidation in potatoes grown in open-top chambers in the field. In plants grown in non-filtered air (NFA), the development of non-photochemical quenching brought about a decrease in photosystem 2 (PS2) photochemical efficiency. Also the ability of PS2 to reduce the primary acceptor QA was lower than in charcoal-filtered, ozone-free air (CFA). Changes in Chl fluorescence yield were associated with changes in the thylakoid membrane. Ozone altered chloroplast membrane properties, as indicated by an increase in membrane lipid peroxidation in FNA-leaves compared to CFA plants. The ascorbate pool and activities of antioxidant enzymes were used for an indication of the detoxification system state in NFA and CFA leaves, whereby ozone affects the ascorbate concentration and decreases the antioxidant enzymes activities. The capacity of both detoxifying systems together was not high enough to protect potato plants against ambient ozone concentrations which reduced the photosynthetic yield in this potato cultivar. and A. Calatayud, J. W. Alvarado, E. Barreno.