Local seismicity of the Hronov-Poříčí Fault Zone is studied using two-year continuous seismic data from four seismic stations in the area. Newly developed software for automatic seismic events detection is introduced - it is based on the method used at the Icelandic seismic network. Twelve major local earthquakes are detected, localized and their magnitudes are estimated. Simultaneously, groundwater levels are continuously monitored in three wells in the area. Multiple-filtering method, originally used for processing of broadband and dispersed seismic signals, is modified and used for the frequency-time analysis of the water level data. Dominant tidal influence on the groundwater level variations is shown. Theoretical tidal potential for all three well locations is computed. Groundwater data and tidal potential are bandpass filtered to focus on the semidiurnal periods. Mutual amplitude ratio and phase shift between both quantities are computed. Each of the three wells exhibits different pattern of the groundwater level variations with respect to tides. A distinct change in the phase shift is observed at the VS-3 well in the second half of 2009. In the same time span, increased seismic activity is also observed. However, other two wells do not exhibit any evidence of such phase shift. Detailed groundwater level data analysis does not prove any significant rises or drops of the groundwater levels in 28 day intervals around the detected local events. In contras t, unexplained groundwater level drop in the V-34 well is obser ved 18 hours before the teleseismic Tohoku earthquake, Japan, March 11, 2011, Mw = 9.0., Petr Kolínský, Jan Valenta and Renata Gaždová., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Bosnia’s seismotectonics seems to follow the Mediterranean marine regime. Earthquakes occur mostly in the outer Dinaric Alps (southern Bosnia), while the strongest earthquakes occur within the Sarajevo Fault system in southern and northwestern Bosnia. In addition to active tectonics being strong, crustal earthquakes occur often as well. Due to Bosnia’s rich hydrogeology, crustal loading such as by snow and rain, or reservoir inundation, represents the most important secondary seismogenic source in the region. Despite its exquisite and active geomorphology no comprehensive and reliable geodynamical studies exist on the region. Seismic sensors coverage is extremely poor also. One centenary analogue, and a few recently installed digital seismometers are insufficient for a region that exhibits mild-to-high seismic activity. Significant investments are needed in order for GPS, seismic and other sensor-instrumented networks to be put in place or enhanced. Technical personnel needs to be educated to enable support provide for studies that are done within broader scientific activities. Such efforts that presently seek to include Bosnia under their scope are ESF-COST Action 625, NATO Stability Pact DPPI program, and EUREF/CERGOP geophysics projects., Mensur Omerbashich and Galiba Sijarić., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Úvod: Adjuvantní radioterapie je nedílnou součástí současné léčby celé řady maligních tumorů. Kromě benefitů ve smyslu snížení rizika recidivy však vede také k celé řadě nežádoucích účinků, z nichž jedním z nejzávažnějších je vznik sekundárních malignit. Kazuistika: Autor popisuje kazuistiku 77leté ženy, která prodělala v roce 2005 hysterektomii s oboustrannou adnexektomií a pánevní lymfadenektomií pro karcinom dělohy pT1bN0M0, G1. Následovala ještě adjuvantní zevní radioterapie dávkou 45Gy + brachyterapie 3x4Gy. Poté byla dispenzarizována gynekologickou klinikou, odkud byla odeslána v lednu 2015 pro rychle rostoucí tumor kůže a podkoží v hypogastriu v místě původního ozáření. Byla indikována k jeho excizi s podezřením na metastázu původního karcinomu dělohy, následné histologické vyšetření preparátu však odhalilo, že se jedná o angiosarkom. I přes negativní resekční okraje došlo k brzké recidivě s generalizací tumoru. Závěr: Angiosarkom jako následek ozáření bývá v současnosti popisován stále častěji. V drtivé většině případů se jedná o následek adjuvantní terapie po operaci karcinomu prsu. Jeho prognóza je velmi nepříznivá a terapeutické možnosti omezené. Základem léčby zůstává chirurgická excize s negativními okraji. Je třeba na tuto diagnózu myslet a pacienty podstupující radioterapii dlouhodobě dispenzarizovat., Introduction: Adjuvant radiotherapy is an integral part of the current treatment of many malignant tumours. However, this mode of treatment does not provide only benefits in the sense of lowering the risks of recurrence, but it is also associated with many undesirable side effects, from which one of the most serious is the development of secondary malignancies. Case report: The author describes a case report of 77 years old woman who underwent hysterectomy with bilateral adnexectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy for uterine carcinoma pT1bN0M0, G1 in 2005. Adjuvant external radiotherapy with the dose 45Gy and brachytherapy 3x4Gy followed. Subsequently the patient was followed at the department of gynecology, which referred her in January 2015 with a quickly growing tumour of the skin and subdermal tissue in the hypogastric area, where previous radiation had been applied. Its excision was indicated with the diagnosis of suspected uterine carcinoma metastasis, but subsequent histological evaluation confirmed angiosarcoma. Despite negative resection margins the tumour quickly recurred and disseminated. Conclusion: Angiosarcoma as a side effect of irradiation is described increasingly more often nowadays. The vast majority of cases are related to the treatment of breast carcinoma. Its prognosis is very poor and therapeutic possibilities are limited. Surgical excision with negative margins remains the mainstay of the treatment. It is necessary to keep this diagnosis in mind and patients undergoing radiation treatment should be followed over a long period., and A. Zatloukal, M. Lerch, P. Zonča
Úvod: Systémový lupus erythematodes (SLE) je chronické autoimunitní onemocnění charakterizované multisystémovým postižením. Cílem naší studie bylo ozřejmit výskyt snížených hodnot koncentrací imunoglobulinů (s-Ig) v séru v populaci nemocných se SLE. V retrospektivní studii bylo zhodnoceno 799 výsledků vyšetření s-Ig získaných od 157 nemocných splňujících revidovaná klasifikační kritéria. Výsledky: Sérová koncentrace imunoglobulinů nižší než dolní hranice normy byla zjištěna celkem u 29 ze 157 nemocných (18,5 %). Nejčetnější byl výskyt izolovaného snížení IgG 12 ze 157 (7,6 %), 2 nemocné naplňovaly kritéria selektivního deficitu IgA a v jednom případě se jednalo o vzácnou koincidenci s běžnou variabilní imunodeficiencí (common variable immunodeficiency – CVID). Článek podrobněji prezentuje 2 případy nemocných se SLE komplikované těžkou hypogamaglobulinemií a infekcemi vyžadujícími dlouhodobou substituční léčbu imunoglobuliny. V prvním případě se jedná o vysoce pravděpodobný případ běžné variabilní imunodeficience a v případě druhém pak o léky indukovanou hypogamaglobulinemii. Tato žena s anamnézou maligního lymfomu a současným závažným multiorgánovým postižením při SLE byla léčena rituximabem po selhání konvenční léčby. Závěr: S protilátkovými deficiencemi se můžeme setkat i u nemocných se SLE. Opakované měření sérové koncentrace imunoglobulinů by mělo být součástí rutinního sledování těchto nemocných. Na možnost CVID bychom měli myslet v případě opakujících se sinopulmonárních infekcí, zejména v kombinaci s absencí aktivity SLE. Léčba rituximabem může vést i u nemocných se SLE k dlouhodobé supresi B-lymfocytů s rozvojem sekundárního protilátkového deficitu, který v některých případech vyžaduje substituční léčbu imunoglobuliny., Introduction: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune multisystem disease. The aim of our study was to clarify the frequency of decreased serum immunoglobulin levels in SLE patients. There were evaluated 799 results of serum immunoglobulin levels gained from 157 patients fulfilling revised ACR criteria in the retrospective study. Results: The immunoglobulin levels under the normal range were found in 29/157 (18.5 %) patients. The most frequent was isolated reduction of IgG 12/157 (7.6 %), two persons fulfilled criteria for selective IgA deficiency, and one case possible diagnosis of common variable immunodeficiency (CVID). Additionally we report two cases of SLE patients complicated by severe hypogammaglobulinaemia and infectious complications with necessity of long-term immunoglobulin substitution therapy. The diagnosis of CVID is highly probable in the first case. The second case presents sever drug-induced hypogammaglobulinaemia. This female with lymphoma history and multiorgan impairment due to acute SLE was treated with rituximab after convention therapy failure. Conclusion: Humoral immunodeficiency may occur in SLE patients. The monitoring of serum immunoglobulin levels could be a routine in these patients. The CVID diagnosis is possible in patients suffering from recurrent sinopulmonary infections, especially in combination with absence of lupus activity. Rituximab therapy could cause long-term suppression of B lymphocytes with secondary humoral deficiency requiring immunoglobulin substitution therapy., and Pavlína Králíčková, Eva Malá, Doris Vokurková, Ondřej Souček, Irena Krčmová, Zbyněk Hrnčíř
Our aim was to assess the reaction of TNFα, resistin, leptin and adiponectin to lipid infusion. Eight healthy subjects underwent a 24-hour lasting infusion of lipid emulsion. Plasma concentrations and expressions of selected cytokines in subcutaneous fat were measured. TNFα plasma concentration did not change during the first 4 hours of hypertriglyceridemia, but a significant increase after 24 hours was detected (p<0.001 for 0; 30; 240 min vs. 24 h). Plasma concentration of resistin significantly increased at 30 min of infusion and remained elevated (p<0.01 for 0 min vs. 30; 240 min; p<0.001 for 0 min vs. 24 h). Plasma concentrations of leptin and adiponectin did not show any significant changes. Although the expression of resistin in the subcutaneous adipose tissue tended to increase, the change was not significant. Expressions of TNFα, leptin and adiponectin were unaffected. In conclusions, our results indicate that acutely induced hyperlipidemia could influence the secretion of TNFα and resistin., J. Kopecký ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
A detailed geomorphological mapping was performed in the valley of the Losenice R., which is situated on the NE slopes of the Šumava Mts. nearby the Kašperské Hory town. The dominant characteristics of the studied area are steep slopes of the deeply incised, narrow valleys, strong fragmentation of the bedrock composed of various types of gneisses and obvious structural influence on the valley network plan. Based on the analysis of the occurrence, parameters and relative position of selected landforms, which have significance for documenting certain processes, as well as other inputs, the relief of the studied area was divided into eight genetic types of relief segments: structural, erosional, erosional-structural, structuraldenudational and erosional-denudational slopes, flat denudational ridges and planation surface remnants and finally the valley floors with the floodplain., Filip Hartvich and Vít Vilímek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The study of ischemia/reperfusion injury included 25 patients in the acute phase of myocardial infarction (19 perfused, 6 remained non-reperfused as evaluated according to the time course of creatine kinase and CK-MB isoenzyme activity) and a control group (21 blood donors). Plasma level of malondialdehyde was followed as a marker of oxidative stress. Shortly after reperfusion (within 90 min), a transient increase of malondialdehyde concentration was detected. The return to the baseline level was achieved 6 h after the onset of therapy. The activity of a free radical scavenger enzyme, plasma glutathione peroxidase (GPx), reached its maximum 90 min after the onset of treatment and returned to the initial value after 18 h. The specificity of the GPx response was confirmed by comparing with both non-reperfused patients and the control group, where no significant increase was detected. The erythrocyte Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) did not exhibit significant changes during the interval studied in perfused patients, probably due to the stability of erythrocyte metabolism. In non-reperfused patients, a decrease of SOD was found during prolonged hypoxia. These results help to elucidate the mechanisms of fast activation of plasma antioxidant system during the reperfusion after myocardial infarction., V. Mužáková, R. Kanďár, P. Vojtíšek, J. Skalický, Z. Červinková., and Obsahuje bibliografii