Úvod: Cílem práce bylo zjistit četnost lymfoscintigrafických (LSG) vyšetření k detekci sentinelové uzliny u karcinomu prsu na našem pracovišti, při nichž nedošlo k zobrazení axilárního horkého ložiska, odhadnout možné faktory, které se na neúspěchu vyšetření mohou podílet, zjistit reakce operatérů na zmíněnou situaci a formulovat obecné doporučení, jak při neúspěšném LSG vyšetření postupovat. Metody: Retrospektivní zhlédnutí výsledku 3014 LSG vyšetření provedených na našem pracovišti v letech 2001–2011 a bližší rozbor případů, kdy nedošlo k zobrazení axilárního horkého ložiska. Výsledky: K zobrazení horkého ložiska v axile nedošlo celkem v 71 případě (2,4 %). Četnost neúspěšných vyšetření se dlouhodobě příliš nemění. Rizikový faktor představuje především předchozí chirurgický výkon na prsu nebo v axile, nádorová obturace lymfatické drenáže a absence masáže místa aplikace indikátoru. Operatéři na neúspěch LSG vyšetření reagovali nejčastěji aplikací barviva a explorací axily, vynecháním zákroku na uzlinách, případně axilární disekcí. Závěr: Používáme-li při lymfoscintigrafickém vyšetření opakované snímání po delší dobu, je četnost neúspěšných vyšetření velmi malá (2,4 %). Nezobrazí-li se v axile depo aktivity, doporučujeme použít vitální barvení a chirurgicky explorovat axilu. U většiny pacientů bývá tento postup úspěšný. Pokud se identifikace SN nezdaří ani kombinovanou metodou, je nutno zvolit chirurgický výkon dle individuálního vyhodnocení klinického kontextu., Introduction: The aim of the study was to review the cases of sentinel lymph node biopsy for breast cancer in which preoperative lymphoscintigraphy had shown no axillary hot spot; to assess the frequency of failed examinations and possible causes of the failure; to analyze subsequent surgical procedures and hence to provide a general recommendation on what to do in such a situation. Methods: A retrospective overview of 3014 lymphoscintigraphy examinations at the Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute from 2001 to 2011 with a more detailed analysis of the cases with axillary hot spot visualization failure. Results: The axillary hot spot was not shown in 71 examinations (2.4%). The frequency of failed lymphoscintigraphy during the time period did not change substantially. The possible risk factors of failed lymphoscintigraphy include: previous surgery on the breast or the axilla, obturation of the lymphatic drainage with the cancer, and the absence of the tracer injection site massage. The most common surgical procedures to respond to a failed examination were: the application of patent blue and surgical exploration of the axilla, no axillary surgery, or axillary dissection. Conclusion: When repeated scanning with the gamma camera through the first several hours is performed, the frequency of failed lymphoscintigraphy procedures remains very low (2.4%). If there is no axillary hot spot shown, patent blue is to be injected and the axilla should be surgically explored. This solution will be successful in most patients. If the sentinel lymph node cannot be detected even using the combined method, the surgical procedure needs to be selected with regard to the individual clinical context., and O. Coufal, O. Zapletal, P. Vrtělová, J. Vašina, Z. Řehák
O neúspěšných kandidátech na Nobelovu cenu za fyziku (NCF) v letech 1901-1956 byl publikován článek v roce 2008 [1]. Zpřístupněním materiálů Nobelova archivu ve Stockholmu o NCF do roku 1965 lze tudíž referovat o kandidátech NCF z let 1951-1965, což je obsahem tohoto příspěvku., Six unsuccessful candidates, i. e., G. E. Uhlenbeck, S. A. Goudsmit, G. P. S. Occhialini, B. B. Rossi, B. F. Lyot and G. I. Taylor, nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physics from 1951 to 1965, are briefly introduced in this article. The number of nominations was chosen as a criterion of their selection. All the above mentioned researchers were outstanding physicist with numerous great scientific achievements. It clearly indicates, that also other factors than just a scientific excellence influence winning the Nobel Prize., Jiří Jindra., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The aim of this paper is to establish an existence and uniqueness result for a class of the set functional differential equations of neutral type \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {D_H X(t) = F(t,X_t ,D_H X_t ),} // {\left. X \right|_{\left[ { - r,0} \right]} = \Psi ,} // \end{array} } \right. where F: [0, b]× C_{0}x L_{0}^{1}\rightarrow K_{c}(E)) is a given function, Kc(E) is the family of all nonempty compact and convex subsets of a separable Banach space E, C0 denotes the space of all continuous set-valued functions X from [−r, 0] into Kc(E), L_{0}^{1} is the space of all integrally bounded set-valued functions X: [−r, 0] → Kc(E), Ψ \in C_{0} and D_{H} is the Hukuhara derivative. The continuous dependence of solutions on initial data and parameters is also studied., Umber Abbas, Vasile Lupulescu, Donald O’Regan, Awais Younus., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Interferony b (IFN‑b) patří v léčbě pacientů s relaps‑remitentní formou roztroušené sklerózy mezi léky první volby. V návaznosti na podání IFN‑b dochází v lymfocytech k syntéze Myxovirus resistance proteinu A, který je vzhledem k následnému vzestupu hladiny považován za vhodný marker účinnosti IFN‑b in vivo. V průběhu léčby IFN‑b dochází u některých pacientů k tvorbě neutralizačních protilátek, jež mohou vést k poklesu či ztrátě biologické účinnosti tohoto léku. Jejich detekce, stejně jako měření hladiny mRNA Myxovirus resistance proteinu A, rozšiřuje možnosti sledování účinnosti léčby IFN‑b., Interferon β is the first-line treatment for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Patients treated with interferon β may develop neutralizing antibodies that can reduce or abolish its efficacy. Interferon-inducible Myxovirus resistance protein A has been proven to be a sensitive marker of biological response to interferon β. Neutralizing antibodies and the levels of Myxovirus resistance protein A mRNA are sensitive measures of biological response to interferon β; their levels should be investigated in all interferon-treated patients., and J. Libertínová, E. Meluzínová, V. Maťoška, M. Zajac, E. Hynčicová, A. Tomek, M. Bojar
The nuclear fusion processes that power the Sun take place at such high temperatures that the nuclei of atoms are able to fuse together, a process that results in the creation of very large numbers of fundamental particles called neutrinos. Neutrinos only interact through the weak interaction and gravity and therefore can penetrate out from the core of the Sun and through the Earth with little or no interaction. It is these neutrinos from the Sun that are the subject of our measurements with the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO), 2 km underground in a mine near Sudbury, Canada. With the use of heavy water as a central element in the design of SNO it was possible to determine clearly that electron neutrinos change to one of the other active flavors before reaching our detector, a property that requires that they have a mass greater than zero. Both of these fundamental neutrino properties are beyond the predictions of the Standard Model for elementary particles. Extensions of the Standard Model to include these neutrino properties can give us a more complete understanding of our Universe at a very basic level., Arthur B. McDonald ; přeložil Ivan Gregora., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The availability of the human genome sequence and the recently completed draft sequences of two major mammalian model species, the mouse (Mus musculus) and the rat (Rattus norvegicus), allow researchers to apply novel approaches for gene identification and characterization, using methods of comparative and functional genomics. Recently, a new gene coding for apolipoprotein A-V was identified in the vicinity of APOA-I/C-III/A-IV cluster on human chromosome 11q23 by comparative sequencing method. In a relatively short time, compelling evidence accumulated for the substantial role of APOA-V in lipid metabolism. Studies in knock-out and transgenic mice revealed that its expression pattern correlates negatively with triglyceride levels. This observation was verified in human population studies in variety of ethnic and age groups. Several single nucleotide polymorphisms were described and particular SNP alleles and haplotypes in the APO A-V gene region were shown to be associated with dyslipidemia. The discovery and characterization of the APO A-V demonstrates current possibilities of the integrative approaches in biology, boosted by the available bioinformatic tools., O. Šeda, L. Šedová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Let u be a holomorphic function and φ a holomorphic self-map of the open unit disk D in the complex plane. We provide new characterizations for the boundedness of the weighted composition operators uCφ from Zygmund type spaces to Bloch type spaces in D in terms of u, φ, their derivatives, and φn, the n-th power of φ. Moreover, we obtain some similar estimates for the essential norms of the operators uCφ, from which sufficient and necessary conditions of compactness of uCφ follows immediately., Xin-Cui Guo, Ze-Hua Zhou., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Pulse dye densitometry (PDD) enables the evaluation of hemodynamic state as well as liver function. A repeated examination, even after a short pause (or under stress condition), enables to follow safely the dynamics of liver pathology. From presented parameters we have evaluated as reliable the C5-clearance, an expression of equilibrium state in the two compartment liver system. Furthermore, T-index expresses ratio of C5 value to cardiac output, it is a sensitive indicator of the blood pole, i.e. sinusoidal uptake, which is in very good correlation with staging of hepatopathies. The isolated h constant in correlation to T-index is valuable For functional grading. The Japanese automatic analyzer of indocyanine green (ICG) dilution and elimination curves, after incorporation of a two compartment mathematical mode l, becomes more useful for complex hepatological diagnostics. Non-invasive PDD is becoming of uppermost importance to clinic al interest, yielding comparable results as other complicated and invasive examinations and may be, therefore, repeated in short time intervals for different indications with minimal stress of examined patient., J. A. Tichý ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The paper deals with a new criterion of evaluating the disintegration by blasting operations using cylindrical as well as concentrated charges in quarries and undergrounds. The results of our research show that for seismic safety determination of blasting, the maximum of concentrated charge blasting in one delay stage is not critical, but decisive is the explosion of the total mass of blasting material., Blažej Pandula and Kamila Jelšovská., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The morphology of the nematode Klossinemella iheringi (Travassos, Artigas et Pereira, 1928), the type species of the genus Klossinemella Costa, 1961, was studied using specimens collected from the serrasalmid fish, Mylesinus paraschomhurgkii légu, Santos et Ferreira, 1989 (a new host record), from the Trombetas River, Para State, Brazil, by both light and scanning electron microscopy. This species was also recorded from the Jari River (Pará State), the Uatuma, Pitinga and Capucapu Rivers (Amazonas State), and the Araguari River (Amapá State). An examination by SEM made it possible, for the first time in this genus, to study in detail the structure of the cephalic end. Characteristic features are the presence of 8 cephalic papillae arranged in two circlets, well developed lateral amphids, and especially a crown of 8 cephalic, Y-shaped sclerotized pieces (outgrowths). The male possesses 8 pairs of caudal papillae (3 preanals, 1 adanal and 4 postanals), two unequal spicules (0.156-0.294 mm and 0.069-0.099 mm long) and a gubemaculum (0.027-0.045 mm in length); previously undescribed deirids were also found. This is the first record of this parasite from the Amazon River basin. The genus Proatractis G. Caballero, 1971 is considered a synonym of Klossinemella Costa, 1961, belonging to the cosmocercoid family Atractidae, and its type species is transferred to the latter genus as Klossinemella parvicapilico-rnnala (G. Caballero, 1971) comb. n.