Our Laboratory of Artificial Neural Network Applications (LANNA) in the Czech Technical University in Prague (head of the laboratory is professor Jana Tučková) collaborates on a project with the Department of Paediatric Neurology, 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague and with the Motol University Hospital (head of clinic is professor Vladimír Komárek), which focuses on the study of children with SLI.
The speech database contains two subgroups of recordings of children's speech from different types of speakers. The first subgroup (healthy) consists of recordings of children without speech disorders; the second subgroup (patients) consists of recordings of children with SLI. These children have different degrees of severity (1 – mild, 2 – moderate, and 3 – severe). The speech therapists and specialists from Motol Hospital decided upon this classification. The children’s speech was recorded in the period 2003-2013. These databases were commonly created in a schoolroom or a speech therapist’s consulting room, in the presence of surrounding background noise. This situation simulates the natural environment in which the children live, and is important for capturing the normal behavior of children. The database of healthy children’s speech was created as a referential database for the computer processing of children’s speech. It was recorded on the SONY digital Dictaphone (sampling frequency, fs = 16 kHz, 16-bit resolution in stereo mode in the standardized wav format) and on the MD SONY MZ-N710 (sampling frequency, fs = 44.1 kHz, 16-bit resolution in stereo mode in the standardized wav format). The corpus was recorded in the natural environment of a schoolroom and in a clinic. This subgroup contains a total of 44 native Czech participants (15 boys, 29 girls) aged 4 to 12 years, and was recorded during the period 2003–2005. The database of children with SLI was recorded in a private speech therapist’s office. The children’s speech is captured by means of a SHURE lapel microphone using the solution by the company AVID (MBox – USB AD/DA converter and ProTools LE software) on an Apple laptop (iBook G4). The sound recordings are saved in the standardized wav format. The sampling frequency is set to 44.1 kHz with 16-bit resolution in mono mode. This subgroup contains a total of 54 native Czech participants (35 boys, 19 girls) aged 6 to 12 years, and was recorded during the period 2009–2013. This package contains wav data sets for development and testing methods for detection children with SLI.
Software pack:
FORANA - was developed the original software FORANA for formants analysis. It is based on the MATLAB programming environment. The development of this software was mainly driven by the need to have the ability to complete formant analysis correctly and full automation of the process of extracting formants from the recorded speech signals. Development of this application is still running. Software was developed in the LANNA at CTU FEE in Prague.
LABELING - the program LABELING is used for segmentation of the speech signal. It is a part of SOMLab program system. Software was developed in the LANNA at CTU FEE in Prague.
PRAAT - is an acoustic analysis software. The Praat program was created by Paul Boersma and David Weenink of the Institute of Phonetics Sciences of the University of Amsterdam. Home page: http://www.praat.org or http://www.fon.hum.uva.nl/praat/.
V současné době je v odborných publikacích věnována stále větší pozornost spirituální dimenzi člověka. Rostoucí zájem o spiritualitu je možno pozorovat zhruba od 80. let minulého století, kdy došlo k rozšíření tohoto pojmu do psychologie a zdravotnictví. Pojem spiritualita se objevil poprvé v teologii v 16. století, jeho praktické užívání v dnešním slova smyslu pochází však až ze začátku 20. století. Spiritualitu je nutno odlišovat od religiozity. Spiritualita může mít svůj konkrétní projev v religiozitě, může se však také manifestovat i jinými způsoby. „Přirozená“ spiritualita je běžnou součástí života, projevuje se ve schopnosti reflektovat sebe i okolní svět, angažovat se ve vztazích a v realizaci hodnot, v hledání a nacházení smyslu svého života i života vůbec. Nemoc může být obdobím, kdy si člověk více než kdy jindy uvědomuje svoji spirituální dimenzi. Je důležité, aby součástí péče o nemocného byla i spirituální péče. Tato péče však musí být vysoce individualizovaná, aby pacienta nepoškozovala. Non lege artis postupem je jak opomíjení tohoto typu péče, tak jeho násilné vnucování., Over recent years, specialist publications have been increasingly focusing on the spiritual dimension of man. This growing interest can be traced back to the 1980s, when the concept of spirituality expanded into psychology and health care. Although the term spirituality first appeared in 16th century theology, its usage in today’s sense of the word originates in the early 20th century. Spirituality must be distinguished from religiousness. Spirituality may find its specific expression in religiousness, but can also be manifested in other ways. A „natural“ spirituality is an essential part of everyday life, demonstrating itself in the ability to reflect both on oneself and the outside world, to get involved in relationships and apply values, as well as in searching for and finding the purpose of one’s life and the meaning of life in general. An illness may represent a period in life when a person more than ever before becomes aware of his / her spiritual dimension. It is important that caring for an ill person also includes spiritual care. This care, however, needs to be highly individualised so that it wouldn’t harm the patient. Neglecting this type of care or forcibly imposing it should both be considered a non lege artis practice., Bartůšková L., and Literatura
Výzkumné šetření bylo zaměřeno na společný ošetřovatelský lůžkový fond, který se v posledních několika málo letech stává trendem menších, ale i středně velkých nemocničních zařízení. Díky restrukturalizaci lůžek akutní péče v České republice dochází ke slučování jednotlivých odborností, a to jak v rámci chirurgických, tak interních oborů. Cílem výzkumu bylo zhodnotit přínos vzniku společného ošetřovatelského lůžkového fondu, analyzovat problémy v ošetřovatelské péči, zhodnotit náročnost práce sestry a zmapovat pochybení v oblasti ošetřovatelské péče v souvislosti se vznikem projektu. Výzkumný soubor byl tvořen zaměstnanci Nemocnice Tábor, a. s., kteří měli osobní zkušenosti s fungováním společného ošetřovatelského lůžkového fondu. Sběr dat probíhal prostřednictvím metody dotazování, technikou nestandardizovaného rozhovoru s doplňujícími otázkami. Výzkumným šetřením bylo zjištěno, že hlavními důvody vzniku společného lůžkového fondu byly finanční úspory spojené s restrukturalizací lůžek akutní péče. Studie potvrdila, že i přes větší zatíženost sestry v pracovním procesu nenastaly v souvislosti se vznikem projektu problémy v ošetřovatelské péči a nebyla zaznamenána pochybení v této oblasti. Závěry výzkumného šetření mohou pomoci organizacím, které se projekt sloučení lůžkového ošetřovatelského fondu chystají zrealizovat., The research is focused on MNIW, which is over the last few years becoming a trend of smaller, but also medium-sized hospitals. With restructuring of acute care beds in the Czech Republic, merging of individual expertise occurs, both within surgical and internal medicine. The aim of the research was to evaluate benefits of MNIW. The research sample consisted of employees of the Tábor Hospital, a. s., who have had personal experience with the functioning of MNIW. The data were collected by interviewing methods, using nonstandardized interview technique with additional questions. Research survey found that the main reasons for constitution of MNIW were the cost savings associated with restructuring of acute care beds. The study confirmed that despite higher stress in nurse’s working process, no problems occurred in nursing care in connection with the establishment of the project and that there were no mistakes in this area. Conclusions of the research can help organizations that plan to implement project of MNIW., Hana Valešová, Iva Brabcová, and Literatura