Asthma poses an increased risk for cardiovascular disorders, suggesting that allergy, which is an underlying process in asthma, causes atypical functioning of organs other than lungs. In a previous study in a guinea pig asthma model, we concluded that allergic sensitization increased aorta contractile responses to 5-HT. To further characterize these responses, here we explored the role of the 5-HT2 receptors family. We found that TCB-2 (5-HT2A agonist) and WAY161503 (5-HT2C agonist) induced aorta contractions resembling those elicited by 5-HT but less intense (~43 % and ~25 %, respectively). In these experiments, aortas from sensitized guinea pigs showed increased contractions to TCB-2, but not to WAY161503. In turn, MDL 100907 (5-HT2A antagonist) and RS-102221 (5-HT2C antagonist) caused a notably and a mild reduction of the 5-HT-induced contractions, respectively, with no differences seen between sensitized and non-sensitized tissues. BW723C86 (5-HT2B agonist) did not induce contractile responses and RS-127445 (5-HT2B antagonist) did not modify the contractile responses to 5-HT. In nonsensitized aortas, the pattern of protein expression of receptors was 5HT2B>5-HT2A=5-HT2C, which did not change in sensitized animals. In conclusion, we found that allergic sensitization increased the aorta contractile responses to 5-HT, partly mediated by enhanced responses of 5-HT2A receptors, which was unrelated to changes in the expression of these receptors.
Parasitism among individuals in a population often varies more than expected by chance only, leading to parasite aggregation, which is a parameter of paramount importance in parasite population dynamics and particularly in vector-borne epidemiology. However, the origin of this phenomenon is yet not fully elucidated. An increasing body of literature has demonstrated that individuals vary consistently in their behaviour, which is referred to as animal personality. Such behavioural variation could potentially lead to different encounter rates with parasites. To test this hypothesis, the relationship between personality and burden with ticks (Ixodes spp.) in the bank vole, Myodes glareolus (Schreber), was assessed. Wild rodents (eight females and 18 males) were live-trapped, identified, sexed, weighted, and inspected for ticks. Behavioural profiling was then performed using standardised tests measuring activity/exploration and boldness with a combination of automatically and manually recorded behavioural variables summarised using multivariate analyses. The resulting personality descriptors and questing tick variables were used as explanatory variables in negative binomial generalised linear models of tick burden and Bayesian simulations were performed to better estimate coefficients. Tick burden was associated to body mass and sex, but not to personality descriptors, which was mainly associated to activity/exploration. These results are discussed regarding the complex relationships among individual personality, physiological status, space use and health status.
Cytochrome c oxidase (COX), the terminal enzyme of mitochondrial electron transport chain, couples electron transport to oxygen with generation of proton gradient indispensable for the production of vast majority of ATP molecules in mammalian cells. The review summarizes current knowledge of COX structure and function of nuclear-encoded COX subunits, which may modulate enzyme activity according to various conditions. Moreover, some nuclear-encoded subunits possess tissue-specific and development-specific isoforms, possibly enabling fine-tuning of COX function in individual tissues. The importance of nuclearencoded subunits is emphasized by recently discovered pathogenic mutations in patients with severe mitopathies. In addition, proteins substoichiometrically associated with COX were found to contribute to COX activity regulation and stabilization of the respiratory supercomplexes. Based on the summarized data, a model of three levels of quaternary COX structure is postulated. Individual structural levels correspond to subunits of the i) catalytic center, ii) nuclear-encoded stoichiometric subunits and iii) associated proteins, which may constitute several forms of COX with varying composition and differentially regulated function.
The kinin receptors are classically involved in inflammation, pain and sepsis. The effects of the kinin B1 receptor agonist des-Arg9 - bradykinin (DBK) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were investigated by comparing the membrane potential responses of aortic rings from transgenic rats overexpressing the kinin B1 receptor (B1R) in the endothelium (TGR(Tie2B1)) and Sprague Dawley (SD) rats. No difference in the resting membrane potential in the aorta’s smooth muscle from the transgenic and SD rats was observed. The aorta rings from SD rats hyperpolarized only to LPS but not to DBK, whereas the aorta rings from TGR(Tie2B1) responded by the administration of both drugs. DBK and LPS responses were inhibited by the B1 receptor antagonist R715 and by iberiotoxin in both cases. Thapsigargin induced a hyperpolarization in the smooth muscle of SD rats that was not reversed by R715, but was reversed by iberiotoxin and this hyperpolarization was further augmented by DBK administration. These results show that the model of overexpression of vascular B1 receptors in the TGR(Tie2B1) rats represent a good model to study the role of functional B1 receptors in the absence of any pathological stimulus. The data also show that KCa channels are the final mediators of the hyperpolarizing responses to DBK and LPS. In addition, we suggest an interaction between the B1R and TLR4, since the hyperpolarization induced by LPS could be abolished in the presence of R715.
100 rats were randomly divided into a sham-operated group and middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) modeling groups. The sham group after surgery was observed for 14 days. After MCAO, some rats received isometric contraction training (ICT) which was as follows: an atraumatic tourniquet was placed around left or right hind limb to achieve hind limb ischemia for 5 min, followed by 5 min of reperfusion, 4 cycles for one time, once a day, and five days per week. The MCAO modeling groups included the following four groups: i) a group only received MCAO, and was observed for seven days (MCAO-7d), ii) a group only received MCAO, and was observed for 14 days (MCAO-14d), iii) a group, after MCAO, received ICT for seven days (ICT-7d), and iv) a group, after MCAO, received ICT for 14 days (ICT-14d). Brain infarct area, behavioral outcomes, the number of neurons, apoptosis, cerebral edema and cerebral water content were assessed, respectively. The mRNA expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) was assayed with RT-PCR, and protein expression of VEGF was quantified with western blot. compared with MCAO controls, cerebral infarction, neurological deficits and neuronal apoptosis were reduced significantly in the ICT groups, while the number of neurons was increased. Moreover, the mRNA expression of VEGF and protein expression of VEGF were enhanced after 1 and 2 weeks of ICT. ICT may promote angiogenesis and neuroprotection after ischemic stroke and this new remodeling method provide a novel strategy for rehabilitation of stroke patients.
Jealousy is defined as one of the most common automatic responses to endangering a relation-ship by a third party, and in evolutionary psy-chology it has the function of maximizing self-reproduction fitness, ensuring paternity security in men and maintaining partner,s resources in women. These include romantic jealousy, in men assuring certainty of paternity, and in women assuring the maintenance of partner,s re-sources. Thus, according to this logic, woman’s sexual infidelity should be more threatening for men and man’s emotional infidelity (emotional involvement with other women than a primary partner) should be more threatening for women. Many previous studies confirm the existence of sex differences in jealousy; men reporting high-er level of sexual jealousy and women reporting higher level of emotional jealousy. On the con-trary, studies of romantic jealousy in homosex-ual individuals show inconsistent results. Some studies suggest that the type of sexual and emo-tional jealousy does not depend on the sex of the individual who is jealous, but rather on the sex of the partner or the sex of the rival. Therefore, the aim of this review is to introduce romantic jealousy from an evolutionary perspective and to acquaint the reader with current knowledge of the study of cognitive, emotional and behavioral aspects of romantic jealousy in heterosexual and homosexual men and women. and Žárlivost bývá definována jako jedna z nejčas-tějších automatických reakcí na ohrožení vztahu třetí osobou a v evoluční psychologii má přede-vším funkci maximalizovat vlastní reprodukční zdatnost, tj. u mužů zajišťovat jistotu otcovství a u žen udržení si partnera a jeho zdrojů. Po-dle této logiky by proto pro muže měla být více ohrožující ženina sexuální nevěra a pro ženy naopak mužova emoční nevěra (emoční vazba, např. zamilování se, do jiné osoby, než je pri-mární partner). Velká část předchozích studií tuto existenci mezipohlavních rozdílů ve vnímá-ní žárlivosti, kdy muži udávají vyšší míru sexu-ální žárlivosti a ženy reportují vyšší míru emoč-ní žárlivosti, opravdu potvrzuje. Naopak studie romantické žárlivosti u homosexuálních jedinců přinášejí nejednotné výsledky. Některé studie poukazují na fakt, že se typ emoční/sexuální žárlivosti neodvíjí od pohlaví jedince, který žár-lí, ale od pohlaví partnera, na kterého je žárleno, případně od pohlaví rivala. Cílem tohoto článku je proto představit koncept romantické žárlivos-ti z evoluční perspektivy a dále seznámit čtená-ře s aktuálními poznatky studia kognitivních, emočních a behaviorálních aspektů romantické žárlivosti u heterosexuálních a homosexuálních mužů a žen.
The article is focused on the issue of interference with personal integrity of a natural person and the role of judicial consent as legal justification authorising in certain circumstances to carry out an intervention interfering with integrity. It analyses the concept of integrity and the associated ambiguities and discrepancies; it discusses whether termination of continuing influence over body or mind of a person may be considered interference with integrity. Subsequently, prerequisites for judicial decision in this respect are examined, together with relevant criteria to be followed by courts. and Článek se zabývá problematikou zásahů do integrity člověka a soudním přivolením coby právním důvodem opravňujícím v určitých situacích zákrok narušující integritu vykonat. Analyzuje pojetí integrity a nejasnosti či rozpory, které může přinášet, a zvažuje, zda lze za zásah do ní považovat i ukončení probíhajícího působení na tělo či mysl dotčené osoby. Posléze se zabývá předpoklady pro související soudní rozhodování a kritérii, jimiž se má řídit.
Veda a technológie idú neuveriteľnou rýchlosťou dopredu. Napriek tomu má zdravotnícky systém veľa nedostatkov a medicínske chyby sa stávajú neustále. V posledných rokoch sa pozornosť upriamuje na zlepšenie kvality zdravotnej starostlivosti. Podľa štatistík z národných štúdií v rôznych európskych krajinách, 8 – 10 % chýb je spôsobené ľudským faktorom. V tomto texte som prebrala najzákladnejšie koncepty individuálnej a kolektívnej zodpovednosti a poukazujem na to, že v zdravotníckom systéme sú jednotlivci častokrát súčasťou tímov a nie je možné jednoznačne určiť individuálnu zodpovednosť. Napriek tomu prevladajúca kultúra viny smeruje k sankciovaniu jednotlivca. Domnievam sa, že aktuálnosť témy na Slovensku aj v Českej republike je posilnená zvyšujúcim sa počtom prípadov pochybení, ktoré sú rozoberané v médiách. Preto poukazujem aj na možný dopad médií a kultúry viny na zdravotníckeho profesionála, ktorý pochybí, a zároveň dochádzam k záveru, že obviňovanie jednotlivca nerobí systém bezpečnejším. Naše zameranie by skôr malo smerovať na preukázanie, že jednotlivec môže byť neopatrný. Ale ak sa už stane chyba, apelovať by sme mali na zlepšenie systému a prevenciu pred rovnakými chybami. Iba takto dokážeme premeniť kultúru viny na kultúru bezpečnosti a zlepšiť zdravotnú starostlivosť. and The science and technology are evolving incredibly fast. Despite that, the healthcare system has a lot of insufficiencies and medical failures happen consistently. In recent years the focus has been on increasing the quality of healthcare. According to statistics from national studies from different European countries, 8 to 10 % of mistakes are being caused by the human factor. In this text I discuss the most fundamental concepts of individual and collective guilt and point out that in healthcare system are individuals often part of a team and it is not possible to determine unambiguously the individual responsibility. In spite of this the dominant culture of guilt tends to penalize the individual. In my opinion, the urgency of this topic in Slovakia and The Czech Republic is emphasized by the increasing number of cases of failure which are being discussed in the media. Therefore I point out even possible impact of media and the guilt culture on the medical professional who fail and simultaneously I conclude that blaming the individual does not make the system safer. Our focus should rather be centred on showing that an individual can be incautious. However when the mistake happens we should appeal to improving the system and a prevention of this type of mistakes. Only this way we can change the culture of guilt to a culture of safety and improve the healthcare.
Ruavermis mikebargeri gen. et sp. n. infects the yellow-headed temple turtles Heosemys annandalii (Boulenger et Robinson) in the Mekong River Basin. It resembles Platt Roberts et Bullard, 2018 and Coeuritrema Mehra, 1933 by having the anterior to posterior anatomical sequence of a ventral sucker, external seminal vesicle, cirrus sac, anterior testis, ovary, transverse vitelline duct, and posterior testis. These genera are further similar by having the combination of an elongate/ovoid aspinous body, a ventral sucker at the level of the body constriction, an oesophagus that terminates in the anterior 1/5 of the body and that is ventral to the anterior nerve commissure, intestinal caeca that bifurcate in the anterior 1/3 of the body (not immediately anterior to the ventral sucker), a sinistral caecum that bends toward the midline at level of the cirrus and common genital pore, an external seminal vesicle that abuts the anterodextral margin of the cirrus sac, an oviduct that emerges from the dextral margin of the ovary, and an oviducal seminal receptacle that comprises the middle portion of the oviduct. These genera lack lateral oesophageal diverticulae and a median oesophageal diverticulum. The new genus is unique by having a papillate ventral body surface, an external seminal vesicle lateral to the cirrus sac, vasa efferentia that are ventral to the gonads, an oviduct that is convoluted, a Laurer's canal pore that is preovarian, a Laurer's canal that extends anterolaterad, and an excretory vesicle that is Y-shaped. The 28S rDNA phylogenetic analysis recovered the new species sister to Coeuritrema platti Roberts et Bullard, 2016, with that clade sister to Hapalorhynchus spp. and Platt spp. The new turtle blood fluke is the fourth from Vietnam, second from a Vietnam geomydid, and first from Heosemys Stejneger as well as the first endohelminth from the yellow-headed temple turtle., Haley R. Dutton and Stephen A. Bullard., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Salmincola markewitschi Shedko et Shedko, 2002 (Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae) is an ectoparasitic copepod mainly infecting the buccal cavities of white-spotted charr Salvelinus leucomaenis (Pallas) (Salmonidae). This species has only been recorded from Northeast Asia, where a morphologically similar congener Salmincola carpionis (Krøyer, 1837) is also distributed, using the same host species. These copepods are hard to distinguish from each other because of their similarities. We thus examined the newly collected specimens morphologically and genetically from five populations of white-spotted charr in Japan. Most of the specimens were morphologically consistent with S. markewitschi but showed great variations in the numbers of spines on the exopods of the antennae, shape of the maxilliped myxal palps, and the bulla diameter. Consequently, some specimens shared characteristics with S. carpionis. In addition to the mophological continuities, genetic analyses of 28S rDNA and COI mitochondrial DNA confirmed that all specimens belong to a single species. Further taxonomic revisions are required to draw conclusions of whether S. markewitschi is a valid species different from S. carpionis, by collecting samples from across their wide distributional ranges, such as Europe, North America, and Northeast Asia. A key to identification of species of Salmincola Wilson, 1915 occurring in Japan is also provided.