Background: To evaluate the clinical usefulness of serum levels of soluble form of endoglin in stage III colorectal adenocarcinomas (CRC) patients for detection of recurrence. Methods: The case-control study consisted of 80 stage III CRC patients who underwent surgery with curative intent and 70 age-and sex-matched healthy volunteers. Serum levels of soluble form of endoglin (sol-end) were measured in both groups. Also, predictive factors of recurrence were evaluated using multivariate analyses. Results: Serum levels of sol-end in stage III CRC patients were significantly higher than those in controls. There was not a significant association between serum levels of sol-end and clinicopathological features in CRC patients. Multivariate regression analysis showed the LN R (hazard ratio, 2.54; 95% CI , 1.46–4.34; p < 0.001), to be significant independent factors to estimate local recurrence in stage III CRC patients. Conclusion: Preoperative serum levels of sol-end do not seem useful as a marker for detection of recurrence in stage III CRC patients., Ismail Gomceli, Mesut Tez, Erdal B. Bostanci, Nesrin Turhan, Ahu S. Kemik, Musa Akoglu, and Literatura 18
Introduction Cutaneous malignant melanoma prevalence, incidence and mortality rates are increasing in white populations worldwide more rapidly than any other cancer site (American Cancer Society, 2006). Despite the potential importance of regular skin selfexamination and promotion of selfprotection practices, little is known about the prevalence of these practices in medical students in Albanian population. Methods This is a descriptive, quantitative crosssectional study. In this study were included a sample of 150 individuals chosen among the students of Faculty of Medicine based on their family history for skin cancer. This study was started on October the 3rd and finished on November the 12th. Subjects had to fill in a structured, selfadministered questionnaire. All participants lived within Republic of Albania but at the time of the study were students in University of Tirana, Faculty of Medicine. Results In this study that we conducted we included 150 individuals supposed to have a risk for skin cancer based on their family history. 200 individuals were approached for participation. Of these, 150 individuals returned questionnaire data, yielding a response rate of 75% among eligible, successfully contacted participants. The mean age of the sample was 20.05 years (Std. Dev. = 0.925), with males (22%) and females (78%) represented unequally, because the gender configuration of the faculty itself has gender disparities with more than 80% females and only 20% male students. The majority of the sample was born in city or town (85.3%), 14.7% was born in a village. In terms of income level, 79.3% of participants had a medium income family background, 15.3% high income and 5.3% had a low income level family background. Conclusion It is important for those individuals with family history for skin cancer (which inherently indicates risk for skin cancer) to develop selfexamination and SSE behaviours and practices in order to have a protection and at least an early detection (if onset) of the different forms of Melanoma. The results of this study provide some guide as to the key areas or 'hot spots' on which to focus attention when designing supportive care interventions for melanoma survivors and those at high risk of skin cancer., Yllka Bilushi, Rozeta Luci, Loreta Kuneshka, Numila Maliqari, and Literatura
It is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. This postulate is a foundation stone of the contemporary medicine, furthermore its mission. The Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD), amongst them the Chronic Pyelonephrites (CP) and the mass kidney reduction take an important place in human pathologies in general, and in particular in renal ones. The Chronic Pyelonephrites are chronic renal pathologies, which on one side are of various causes and on the other side are multi systemic. At the same time they tend, earlier or later, depending on their course, to bring the patient towards the Chronic Kidney Insufficiency in stage of uremia, consequently in need of substitution therapies e.g. dialysis, peritoneum dialysis or transplant. It is worthy to emphasize that from the prevention and correct cure of CP make profit the patients, the family, the state and in the last analyses the entire society, because in that way the budget expense destined for the fore going substitution cures, dialysis, peritoneum dialysis or transplant, is considerably reduced. The same should be mentioned in relation to the CP and the mass kidney reduction, speaking about our country, which are still at the first place as the very cause of Chronic Kidney Insufficiencies (CRI), later on advancing toward uremia and terminal uremia along with its grave consequences. In general the very foundation of the CP is on the infections of urinary roads, in particular on the complicated ones, among them it should be mentioned-congenital kidney anomalies, renal calculosis so much present in our country, and pathologies of segment or vesical-ureteral reflux, and rarely the pathologies of prostate., Fejzi Alushi, Nestor Thereska, and Literatura
Cílem našeho sdělení je demonstrovat možnosti základního vyšetření likvoru (CSF, z angl. cerebrospinal fluid = mozkomíšní mok) při sledování následného vývoje stavu centrálního nervového systému (CNS) u pacienta po subarachnoidálním krvácení. Klíčovou problematikou je především odlišení purulentních zánětlivých změn bakteriální etiologie a neinfekčního serózního zánětu ve smyslu úklidové reakce v CNS při opakovaně negativním mikrobiologickém vyšetření CSF. Možným řešením je společné hodnocení cytologického obrazu CSF a energetických poměrů v likvorovém kompartmentu vedoucí k určení charakteru zánětlivého procesu v CNS. Informační potenciál základní likvorologie však tímto není vyčerpán. Na případu dále předvádíme sledování poruchy cirkulace CSF vedoucí ke vzniku hydrocefalu, detekci probíhající destrukce tkáně při ischemizaci mozkového parenchymu a hodnocení přítomnosti krvácení do likvorových cest. Vývoj komplexního likvorového obrazu je pak průběžně konfrontován s výsledky zobrazovacích vyšetření a přispívá k optimalizaci terapeutických postupů až do ukončení intenzivní péče o pacienta., Our paper demonstrates the possibilities of basic examination of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) when monitoring the central nervous system (CNS) in a patient after subarachnoid hemorrhage. The key problem is to differentiate between purulent inflammation of bacterial etiology and non-infectious serous inflammation, the so called „clean-up reaction”, in the CNS during repetitively negative microbiological examinations of the CSF. Combined evaluation of the cytological image and energy turnover in the CSF compartment can help in specifying the character of inflammation of the CNS. The information potential of the CSF examination, however, is not depleted yet. In this case report we further demonstrate the failure of the CSF circulation leading to hydrocephalus, detection of tissue destruction during brain ischemia and detection of hemorrhage into the cerebrospinal fluid pathways. The development of the CSF image is continuously confronted with results of imaging examinations and helps to optimize the therapeutic procedures until the end of the intensive care of the patient., Kelbich P., Procházka J., Sameš M., Hejčl A., Vachata P., Hušková E., Peruthová J., Hanuljaková E., Špička J., and Literatura 10
Histologická verifikace CT nebo MRI suspektního tumoru mozku je v současnosti nutnou podmínkou pro indikaci komplexní onkologické terapie. Strukturální patologie postihující zadní jámu lební jsou méně častým cílem stereotaktické biopsie pro koncentraci vitálních struktur v omezeném prostoru a komplikovanější přístup. Volba přístupu je dána především lokalizací léze ve vztahu k jednotlivým strukturám mozkového kmene. Je možné využít přístup transfrontální v dlouhé ose mozkového kmene (léze postihující mezencefalon, horní pons), transtentoriální přístup (léze mozečkové hemisféry a vermis mozečku) a přímý transcerebellární přístup (léze hemisféry mozečku a pontu, zvláště laterálního). Cílem sdělení je prezentace kazuistik 2 nemocných s diagnosticky nejasnými patologickými procesy postihujícími struktury zadní jámy lební, u kterých výsledek stereotaktické biopsie vedl k stanovení diagnózy, která zásadním způsobem ovlivnila další léčebný postup ve smyslu indikace komplexní onkologické terapie., Histological verification of CT or MRI suspected brain tumor is at prezent time necessary requirement for the indication of complex oncological treatment. Lesions affecting posterior fossa structures are less frequent target for stereotactic biopsy because of the concentration of vital structures in the limited space and more demanding approach. The choice of the approach is determined mainly by the lesion relationship to brainstem components. It is possible to use transfrontal approach along the long axis of the brainstem (lesions affecting mezencephalic and upper pontine region), transtentorial (lesions affecting cerebellar hemisphere and vermis) and direct transcerebellar (lesions of cerebellar hemisphere and pons, especially lateral). The paper analyses the use of the modified transcerebellar approach in 2 patients with lesions of unclear etiology affecting posterior fossa structures. In both patients transcerebellar stereotactic biopsy lead to diagnosis with decisive impact on further treatment strategy – indication of complex oncological treatment., Jan Chrastina, Zdeněk Novák, Pavel Cejpek, Věra Faitová, MarkétaHhermanová, Michal Reif, Ivo Říha, Jiří Vaníček, and Literatura 22
Primární nádory mozku jsou heterogenním onemocněním. Nejzávažnější diagnózu představuje glioblastoma multiforme, který tvoří 75 % z high grade gliomů. Jedná se o agresivní nádory s omezenými terapeutickými možnostmi a špatnou prognózou. Medián přežití od stanovení diagnózy je bez léčby 4,6 měsíce, s léčbou kolem 12 měsíců. Zlatým standardem terapie je v dnešní době radikální operace, chemoradioterapie a následně adjuvantní chemoterapie temozolomidem. V naší práci jsme se zaměřili na přínos přidání temozolomidu ke standardní radioterapii v porovnání s jeho toxicitou., Primary brain tumors are a heterogeneous disease. The most important is glioblastoma multiforme, which constitutes 75 % of the high grade gliomas. These are aggressive tumors with limited therapeutic options and poor prognosis. Median survival from diagnosis is 4,6 months without treatment in the management of around 12 months. The gold standard therapy today is radical surgery, chemoradiotherapy followed by adjuvant chemotherapy with temozolomide. In our work we focus on the benefit of adding temozolomide to standard radiotherapy compared with its toxicity., Kateřina Zycháčková, Markéta Pospíšková, Milan Kohoutek, Michal Filip, Alena Jakšičková, Michal Zycháček, and Literatura
Cílem naší práce bylo přispět k hodnocení zdravotního rizika kombinované inhalační a dermální expozice PAU u osob pracujících v oboru silniční stavitelství. V rámci hodnocení expoziční cesty bylo v pracovním ovzduší a na kůži exponovaných osob stanoveno 15 vybraných PAU. Zhodnocení genotoxické expozice (chromozomové aberace periferních lymfocytů) bylo provedeno před/po sezoně (jaro/podzim) vždy jednorázovým odběrem krve. Skupina pracovníků v oboru silniční stavitelství byla inhalačně exponována PAU na hladinách výrazně nižších, než jsou pracovní limity v České republice. Rovněž dle hodnocení World Health Organization (WHO) lze námi zjištěnou inhalační expozici benzo(a) pyrenu považovat za přijatelnou. Dermální expozice byla na nízké úrovni. Nalezli jsme významný nárůst chromozomových aberací periferních lymfocytů po sezoně. Tento nález však byl stále v mezích normálních hodnot. Genotoxické riziko lze považovat za nízké., The aim of our study was to contribute to the evaluation of health risk assessments of combined inhalation and dermal exposure to PAHs amongst road construction crews. Within the framework of evaluating inhalation and dermal exposure of persons there have been determined 15 selected PAHs. Assessments of genotoxic exposure (chromosomal aberrations of peripheral lymphocytes) were performed in the spring and autumn seasons with single blood samples in each case. Road construction crews were exposed to inhaled PAHs at levels significantly lower than those stipulated by work limits in the Czech Republic. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) assessment, the detected inhalation exposure to benzo(a) pyrene is also acceptable. Dermal exposure was low. We detected a significant increase in chromosomal aberrations of peripheral lymphocytes post season. This finding, however, did not exceed limit values. Genotoxic risk can be considered to be low., Diana Ranná, Lenka Borská, Jindra Šmejkalová, Lenka Kotingová, Jan Kremláček, Hana Tamchynová, and Literatura 28
Cieľ: Cieľom prieskumu bolo zistiť prevalenciu a rizikové faktory hypertenzie bieleho plášťa (WCH) u detí. Metodika: Formou retrospektívnej štúdie sme analyzovali zdravotné záznamy 140 detí (36 dievčat, 104 chlapcov) s vysokým krvným tlakom nameraným v kardiologickej ambulancii, u ktorých bolo vykonané 24-hodinové ambulantné monitorovanie krvného tlaku (ABPM) a určený typ hypertenzie. Hypertenzia bola diagnostikovaná, keď bol systolický a/alebo diastolický krvný tlak meraný auskultačnou technikou ≥ 95. percentil pre pohlavie, vek a výšku. WCH bola definovaná ako priemerná hodnota krvného tlaku v ambulancii nachádzajúca sa v percentilovom pásme hypertenzie a hodnota tlaku krvi počas 24-hodinového monitorovania ambulantného tlaku nachádzajúca sa v pásme normálnych hodnôt krvného tlaku. Výsledky: V skupine 140 detí bola potvrdená prítomnosť WCH u 51 detí (36,4 %) – 13 dievčat a 38 chlapcov. Z celkového súboru sa WCH vyskytovala u 36,1 % zaradených dievčat a 36,5 % zaradených chlapcov. Systolický TK sa v kardiologickej ambulancii nachádzal nad 95. percentilom, diastolický TK pod 90. percentilom. Väčšina pacientov s WCH bola vo veku 15 – 19 rokov (80,4 %) a v pásme od 3. do 90. percentilu BMI (72,5 %). U pacientov prevládala negatívna rodinná anamnéza hypertenzie (54,9 %) a zriedkavé návštevy kardiologickej ambulancie (2-4x). Krvný tlak v ambulancii merala deťom výlučne sestra. Záver: Zistenie prevalencie WCH a jej rizikových faktorov je u detí významné, pretože prevažuje názor, že v detskom veku je WCH predispozíciou k trvalej hypertenzii. Na základe zistení rizikových faktorov, môžeme vykonávať prevenciu WCH., Aim: The aim of this study was to find out the prevalence and risk factors of white coat hypertension (WCH) in children. Methods: We realized the retrospective study and analyzed records of 140 children (36 girls, 104 boys) with high blood pressure measured in cardiology outpatients' clinic, to whom a 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) was made and the type of hypertension was specified. Hypertension was diagnosed when systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure measurements with auscultatory technique were ≥ 95th percentile for sex, age and height. White coat hypertension (WCH) has been defined as mean blood pressure (BP) readings in outpatients' clinic being located in the hypertensive range while 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring is in the normal range. Results: In the group of 140 children the presence of WCH was confirmed in 51 children (36,4 %) - 13 girls and 38 boys. WCH occurred in 36,1 % of girls and 36,5 % of boys in the total sample of respondents. Systolic BP in cardiology outpatients' clinic reached the value above the 95th percentile, diastolic BP below the 90th percentile. The most patients with WCH were 15 – 19 years old (80,4 %) and in 3rd - 90th percentile of BMI (72,5 %). Patients prevailed negative family history of hypertension (54,9 %) and fewer visit (2-4 times) of cardiology outpatients' clinic. Blood pressure of children was measured exclusively by a nurse in this outpatients' clinic. Conclusion: Determination of the prevalence of WCH and its risk factors in children is important because of prevailing opinion that WCH in children is predisposition in permanent hypertension. Based on the detection of risk factors, we can implement prevention of WCH., Anna Ovšonková, Daniela Kubisová, and Literatura
Purpose: To investigate the protective action of Ceruloplasmin (Cp) on the lysis of erythrocytes in men with prostate tumors. Material and Methods: The blood erythrocytes of the patients with benign hyperplasia of prostate (BHP) and prostate adenocarcinoma (CaP) were studied. Patients at the age 60-75 with early stages of a cancer have been investigated. The control group was consisted of apparently healthy males with the compatible age. n=15 for each group. The clinical stage of the disease was diagnosed by means of rectal, histological and echographic examination of the prostate gland. Photometric methods were applied to register lysis dynamics in order to test out the protective action of Cp. Results: The nonspecific protective function of Cp preparation on BHP and CaP erythrocytes as well as on the control group erythrocytes was revealed. CaP erythrocytes have shown more sensitivity to the lysis provocative factor than BHP and the control group erythrocytes, that was presumably attributed to the structural and functional changes of the erythrocytes developed in the presence of malignant tumor., N. Kotrikadze, M. Zibzibadze, L. Ramishvili, M. Alibegashvili., T. Chigogidze, L. Managadze, and Literatura
Cíl. Pseudomyxom peritonea je velmi vzácné semimaligní onemocnění. Záměrem našeho sdělení je pojednání o typickém nálezu, možnostech léčby a komplikacích. Metoda. Nedávné případy z našeho pracoviště ilustrují patognomické znaky nemoci v CT obrazu, obvyklý klinický nález, průběh onemocnění i svízelnost jeho léčby. Ve dvou našich kazuistikách je příčinou pseudomyxomu peritonea mucinózní cystadenom appendixu, v jednom appendikální low grade cystadenokarcinom, v posledním případě mucinózní cystadenokarcinom neznámého původu. U prvního pacienta se navíc objevila raritní komplikace - metastatická ložiska intrathorakálně. Závěr. Pseudomyxom peritonea je klinický syndrom, který je způsoben excesivní produkcí gelatinózního ascitu buňkami mucinózního cystadenomu či cystadenokarcinomu různého původu, nejčastěji se však jedná o tumory appendixu. Typický morfologický nález v zobrazovacích metodách určuje jejich významné místo v diagnostice, stagingu a monitorování výsledků léčby pseudomyxomu., Aim. Pseudomyxoma peritonei is an uncommon semimalignous disease. The aim of our statement is the discussion about the typical finding, the possibilities of treatment and complications. Method. The recent findings from our workplace illustrate pathological signs of the disease on CT-scan, usual clinical finding, the progression of the disease and the arduous of its treatment. In two of our cases is the cause of pseudomyxoma peritonei mucinous cystadenoma of the appendix, in one low grade mucinous cystadenocarcinoma and in the last case the mucinuos cystadenoma of unknown origin. There has appeared by the first patient a rare complication - intrathoracic implants lesions. Conclusion. Pseudomyxoma peritonei is a clinical syndrome that is caused by the excessive production of gelatinous ascites cells mucinous cystadenoma or cystadeno-karcinoma of different origin, but mostly these are the cases of appendix tumors. The typical morphological found in the imaginig methods determines their important place in the diagnostics, staging and the monitoring of the results of the treatment of pseudomyxoma., Žáčik M, Kacvinská T, Pernická B, Pospíšková M, Palíšek J., and Literatura 12