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8272. Improve IT změní guidelines
- Creator:
- Špinar, Jindřich, Špinarová, Lenka, and Vítovec, Jiří
- Format:
- print, text, and regular print
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, práce podpořená grantem, and TEXT
- Subject:
- lidé, azetidiny--terapeutické užití, anticholesteremika--terapeutické užití, simvastatin--terapeutické užití, statiny--terapeutické užití, hypolipidemika--terapeutické užití, kombinovaná farmakoterapie--metody, akutní koronární syndrom--farmakoterapie, randomizované kontrolované studie jako téma, multicentrické studie jako téma, LDL-cholesterol--krev--účinky léků, kardiovaskulární nemoci--prevence a kontrola, výsledek terapie, and ezetimib
- Language:
- Czech and English
- Description:
- Předpoklad: Studie IMProved Reduction of Outcomes: Vytorin Efficacy International Trial (IMPROVE‑IT) hodnotila potenciální prospěch na snížení velkých kardiovaskulárních (KV) příhod při přidání ezetimibu vs placebo k léčbě 40 mg simvastatinu u nemocných s akutním koronárním syndromem a nízkou hladinou low-density cholesterolu (LDL‑c) ≤ 125 mg/dl. Metodika: Primární smíšený cíl byl KV úmrtí, nefatální infarkt myokardu (IM), rehospitalizace pro nestabilní anginu pectoris (NAP) a koronární revaskularizace po 30 dnech. Ve větvi se simvastatinem v monoterapii byl cílový LDL‑c < 70 mg/dl. Předpokladem bylo, že ezetimib sníží LDL‑c o dalších 15 mg/ml s efektem léčby kolem 8–9 %. Cílový počet příhod byl 5 250. Výsledky: Bylo zařazeno 18 144 nemocných s ST elevacemi IM (STEMI, n = 5 192) nebo nonST elevacemi IM či NAP (NAP/nonSTEMI, n = 12 952) od října 2005 do července 2010. Nejvíce (40 %) bylo zařazeno v západní Evropě a Severní Americe (38 %). Pacienti se STEMI byli mladší a bylo zde více nemocných bez předchozí léčby statiny. Pacienti s nonSTEMI/NAP měli častěji diabetes mellitus, hypertenzi a předchozí IM. Medián LDL‑c při randomizaci byl 100 mg/dl u STEMI a 93 mg/dl u nonSTEMI/NAP. Primární cíl se vyskytl u 2 742 nemocných (34,7 %) na léčbě simvastatinem v monoterapii a u 2 572 nemocných (32,7 %) (p = 0,016) léčených kombinací. Na záchranu jednoho primárního cíle je třeba léčit 50 nemocných po dobu sedmi let. Závěr: Studie prokázala jasný prospěch z kombinační léčby simvastatinem a ezetimbem u nemocných po akutním koronárním syndromu a nízkým LDL‑c., Background: The IMProved Reduction of Outcomes: Vytorin Efficacy Inter‑national Trial (IMPROVE‑IT) study is evaluating the potential benefit for reduction in major cardiovascular (CV) events of the addition of ezetimibe versus placebo to 40 mg/d of simvastatin therapy in patients who present with acute coronary syndromes and have low‑density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL‑C) ≤ 125 mg/dL. Methods: The primary composite end point was CV death, nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI), nonfatal stroke, re‑hospitalization for unstable angina (UA), and coronary revascularization (≥ 30 days postran‑domization). The simvastatin monotherapy arm's LDL‑C target was < 70 mg/dL. Ezetimibe was assumed to further lower LDL‑C by 15 mg/dL and produce an estimated ~8% to 9% treatment effect. The targeted number of events was 5,250. Results: 18,144 patients were enrolled with either ST‑segment elevation MI (STEMI, n = 5,192) or UA/non‑ST‑segment elevation MI (UA/NSTEMI, n = 12,952) from October 2005 to July 2010. Western Europe (40%) and North America (38%) were the leading enrolling regions. The STEMI cohort was younger and had a higher percentage of patients naive to lipid‑lowering treatment compared to the UA/NSTEMI cohort. The UA/NSTEMI group had a higher prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, and prior MI. Median LDL‑C at entry was 100 mg/dL for STEMI and 93 mg/dL for UA/NSTEMI patients. Primary endpoint occurred in 2,742 patients (34.7%) treated with simvastatin in monotherapy and in 2,572 patients (32.7%) (p = 0,016) treated with combination treatment. To avoid one primary outcome, treatment of 50 patients for seven years was necessary. Conclusions: The study has shown a clear benefit from combination treatment with simvas‑tatin and ezetimibe in patients with acute coronary syndrome and low LDL‑C., and Špinar J., Špinarová L., Vítovec J.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
8273. Improved convergence bounds for smoothed aggregation method: linear dependence of the convergence rate on the number of levels
- Creator:
- Jan Brousek, Fraňková, Pavla, and Petr Vaněk
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- matematika, mathematics, smoothed aggregation, improved convergence bound, 13, and 51
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The smoothed aggregation method has became a widely used tool for solving the linear systems arising by the discretization of elliptic partial differential equations and their singular perturbations. The smoothed aggregation method is an algebraic multigrid technique where the prolongators are constructed in two steps. First, the tentative prolongator is constructed by the aggregation (or, the generalized aggregation) method. Then, the range of the tentative prolongator is smoothed by a sparse linear prolongator smoother. The tentative prolongator is responsible for the approximation, while the prolongator smoother enforces the smoothness of the coarse-level basis functions., Jan Brousek, Pavla Fraňková, Petr Vaněk., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
- Rights:
- and policy:public
8274. Improved photosynthesis in Arabidopsis roots by activation of GATA transcription factors
- Creator:
- Ohnishi, A., Wada, Hajime, and Kobayashi, Kazuhiko
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- fotosyntéza, photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence, effective quantum yield of photosystem II, root greening, 2, and 581
- Language:
- Multiple languages
- Description:
- Plant cells plastically change their functions according to the environment. Although Arabidopsis roots are heterotrophic organs, they increase photosynthetic capacity after shoot removal. Transcription factors regulating chloroplast development are involved in this response downstream of positive cytokinin and negative auxin regulation. To dissect the crosstalk of these regulators after shoot removal, we analyzed photosynthetic parameters in roots with chloroplast development enhanced by shoot removal, overexpression of transcription factors, or hormonal treatment. Our data suggest that shoot removal improves electron transfer downstream of PSII in roots, with a decrease in nonregulated energy dissipation. Cytokinin, auxin, and transcription factors affect the photosynthetic capacity of roots in a highly complex manner. Overexpression of two different types of transcription factors (GOLDEN 2-LIKE 1 and class-B GATAs) synergistically increased root chlorophyll content while maintaining high photosynthetic efficiency. Our data demonstrate the flexible regulation of the photosynthetic machinery by hormone signaling and downstream transcription factors., A. Ohnishi, H. Wada, K. Kobayashi., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
- Rights:
- and policy:public
8275. IMProved Reduction of Outcomes: Vytorin Efficacy International Trial (studie IMPROVE-IT)
- Creator:
- Špinar, Jindřich, Špinarová, Lenka, and Vítovec, Jiří
- Format:
- print, text, and regular print
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, práce podpořená grantem, and TEXT
- Subject:
- akutní koronární syndrom--farmakoterapie--krev, anticholesteremika--aplikace a dávkování--terapeutické užití, randomizované kontrolované studie jako téma, dvojitá slepá metoda, LDL-cholesterol--krev, kardiovaskulární nemoci--prevence a kontrola, azetidiny--terapeutické užití, statiny--aplikace a dávkování--terapeutické užití, výsledek terapie, koronární angiografie, výběr pacientů, staří, ženské pohlaví, lidé, and lidé středního věku
- Language:
- Czech and English
- Description:
- Předpoklad: Studie IMProved Reduction of Outcomes: Vytorin Efficacy International Trial (IMPROVE-IT) hodnotila potenciální prospěch na snížení velkých kardiovaskulárních (KV) příhod při přidání ezetimibu vs placebo k léčbě 40 mg simvastatinu u nemocných s akutním koronárním syndromem a nízkou hladinou LDL-cholesterolu ≤ 125 mg/dl. Metodika: Randomizovaná dvojitě slepá studie u nemocných po akutním koronárním syndromu s nízkou hladinou cholesterolu. Ve větvi se simvastatinem v monoterapii byl cílový LDL-cholesterol < 70 mg/dl, druhá větev byla kombinace simavastatin + ezetimib. Předpokladem bylo, že ezetimib sníží hladinu LDL-cholesterolu o dalších 15 mg/ml s efektem léčby kolem 8–9 %. Primární smíšený cíl byl KV úmrtí, nefatální infarkt myokardu (MI), rehospitalizace pro nestabilní anginu pectoris (NAP) a koronární revaskularizace po 30 dnech. Cílový počet příhod byl 5 250. Výsledky: Bylo zařazeno 18 144 nemocných s ST elevacemi IM (STEMI, n = 5 192) nebo non-ST elevacemi IM či NAP (NAP/nonSTEMI, n = 12 952) od října roku 2005 do července roku 2010. Primární cíl se vyskytl u 2 742 nemocných (34,7 %) na léčbě simvastatinem v monoterapii a u 2 572 nemocných (32,7 %; p = 0,016) léčených kombinací. Pacienti léčení kombinací simvastatin + ezetimib vs pacienti léčení simvastatinem + placebo měli o 6,4 % nižší kombinovaný cíl kardiovaskulární úmrtí, nefatální infarkt myokardu, nefatální cévní mozková příhoda, hospitalizace pro nestabilní anginu pectoris a revaskularizace po 30 dni. Srdeční infarkty byly sníženy o 13 %, nefatální CMP o 20 %. Úmrtí z kardiovaskulární příčiny bylo v obou skupinách stejné. Průměrná doba sledování byla 6 let, nejdelší 8,5 roku. Průměrně 2 pacienti ze 100 předešli kardiovaskulární příhodě za 7 let (Number Needed to Treat – NNT) 50/7 let. Závěr: Studie prokázala jasný prospěch z kombinační léčby simvastatinem a ezetimbem u nemocných po akutním koronárním syndromu a nízkým LDL-cholesterolem., Background: The IMProved Reduction of Outcomes: Vytorin Efficacy International Trial (IMPROVE-IT) is evaluating the potential benefit for reduction in major cardiovascular (CV) events from the addition of ezetimibe versus placebo to 40 mg/d of simvastatin therapy in patients who present with acute coronary syndromes and have low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) ≤ 125 mg/dl. Methods: Randomized double blind clinical trial in patients with acute coronary syndrome and low cholesterol level. The simvastatin monotherapy arm’s LDL-C target was < 70 mg/dl, the comparison arm was simvastatin + ezetimibe. Ezetimibe was assumed to further lower LDL-C by 15 mg/dl and produce an estimated ~ 8 % to 9 % treatment effect. The primary composite end point was CV death, nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI), nonfatal stroke, rehospitalization for unstable angina (UA), and coronary revascularization (≥ 30 days postrandomization). The targeted number of events was 5,250. Results: 18,144 patients were enroled with either ST segment elevation MI (STEMI, n = 5,192) or UA/non-ST segment elevation MI (UA/NSTEMI, n = 12,952) from October 2005 to July 2010. Primary endpoint occured in 2 742 patients (34.7 %) treated with simvastatin in monotherapy and in 2 572 patients (32.7 %) (p = 0.016) treated with combination. Compared to patients with coronary heart disease given the drug simvastatin plus a placebo, those given both simvastatin and the non-statin drug, ezetimibe, had a 6.4 % lower combined risk of subsequent heart attack, stroke, cardiovascular death, rehospitalization for unstable angina and procedures to restore blood flow to the heart. Heart attacks alone were reduced by 13 %, and non-fatal stroke by 20 %. Deaths from cardiovascular disease were statistically the same in both groups. Patients were followed an average of approximately six years, and some as long as 8.5 years. Approximately 2 patients out of every 100 patients treated for 7 years avoided a heart attack or stroke [Number Needed to Treat (NNT) = 50/7years]. Conclusions: The study has shown a claer benefit from combination treatment with simvastatin and ezetimibe in patients with acute coronary syndrome and low LDL-C., and Jindřich Špinar, Lenka Špinarová, Jiří Vítovec
- Rights:
- and policy:public
8276. Improvement of grapevine physiology and yield under summer stress by kaolin-foliar application: water relations, photosynthesis and oxidative damage
- Creator:
- Dinis, L.-T., Malheiro, A. C., Luzio, A., Fraga, H., Ferreira, H., Gonçalves, I., Pinto, G., Correia, C. M., and Moutinho-Pereira, J.
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- biochemie, oxidační stres, biochemistry, oxidative stress, region Douro, réva vinná, Douro region, Vitis vinifera, 2, and 581
- Language:
- Multiple languages
- Description:
- Knowledge about short-term climate change adaptation strategies for Mediterranean vineyards is needed in order to improve grapevine physiology and yield-quality attributes. We investigated effects of kaolin-particle film suspension on water relations, photosynthesis and oxidative stress of field-grown grapevines in the Douro region (northern Portugal) in 2012 and 2013. Kaolin suspension decreased leaf temperature by 18% and increased leaf water potential (up to 40.7% in 2013). Maximum photochemical quantum efficiency of PSII was higher and the minimal chlorophyll fluorescence was lower in the plants sprayed by kaolin. Two months after application, net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance at midday increased by 58.7 and 28.4%, respectively, in treated plants. In the same period, kaolin treatment increased photochemical reflectance, photosynthetic pigments, soluble proteins, soluble sugars, and starch concentrations, while decreased total phenols and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances. Kaolin application can be an operational tool to alleviate summer stresses, which ameliorates grapevine physiology and consequently leads to a higher yield., L.-T. Dinis, A. C. Malheiro, A. Luzio, H. Fraga, H. FerreiraI. Gonçalves, G. Pinto, C. M. Correia, J. Moutinho-Pereira., and Obsahuje bibliografii
- Rights:
- and policy:public
8277. Improvement of the Accuracy by the Measurement of the Electrical Cell Membrane Parameters
- Creator:
- Rohlíček, V. and Rech, F.
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- article, studie, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Fyziologie člověka a srovnávací fyziologie, fyziologie člověka, human physiology, Patch clamp technique, Electrical parameters of the cell membrane, Membrane capacity, Membrane conductance, Access resistance, Dual frequency method, Exocytosis, 14, and 612
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The electrical parameters of the cell membrane are mostly estimated employing ac methods. The measurement is based on the analysis of the current(s) flowing through an access resistance and the membrane. A current/potential transducer is used at the input of the device. The parameters of this transducer, especially its feedback capacity, degrades the accuracy of the measurement and hence diminishes the suppression of mutual influences of the individual parameters. The paper suggests a possible software correction and is supplemented by remarks for practical application., V. Rohlíček, F. Rech., and Obsahuje bibliografii
- Rights:
- and policy:public
8278. Improving photosynthetic performance and some fruit quality traits in mango trees by shading
- Creator:
- Jutamanee, K. and Onnom, S.
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- chlorofyl, teplota, stín, chlorophyll, temperature, shade, kvalita ovoce, fluorescence chlorofylu, nadměrné ozařování, fotoinhibice, rychlost přenosu elektronů, mango, ozáření, fruit quality, chlorophyll fluorescence, excessive irradiation, net photosynthetic rate, photoinhibition, electron transport rate, irradiation, nonphotochemical quenching, peel color, photochemical quenching coefficient, 2, and 581
- Language:
- Multiple languages
- Description:
- Excess solar radiation under hot climate can lead to decline in photosynthetic activity with detrimental effects on growth and yield. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of a transparent plastic roof as shading for diurnal changes in photosynthetic gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, fruit set and quality of mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. 'Nam Dok Mai' growth in the field conditions. Fully expanded leaves were examined either shaded by the plastic roof or sunlit under natural conditions. Leaf temperature and leaf-to-air vapour pressure deficit of the shaded leaves measured on the clear day were lowered compared to those of the sunlit leaves. It resulted in increased stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rates of the shaded leaves compared to those of the sunlit leaves, especially from the morning to midday. Furthermore, the reversible decrease of the maximal quantum yield of PSII was more pronounced in the sunlit leaves than that in the shaded ones. Shading increased the total fruit number; the shaded fruits developed better external color than that of the sun-exposed fruits. Our results indicated that shading could maintain the high photosynthetic activity by reducing stomatal limitations for carbon supply and was effective in alleviating the photoinhibitory damage to PSII during bright and clear days with excessive radiation. Finally, shading could increase the number of fruits and improve mango peel color., K. Jutamanee, S. Onnom., and Obsahuje bibliografii
- Rights:
- and policy:public
8279. Imre Gráfik, Signs in culture and tradition
- Creator:
- Woitsch, Jiří
- Format:
- Type:
- model:internalpart and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
8280. Imunoprofylaxe RhD erytrocytární aloimunizace
- Creator:
- Žižka, Zdeněk
- Format:
- print, text, and regular print
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, přehledy, and TEXT
- Subject:
- lidé, novorozenec, ženské pohlaví, plod--krevní zásobení, fetální krev--imunologie, pupečník--imunologie--krevní zásobení, Rh izoimunizace--diagnóza--prevence a kontrola--terapie, hemolytická nemoc novorozence--diagnóza--prevence a kontrola--terapie, Rho(D) imunoglobulin--aplikace a dávkování--škodlivé účinky--terapeutické užití, imunologické faktory--aplikace a dávkování--škodlivé účinky--terapeutické užití, imunizace--metody, Coombsův test, těhotenství, těhotenství - komplikace hematologické, anemie--diagnóza, nemoci plodu--diagnóza, ultrasonografie dopplerovská, ultrasonografie prenatální, arteria cerebri media, krevní průtok - rychlost, krevní transfúze intrauterinní--kontraindikace--metody--škodlivé účinky, transfúze erytrocytů, předčasný porod, postnatální péče, and intraumbilikální intravenózní transfuze
- Language:
- Czech and English
- Description:
- Erytrocytární aloimunizace (izoimunizace, hemolytické onemocnění plodu a novorozence – HON) se v současnosti díky rutinní imunoprofylaxi anti-D imunoglobulinem vyskytuje sporadicky. Výskyt atypických aloimunizací non-RhD-antigeny zůstává neměnný, poněvadž není známa profylaxe a ani prevence nezajišťuje stoprocentní účinnost. Pokud se imunoprofylaxe anti-D imunoglobulinem neprovede nebo selže, hrozí vznik hemolytického onemocnění plodu a novorozence. Každý případ je potom unikátní (specifita a typ protilátky, blokující protilátky v séru matky, antigenní výbava erytrocytů plodu, gestační stáří při začátku onemocnění atd). Pokroky v genové diagnostice, imunohematologii a dopplerovské ultrasonografii významně snižují frekvenci nutných invazivních zákroků v diagnostice a léčbě senzibilizovaného těhotenství. Intraumbilikální přísně intravenózní transfuze pod ultrasonografickou kontrolou je první metodou volby léčby případů s těžkou anémií plodu i při rozvinutém hydropsu. Konzultace a léčba se soustřeďují do center s perfektní porodnickou a neonatologickou péčí a nepřetržitou operační pohotovostí. Klíčová slova: anti-D-imunoglobulin – erytrocytární aloimunizace – hemolytické onemocnění plodu a novorozence – imunoprofylaxe anti-D-imunoglobulinem – intraumbilikální intravenózní transfuze, The erythrocyte alloimmunization (isoimmunization, hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn – HON) occurs sporadically at present, thanks to routine immunoprophylaxis with anti-D immunoglobulin. The occurrence of atypical alloimmunizations related to non-RhD-antigens remains unchanged, as there is no prophylaxis known and even the prevention does not provide one hundred percent efficiency. When anti-D immunoglobulin immunoprophylaxis is not undertaken or fails, the threat of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn arises. Every case is then unique (specificity and type of antibody, blocking antibodies in maternal serum, antigenic make-up of fetal erythrocytes, gestational age at the disease onset etc). The advancements in genetic diagnostics, immunohematology and Doppler ultrasonography significantly reduce the frequency of necessary invasive interventions in the diagnostics and treatment of sensibilized pregnancy. Intraumbilical strictly intravenous transfusion under ultrasound guidance is the first-line method of therapy for cases of severe fetal anemia as well as advanced hydrops. Consultations and treatment are provided in the centres for comprehensive obstetrical and neonatal care with continuous intervention preparedness. Key words: anti-D immunoglobulin – erythrocyte alloimmunization – hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn – anti-D immunoglobulin immunoprophylaxis – intraumbilical intravenous transfusion, and Zdeněk Žižka
- Rights:
- and policy:public