Cílem mé práce je zamyslet se nad existencialismem a postmoderním přístupem z pohledu vzájemných podobností i rozdílů. Existenciální analýza stojí podle mého názoru mezi modernou a postmodernou, protože na jedné straně vychází z poznávání objektivního světa (moderna), ale na druhou stranu k ní přidává požadavek subjektivního prožívání (postmoderna). Došel jsem k následujícím podobným předpokladům existenciálního a postmoderního přístupu: obrat k subjektivnímu prožívání, nereduktivní přístup k životní zkušenosti, schopnost svobodné volby, princip osobní zodpovědnosti, zdůrazňování vnitřních zdrojů klienta a orientace na budoucnost, širší kontext mezilidských vztahů či dané kultury, neexistence jediné pravdy, důraz na plynutí času, obrat k jazyku a přizpůsobení se jazyku klienta. Naproti tomu se oba směry vyznačují rozdíly v teoriích poznání, v různém zaměření na smysl a cíl života, v jiném pojetí emocí a z toho vycházejícího uchopování nepříjemných prožitků. Rozdílný pohled na některá témata vnímám jako podněcující, protože člověku skýtá příležitost přemýšlet o věcech novým, obohacujícím způsobem., The purpose of my work is to think of the existentialism and the postmodern approach from the view of their mutual similarities and differences. In my opinion, the existential analysis stands between the modernism and the postmodernism, because on the one hand it is based on the cognition of the objective world (the modernism) and on the other hand, there is also the requirement of subjective experience there (the postmodernism). I came to the following similar premises of the existential and postmodern approach: the return to subjective experience, non-reductive attitude to the life experience, the ability of free choice, the principle of personal responsibility, the accent on inner sources of the client and the focus on the future, broader context of the interpersonal relationships or the given culture, the absence of the only truth, the accent on the passage of time, the return to the language and the accommodation to the language of the client. On the contrary, both of the directions differ in the theories of cognition, in different focus on the meaning and goal of life, in different conception of emotions and consequent grasping of unpleasant experiences. I percieve the different view on some subjects as incitory, because it offers the opportunity of thinking about things in a new, enriching way., Slabý M., and Literatura
Backround: Worldwide, approximately 1 billion people, from which 200250 million are women, smoke. Based on the Estonian Medical Birth Register data, in 2010, 7,5% of pregnant women were smokers, and in 2012, 7% of pregnant women were smoking during their pregnancy. Thus, smoking rates among pregnant women fell only 0,5%. The objective of the research was to find out the views of pregnant women who were smoking during pregnancy of the effect of smoking on the health of them and their babies, and experiences in quitting smoking, changing indicators, e.g. smoking and socioeconomical status (initial exposure to smoking, employment, longterm partnerships etc.) in 20092013. Methods: This research is a phenomenological study, which was being carried out from October 2009 until January 2013. Data collection methods were semistructured interviews with 45 pregnant women smoking during their pregnancy and being registered for antenatal care in three health care institutions of Republic of Estonia. An inductive approach for qualitative analysis was used. Results: Most women smoking during pregnancy started smoking in their teens, their parents smoked, they were under 30 years old housewives or unemployed. On an average of 1120 cigarettes were consumed each day, the pregnancy of the research group did not influence frequency and tobacco intake. The participants in the research group reported that tobacco consumption helped them relax, gave them a chance to spend time in a good company, and it was not regarded as a bad habit but a social addiction, being caused by availability of tobacco products. Although most of them had an opinion about harmful effects of smoking, e.g. a cough, asthma and rapid fatigue, on the health of them and less on their expected babies, they continued smoking. Conclusions: The smoking and socioeconomical status of women smoking during pregnancy in 20092013 has not changed, health awareness of them is low and has not improved. Support groups with close relatives are needed to motivate cessation. In the first place, prevention needs a good example, purposeful cooperation, which starts in daily life context at homes, in educational institutions and in the community. Limiting the availability of tobacco products, postponing and preventing an initial exposure to smoking are thought to be of great importance. The results of the research will be introduced in health care institutions and they can be used in the health promotion process., Urve KaasikAaslav, Mare Vanatoa, Ene Kotka, and Literatura
Introduction: Oral Lichen planus (OLP) is chronic inflammatory oral mucosal disease of unknown etiology. Basement membrane damage and T‑cell migration in OLP may be mediated by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). We examined the expression of matrix metalloproteinase 9 to support this hypothesis. Materials and methods: The study population consisted of 71 patients with OLP and 10 control patients with oral fibromas. Indirect immunohistochemistry was used for detection of MMP 9 expression (polyclonal rabbit anti‑human MMP antibody). Results: In all cases of OLP, the MMP‑9 expression was seen mainly in the area of lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrate in the lamina propria including lymphocytes within the overlying epithelium. In addition, it was observed in the epithelial keratinocytes, particularly in the stratum basale and stratum spinosum with occasional positivity in the superficial layer. Fibroblasts and endothelium of small vessels in the lamina propria showed MMP9 expression as well. In all cases of oral mucosal fibromas, the MMP‑9 expression was seen only in fibroblasts and in endothelium of small vessels with occasional positivity within the overlying epithelium. It remains unclear, whether MMP‑9 is directly connected to OLP pathogenesis., Vladimíra Paulusová, Jan Laco, Ivo Dřízhal, Radovan Slezák, and Literatura 24
Cíl práce: Analýza výsledků extrakčních vaginálních operací ve FN Motol v období let 2007 – 2011. Typ studie: Retrospektivní analýza Soubor a metodika: Analýza 341 vaginálních extrakčních porodů – frekvence využití jednotlivých instrumentů, indikace k jednotlivým extrakčním operacím, mateřské a neonatologické komplikace. Výsledky: V daném období stouplo využití extrakčních metod z 0,81 % na 3,55 %. Tento stoupající trend byl dán zejména zvyšující se frekvencí využití vakuumextraktoru (VEX). Na našem pracovišti se VEX do roku 2007 nepoužíval vůbec, v roce 2011 již tvořil 92 % všech extrakčních operací (nárůst z 0 % na 3,27 %, forceps pokles z 0,81 % na 0,28 %). Indikační schéma k využití jednotlivých instrumentů se v průběhu let také změnilo, dominantou k využití forcepsu byla hypoxie, v roce 2011 při vzrůstající oblibě vakuumextraktoru tvořila právě hypoxie již 50 % indikací k jeho využití. Četnost poranění matky i novorozence byla nižší při použití vakuumextraktoru, kefalhematom novorozence v 7 % u VEXu a 13 % u forcepsu. Závěr: V daném období došlo na našem pracovišti k celkovému zvýšení četnosti extrakčních porodů, a to zejména vlivem použití vakuumextraktoru. Vakuumextraktor je dle našich dat spojen s nižší mateřskou a novorozeneckou morbiditou. Neonatologické výsledky obou metod jsou srovnatelné, mírně však ve prospěch vakuumextraktoru. Výjimkou je jeho neúspěšné použití., Objective: To analyze the results of assisted vaginal deliveries at the Motol University Hospital for the period 2007–2011. Type of study: A retrospective analysis Material and Methods: Analysis of 341 vaginal assisted deliveries - frequency of individual instrument use, indications for assisted vaginal deliveries, maternal and neonatal complications. Results: During the given time period the frequency of assisted vaginal deliveries increased from 0,81 % to 3,55 %. This increasing trend was mainly due to the increasing frequency of vacuum extractor (VEX) use. The first vacuum assisted vaginal delivery at our hospital was recorded in 2007. In 2011 this method already accounted for 92 % of all assisted vaginal deliveries (an increase from 0 % to 3,27 %; the frequency of forceps deliveries decreased from 0,81 % to 0,28 %). Over the years, indications for the use of instruments have also changed. Main indication for forceps delivery used to be hypoxia, but in 2011, with increasing popularity of vacuum extractions, it accounted only for 50 % of indications for its use. Frequency of maternal and neonatal injuries was lower when using vacuum extractor, newborn cephalhaematoma was recorded in 7 % when vacuum extractor was used and 13 % when forceps was used. Conclusion: During the given time period there was an overall increase of assisted vaginal deliveries at our department, mainly because of the vacuum extractor use. According to our data, vacuum extraction is associated with lower maternal and neonatal morbidity. Neonatal results of both methods are comparable, but slightly in favour of vacuum extraction, except cases of its unsuccessful application., P. Hanulíková, H. Hrubantová, R. Vlk, T. Binder, and Literatura 10
Cíl: Hlavním cílem výzkumného šetření bylo zjistit, které faktory ovlivňují pouţívání ošetřovatelských diagnóz v klinické praxi. Dalším cílem bylo zjistit rozdíly v hodnocení faktorů ovlivňujících pouţívání ošetřovatelských diagnóz v praxi podle věku, vzdělání a typu pracoviště. Metodika: Pro získání dat byl sestaven nestandardizovaný dotazník zaměřený na zjištění faktorů ovlivňujících pouţívání ošetřovatelských diagnóz. Výzkumný soubor tvořilo 253 registrovaných všeobecných sester z 9 zdravotnických zařízení v České republice. Sestry hodnotili na Likertově škále od 1 do 5, jak jednotlivé faktory ovlivňují pouţívání ošetřovatelské diagnostiky v praxi. Výzkumné šetření probíhalo od června 2011 do listopadu 2011. Výsledky: Podle našeho výzkumného souboru nejvíce ovlivňují pouţívání ošetřovatelských diagnóz v praxi následující faktory: počet pacientů na 1 sestru, administrativní zátěţ, syndrom vyhoření, nedostatek času, rozdíly v teorii a praxi a nedostatek personálu. Statisticky významné rozdíly v hodnocení faktorů podle věku byly zjištěny v hodnocení 2 faktorů: rozdíly v teorii a praxi, nedostatek motivace. Podle dosaţeného vzdělání byly statisticky významné rozdíly zjištěny v hodnocení 4 faktorů: nejednotnost ošetřovatelských diagnóz, terminologie diagnóz, rozdíly v teorii a praxi, rutinní práce. V závislosti na typu pracoviště byly statisticky významné rozdíly nalezeny v hodnocení 5 faktorů: terminologie diagnóz, rozdíly v teorii a praxi, nedostatek praktických zkušeností s ošetřovatelskou diagnostikou, rutinní práce, syndrom vyhoření. Závěr: Rozeznání faktorů ovlivňujících pouţívání ošetřovatelských diagnóz v praxi a zlepšení institucionální podpory můţe ulehčit implementaci ošetřovatelské diagnostiky v klinické praxi, Aim: The main aim of the study was to identify which factors influenced the use of nursing diagnoses in clinical practice. Another aim was to ascertain whether age, education and type of workplace affected the relative importance accorded to these factors. Methods: A non-standardized questionnaire on factors influencing the use of nursing diagnoses was administered to a sample consisting of 243 registered general nurses from 9 healthcare facilities in the Czech Republic. Using Likert´s 5-point scale, the nurses rated the importance of several factors in influencing their use of nursing diagnoses in practice. The research was conducted between June 2011 and November 2011. Results: Based on our sample, there are several factors which influence the use of nursing diagnoses in practice. Some of them are: number of patients per nurse, administrative strain, burnout syndrome, lack of time, discrepancies between theory and practice, lack of staff. Statistically significant age-related differences in rating factors were found for the following: discrepancies between theory and practice, lack of motivation. Statistically significant differences in ratings relative to education were found for four factors: disunity of nursing diagnoses, diagnostic terminology, discrepancies between theory and practice, workplace routine. Based on type of workplace, statistically significant differences in ratings were found for five factors: diagnostic terminology, discrepancies between theory and practice, lack of practical experience in nursing diagnostics, workplace routine, burnout syndrome. Conclusion: Recognizing the factors which influence the use of nursing diagnoses and enhancing institutional support can facilitiate the implementation of nursing diagnostics in practice., Helena Macková, Renáta Zeleníková, and Literatura 14
Cieľ: Cieľom štúdie bolo analyzovať faktory ovplyvňujúce dentálnu hygienu, medzi ktoré patrí konzumácia sladkostí a sladených nápojov u školskej mládeže z hľadiska veku a pohlavia a zároveň analyzovať výskyt dentálnej hygieny počas dňa. Metodika: Súbor respondentov tvorilo 1187 žiakov (620 dievčat a 567 chlapcov) vo veku 11, 13 a 15 rokov v oblasti stredného Slovenska. Zber údajov prebiehal v období máj 2010 až jún 2010. Na zber údajov bol použitý štandardizovaný dotazník vytvorený pre potreby HBSC štúdie (Health Behaviour in School – aged Children). Výsledky boli vyhodnotené Chí-kvadrát testom. Výsledky: Sladkosti a kolu v jednotlivých vekových kategóriách konzumuje každý deň alebo viac krát za deň približne tretina respondentov. Výskyt umývania zubov viac ako raz denne je približne rovnaký vo všetkých vekových kategóriách od 53% u 11 ročných chlapcov do 64% u 15 ročných dievčat. Vo všetkých vekových kategóriách dievčatá udávajú častejšie umývanie zubov v porovnaní s chlapcami. Záver: Výsledky poukazujú na zvýšenú konzumáciu sladkostí a koly počas dňa u školskej mládež stredného Slovenska, čo môže spôsobovať zvýšenú kazivosť zubov. Dentálna hygiena je v našom súbore respondentov nedostačujúca. Na základe získaných výsledkov je možné konštatovať, že potreba zvyšovania úrovne vedomostí nielen detí, ale aj rodičov o zásadách správneho stravovania a o zásadách dentálnej hygieny je neodmysliteľnou súčasťou výchovy k zdraviu a preventívnych opatrení v školskom veku., Aim: The aim of the study was to analyse the factors affecting dental hygiene such as consumption of sweets and sweet soft drinks in school-aged pupils in terms of their age and gender and at the same time to analyse the occurrence of dental hygiene during the day. Methods: The set of respondents consisted of 1187 pupils (620 girls and 567 boys) at the age of 11, 13 and 15 years in the area of central Slovakia. The data collection was conducted in the period of May 2010 to June 2010. For data collection was used standardized questionnaire for HBSC studies (Health Behaviour in School–aged Children). The results were analysed by Chi-square test. Results: Approximately one third of respondents in each category consumes sweets and Coca-cola every day or several times a day. The occurrence of cleaning the teeth more than once a day was equally proved in all age groups ranging from 53% in 11 years old boys to 64% in 15 years old girls. The girls of all age groups indicate more frequent cleaning of teeth in comparison with boys. Conclusion: The results show increased consumption of sweets and Cocacola during the day in the school youth from central Slovakia, which may cause an increase in tooth decay. Dental hygiene in our set of respondents is insufficient. Based on the obtained results is possible to state that the need for higher level of knowledge, not only in children but also in parents about the principles of proper diet and proper dental hygiene is the integral part of the preventive measures and health education at school age., Mária Kožuchová, Martina Bašková, and Literatura 18
The important biological role of saliva in maintaining of the homeostasis of the oral cavity environment, preventing infection and tooth decay is widely accepted. Salivary glands insufficiency may violate the balance between health and disease. Clinical data indicated that the destruction, agenesis and aplasia of salivary gland commonly followed with hypo salivation, low salivary flow, which resulted in severe caries and periodontal disease. Salivary gland dysfunction also frequently found in preterm and low birth weight newborns. But the information about structural background of abnormal salivation in early childhood is still limited. A presence of any correlation between salivary glands structural development and intrauterine restrictions of fetal growth (IUGR) is unclear. The aim of present study was to determine morphological and morphometric peculiarities of human parotid gland in case of IUGR at late gestation. Material and methods: Parotid glands of twenty human fetuses 2022 weeks of gestation with diagnosed IUGR from late abortions material were compared with ten fetal glands in cases of induced abortions due to psychological reasons (control group). Tissue samples were immersionfixed in 10% buffered formalin solution, embedded in paraffin wax. Histological slides were stained routinely with hematoxylin & eosin, with Van Gieson's Stain. Microscopical examination was performed on magnification x 40 and x 100. Stereometric study by point count method at magnification x 40 allowed finding out volume fractions (VF) of glands parenchyma and stroma. VF of lobules components (glands wall, glands lumen, ducts wall, ducts lumen, vessels, intralobular connective tissue) were registered at magnification x100. Morphometry of the secretory portion of the parotid gland was conducted on the Zeiss microscope with the help of the AxioVision Rel.4.8 program. The mature (differentiated) end pieces were measured, including their area (in mkm2), width, height, perimeter (all in mkm). Similar measurements were done in the foci of immature secretory ends of a gland. Additionally the mean height of the epithelial cells layer within the mature secretory end pieces was measured. The differences were analyzed by methods of mathematical statistics using the software Microsoft Excel; data was compared with control measurements by Students ttest. Results: The results of present research have shown the delayed differentiation of fetal parotid glands parenchymal components in case of IUGR. The parenchymal VF did not reach control values. Furthermore, VF of lobules components was also decreased. Ducts lumens appeared to be significantly narrower than at physiological gestation. Interlobular and intralobular connective tissue stroma, in contrast to the controls, occupied vast areas, and their volume fraction was increased. Deficit of the parenchymal components of the gland was enhanced by slower maturation of glands. In cases with IUGR, differentiated glands occupied smaller area, with reduced width, height and perimeter. Epithelium lining the differentiated glands is characterized by significantly lower height compared to the control group. Delayed differentiation resulted in higher proportion of immature glands. Their area, width, height and perimeter increased. IUGR was also accompanied with a variety of pathological changes. Conclusion: Present evidences suggest that IUGR leads to impaired growth and maturation of the parotid gland. Structural immaturity and lack of differentiated parenchymal elements of the organ may form the basis of its secretory functions lesion. The finding tends to support the hypothesis that the mechanism behind the increased risk of dental pathology in preterm, low birth weight and retarded children is centred at structural and functional immaturity of salivary gland., Sergiy Morozov, Olga Reshetnikova, and Literatura
Účelem této úvahy je stručně seznámit čtenáře s filosofickými základy pojmu kauzalita a porovnat tyto základy s koncepcí využívanou v deliktním právu. Z tohoto důvodu je nejprve využita deskriptivní metoda spočívající ve stručném shrnutí některých základních filosofických konstrukcí formulovaných v klíčových filosofických dílech. Článek proto poukazuje na historické pozadí vývoje pojmu kauzalita, jenž se v první fázi objevil v antickém Řecku. V druhé části se autor vyrovnává s některými současnými teoriemi, které vytyčily debatu v právní teorii a filosofii. Pojem příčiny a následku, příčinné souvislosti je zde pojímán v právním kontextu jeho využití. Autor odkazuje také na rozličný přístup k faktické a normativní kauzalitě a jejich využití v právní vědě i praxi. Posledním úkolem práce by mělo být vytyčení směrů, kterými by se legislativa při normotvorném procesu a justice při aplikaci práva, měly vydat., The purpose of this essay is to introduce a philosophical foundation into the ideas relating to Causality in Tort Law. This Article uses firstly historical and descriptive method in order to find crucial theories on Causation in famous philosophical works. In brief it deals with historical background to many of the issues and disputes surrounding causation that concern philosophers today. Causation´s role has been recognized since the ancient Greeks. The second part deals with the leading theories that have been the focal points of contemporary debate in the philosophy of law. In this part is central point the notion of “cause” as used in legal context. The distinction between factual and normative causation and its consequences is also mentioned. In the last part author thinks about directions legislation and justice application should proceed., Adam Doležal, and Literatura