Below-average precipitation and above-average air temperature are important factors in the occurrence and intensity of drought. In the context of global climate change, air temperature increase, as a key climatological parameter, has to be considered when calculating the drought index. We introduce a new method of drought analysis, relying on standardized values of precipitation and mean air temperatures for a certain period. The standardized value is calculated by subtracting the average value for each period from each measured value and dividing the obtained value by the standard deviation of the sample. Next, the New Drought Index (NDI) is calculated by subtracting the standardized temperature value from the standardized precipitation value. NDI values were determined for the monthly and annual precipitation time series and mean monthly and annual air temperatures measured at the stations Split-Marjan and Zagreb-Grič between 1948 and 2020. The NDI indicates that the risk of drought has intensified significantly in recent decades, which may be related to the effect of global warming.
Acute lung injury (ALI) caused by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a common, severe clinical syndrome. Injury caused by inflammation and oxidative stress in vascular endothelial and alveolar epithelial cells is a vital process in the pathogenesis of ALI. Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) is highly expressed in LPS-induced ALI rats. In this study, Beas-2B human pulmonary epithelial cells and A549 alveolar epithelial cells were stimulated by LPS, resulting in the upregulation of TLR9 in a concentrationdependent manner. Furthermore, TLR9 overexpression and interference vectors were transfected before LPS administration to explore the role of TLR9 in LPS-induced ALI in vitro. The findings revealed that inhibition of TLR9 reduced inflammation and oxidative stress while suppressing apoptosis of LPS-induced Beas-2B and A549 cells, whereas TLR9 overexpression aggravated these conditions. Moreover, TLR9 inhibition resulted in downregulated protein expression of myeloid differentiation protein 88 (MyD88) and activator activator protein 1 (AP-1), as well as phosphorylation of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). The phosphorylation of extracellular-regulated protein kinases 1/2 was upregulated compared to that of cells subjected to only LPS administration, and this was reversed by TLR9 overexpression. These results indicate that inhibition of TLR9 plays a protective role against LPS-induced inflammation and oxidative stress in Beas-2B and A549 cells, possibly via the MyD88/NF-κB and MyD88/MAPKs/AP-1 pathways.
The risk screening of non-native species that are likely to be invasive in a defined risk assessment area is crucial for implementing strategies of rapid response and mitigation to protect native biodiversity and socio-economic activities. However, for successful risk-ranking of the screened species, scientifically defensible evidence in support of the screening outcomes must be provided, and computation of a correctly calibrated threshold to distinguish between medium-risk and high-risk species must be achieved. This paper reviews published applications of the “second-generation” Weed Risk Assessment-type decision support tools (i.e. the Aquatic Species Invasiveness Screening Kit and the Terrestrial Animal Species Invasiveness Screening Kit) and evaluates them in terms of the above two requirements. Several procedural errors were identified that involved: i) lack of provision of the report with details of the species-specific screenings; ii) incomplete justifications for the responses in the toolkit questionnaire; iii) incomplete details of the protocol used for the a priori categorisation of the screened species for threshold computation; iv) unaccepted or non-existent taxonomic names for the screened species (including typographical errors). Guidelines are provided for both assessors and reviewers to ensure that these procedural errors are avoided in future applications of these risk screening toolkits.
Výzkumná studie je zaměřena na prožívání životní naplněnosti a existenciálního zakotvení u souboru vysokoškolských studentů, budoucích učitelů (n = 346, z toho 294 žen) ve věku 19–27 let. Data z Logo-testu a NEO pětifaktorového osobnostního inventáře byla podrobena analýze v kontextu vybraných osobnostních rysů. Výsledky přesvědčivě prokazují dostatečně smysluplný a existenciálně zakotvený život u většiny našich respondentů (95,6 %), pouze výrazná menšina (4,4 %) vykazuje existenciální frustraci. Zjištěny byly intersexuální diference a významná pozitivní vazba mezi mírou prožívaného životního smyslu a osobnostních rysů extraverze, přívětivosti, otevřenosti vůči zkušenosti a svědomitosti. Negativní korelace se projevila ve vztahu subjektivního prožívání smyslu a osobnostní charakteristiky neuroticismus. and This research study focuses on the experiencing of fulfilment in life and existential grounding in a group of university students who were future teachers (n = 346, of whom 294 were women) aged 19-27 years. The data from the Logo-Test and the NEO five-factor personality inventory was analysed in the context of selected personality traits. The results convincingly show a sufficiently meaningful and existentially rooted life in the majority of our respondents (95.6% of the respondents), with only a significant minority (4.4%) displaying existential frustration. Differences between the sexes and a significant positive link between the degree of lived meaning and the personality traits of extraversion, friendliness, openness to experience, and conscientiousness were found. A negative correlation manifested itself in the relationship between the subjective experience of meaning and the personality characteristics of neuroticism.
In this study, the JIP test was used to assess the drought tolerance of two sweet cherry cultivars (Prunus avium L.) (modern and autochthonous). Plants were exposed to progressive drought by withholding water and their fast (< 1 s) chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics was evaluated. JIP test analysis showed that drought stress caused a greater decrease in performance indices (PIABS and PItotal) in a modern cultivar, as compared to an autochthonous one. Our results suggest that limited reoxidation of primary quinone electron acceptor (QA), higher amount of secondary quinone electron acceptor (QB-) nonreducing reaction centres, or inhibition of the electron transport between QA and QB, decreased more seriously the photosynthetic performance of the modern cultivar. Further, higher positive L- and K-bands observed for the modern cultivar also suggest lower energetic connectivity between PSII units and increased inhibition of oxygen-evolving complex over autochthonous cultivar. Our results suggest that the autochthonous cultivar Crveni hrušt had better photosynthetic performance under drought conditions, compared to the modern cultivar New Star.
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented many challenges for healthcare workers and patients dealing with the physical and emotional toll of this disease. Patients suffering from the effects of COVID-19 pneumonia often experience dyspnoea, or breathlessness, which has increased the prevalence of respiratory anxiety among these cases. The symptoms of pulmonary disease and anxiety overlap, and the effects of these elements exacerbate one another. Drawing from the clinical psychological treatment of 68 COVID-19 patients in the acute phase of disease in standard- and intensive-care units, as well as those post-COVID, this study describes targeted interventions applied over 178 sessions during 3.5 months at the University Hospital in Pilsen, Czech Republic. This study outlines a three-step treatment process designed to address COVID-19-related respiratory anxiety using emotion- and breathing-focused techniques. As part of this brief review, two case studies are offered to illustrate the physiological and psychological experiences common among these patients. The presented three-phased approach may offer targeted and effective treatment for COVID-related respiratory anxiety. and Pandemie covidu-19 představuje mnoho výzev pro zdravotnické pracovníky a pacienty, kteří se potýkají s fyzickými a emocionálními následky této nemoci. Pacienti trpící následky pneumonie covidu-19 často pociťují obtíže s dýcháním, což zvýšilo prevalenci respirační úzkosti v těchto případech. Příznaky onemocnění plic a úzkosti se překrývají, v jejich vzájemné interakci dochází ke zhoršení stavu. Tato studie, čerpající z klinicko-psychologické léčby 68 pacientů s covidem-19 v akutní fázi onemocnění na jednotkách standardní a intenzivní péče po onemocnění covidem, popisuje cílené intervence aplikované na 178 sezeních realizovaných v průběhu 3,5 měsíce ve Fakultní nemocnici v Plzni. Tato studie nastiňuje třístupňový léčebný model určený k řešení respirační úzkosti související s covidem-19 pomocí technik zaměřených na emoce a dýchání. V rámci stručného přehledu jsou nabízeny dvě kazuistiky, které ilustrují fyziologické a psychologické zkušenosti běžné u těchto pacientů. Prezentovaný třífázový přístup může nabídnout cílenou a účinnou léčbu respirační úzkosti související s covidem-19.
Dysmenorea (bolestivá menstruace) představuje stále tabuizované, případně bagatelizované téma, ačkoli se týká významného počtu žen. Problém může mít rovněž zásadní psychologické konsekvence. Článek v podobě systematické přehledové studie předkládá přehled dosavadních poznatků o psychologických a psychopatologických aspektech dysmenorey na základě rešerše databáze časopiseckých zdrojů. Tématika je rozdělena do několika oblastí zaměřených na psychologické teorie vzniku dysmenorey, psychopatologii spojenou s dysmenoreou, ovlivnění selfkonceptů (jako je sebepojetí, locus of control, body image, aj.) a psychoterapeutické přístupy řešení dysmenorey. Dysmenorea může mít negativní vliv na sebevědomí a sebedůvěru žen v průběhu menstruace i mimo ni, negativně ovlivňuje kvalitu života, sociální vztahy a vnímání vlastního těla. Řadou výzkumů je potvrzena souvislost s emočními problémy, stresem a psychopatologiemi jako je depresivita, úzkost, neurotické problémy, OCD, poruchy příjmu potravy a dalšími. Léčba dysmenorey pomocí psychoterapie je účinná především v případě behaviorální a kognitivně behaviorální terapie, hypnoterapie, autogenního tréningu a dalších relaxačních technik a technik zaměřených na práci s tělem. and Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) is still a taboo or trivialized topic, although it affects a significant number of women. The problem can also have major psychological consequences. The article, in the form of a review study, presents an overview of current findings on dysmenorrhea's psychological and psychopathological aspects based on a search of database journal sources. The topic is divided into several areas focused on psychological theories of the origin of dysmenorrhea, psychopathology associated with dysmenorrhea, the influence of self-concepts (such as self-concept, locus of control, body image, etc.) and psychotherapeutic approaches to solving dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea can negatively affect women's self-confidence during menstruation and beyond, negatively affecting the quality of life, social relationships, and perception of one's body. Several studies have confirmed the connection with emotional problems, stress and psychopathologies such as depression, anxiety, neurotic problems, OCD, eating disorders and others. The treatment of dysmenorrhea using psychotherapy is effective, especially in the case of behavioral and cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnotherapy, autogenic training and other relaxation techniques and techniques focused on working with the body.
The overview study sums up the contemporary knowledge concerning the psychological capital (PsyCap). It represents a relatively new but rapidly developing construct in the field of positive psychology and has applications in organizational, educational, and health psychology. The study starts with the theoretical conceptualization of PsyCap and presents its four components: hope, self-efficacy, optimism, and resilience. It provides a comprehensive review of the positive outcomes and correlates of PsyCap across multiple life domains. Next, it describes the antecedents and possible interventions supporting the development of PsyCap. It takes notice of the PsyCap measurement and evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of available methods. Finally, the study summarizes current trends in the study of PsyCap and formulates directives for research and practice in Czech organizations, education, and counselling. and Tato studie shrnuje současné poznání o psy-chologickém kapitálu (PsyCap). Jedná se o po-měrně nový, ale rychle se rozvíjející konstrukt z oblasti pozitivní psychologie, který má využití v psychologii práce a organizace, v pedagogické psychologii i v psychologii zdraví. Tato studie nejprve teoreticky vymezuje PsyCap a předsta-vuje jeho čtyři složky: naději, vědomí vlastní účinnosti, optimismus a nezdolnost. Poskytuje komplexní přehled konstruktů, s nimiž se Psy-Cap pojí, a uvádí jeho pozitivní důsledky pro různé oblasti pracovního i osobního života. Dále uvádí antecedenty PsyCap a možné intervence podporující jeho rozvoj. Popisuje nejpoužíva-nější metody měření PsyCap a hodnotí jejich silné stránky a rezervy. Závěrem studie shrnu-je aktuální světové trendy ve výzkumu PsyCap a formuluje doporučení pro výzkum i praxi v českých organizacích, ve vzdělávání a v po-radenství.