Tomato samples were collected from the field of Absheron peninsula in Azerbaijan in order to evaluate the incidence of main Tobamoviruses. According to results of serological and molecular tests, Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV), Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), and Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV) were detected as single and mixed infections (TMV + PMMoV; ToMV + PMMoV) in various tomato samples. It was found that Tobamovirus infection caused an increase in the content of malondialdehyde, alterations in the activities of peroxidase enzymes and quantitative and qualitative changes in their molecular isoforms. A comparison of thylakoid membrane polypeptides from virus-infected leaves indicated a decrease in the content of the thylakoid membrane polypeptides with molecular masses of 123, 55, 47, 33, 28-24, 17, and 15 kD. PSII efficiency and the content of chlorophylls (a and b) were significantly lower in the virus-infected leaves., I. M. Huseynova, S. M. Mirzayeva, N. F. Sultanova, D. R. Aliyeva, N. Sh. Mustafayev, J. A. Aliyev., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Dependence of ATP hydrolysis kinetics by the chloroplast coupling factor (CF1) on medium viscosity was studied at varying temperatures. For samples with oxidized and reduced CF1 γ-subunit, this dependence was shown to be described by Cramers’ relationship k - (η/ηo)-n, where k is the reaction rate constant, η/ηo is the medium/water viscosity ratio, and 0 < n < 1. Transition of the γ-subunit from its reduced to oxidized state was accompanied by increasing n value, which is indicative of increasing friction losses between certain enzyme sections and the solution. The increased medium viscosity produced no effect on the reaction activation energy which appeared to be almost the same for the both enzyme states. The molecular mechanisms responsible for CF1 activity loss in viscous media are discussed., A.N. Malyan., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Druhé pokračování o významu vitaminu D pro zdraví člověka (první bylo publikováno v Živě 4/2015) se zabývá jeho úlohou, kterou hraje v imunitě. Donedávna se nepředpokládalo, že by vitamin D mohl podmiňovat také imunitní procesy. Během posledních let se však nashromáždil dostatečný počet experimentálních i klinických studií, které dokládají, že při jeho nedostatečném příjmu dochází k poklesu zejména antiinfekční imunity, a souběžně s tím stoupá také riziko vzniku nesdělných onemocnění. Účelem tohoto sdělení není vyčerpávající informace o mechanismech jeho působen na imunitní systém, ale upozornění pro specialisty i laiky na tuto důležitou, ale prozatím opomíjenou problematiku., This is a further continuation of an 8/2015 article about the importance of vitamin D to the health of human beings (the first was published in Živa 4/2015). The article deals with the role that the vitamin plays in immunity. Until recently, it was not assumed that vitamin D could also be conditional upon immune processes and that it determines the correct function of both natural and adaptive immunity. In recent years, however, a sufficient number of experimental and clinical studies have accumulated, providing evidence that insufficient intake of vitamin D could not only induce decreased immunity to infection but also contribute substantially to an increased risk of non-communicable diseases. The purpose of this communication is not exhaustive information on the mechanisms of vitamin D effects on the immune system, but as an alert to specialists and laymen on hitherto neglected issues., and Petr Šíma, Bohumil Turek.
Filamentous fungi are frequently isolated from body surface of the patients with suspected dermatomycosis. They may act as human pathogens, but in numerous ca - ses the significance of isolated fungus must be verified by additional investigations. The medically important fungi form a highly diverse and heterogenous group. Our often only limited knowledge of their biology is rapidly expanding particularly due to the development of new and improved methods of molecular biology., Vít Hubka, Naďa Mallátová., and 8 barev. fot.
Vlha pestrá (Merops apiaster) je teplomilný ptačí druh uzpůsobený k lovu hmyzu. Proto patří k obyvatelům převážně subtropických a tropických oblastí, ale v opakovaných vlnách osídlovala i různá místa střední Evropy. Postupná expanze druhu probíhá i v České republice. Článek popisuje možnosti podpory hnízdění vlhy pestré na příkladu mokřadu Betlém na jižní Moravě., Merops apiaster is a termophilic insectivorous bird species. Hence it primarily inhabits subtropical and tropical regions, but it has also repeatedly settled in various Central European sites. The species is also gradually expanding in the Czech Republic. This article describes the possibility of supporting bee-eater nesting based on the example of the Betlém wetlands in southern Moravia., and Miroslav Šebela.
Invaze nepůvodních druhů žížal vede v severoamerických lesích ke komplexním změnám a to především v severních opadavých lesích, které se od posledního zalednění částečně vyvíjely zcela bez přítomnosti žížal. Článek danou problematiku zasazuje do souvislostí a představuje stav poznání z hlediska příčin, postupu a důsledků těchto invazí., Invasions of exotic earthworms into North American forests lead to complex changes, in particular, in northern deciduous forests that have partially developed after the last glaciation without the presence of earthworms. The paper explains the context of these earthworm invasions and presents the state of knowledge in respect to their causes, spread and consequences., and Jiří Schlaghamerský.