Příliš vysoký přívod sodíku je spojován s řadou zdravotních komplikací, především s hypertenzí. Data o spotřebě potvrzují vysoký přívod sodíku v mnoha zemích světa. Ve většině případů je daleko vyšší než uvádí doporučení (2 g sodíku/den). Hypertenze je významným rizikovým faktorem pro kardiovaskulární onemocnění a s nimi spojená úmrtí. Mnoho studií potvrdilo, že snížením přívodu sodíku dochází ke snížení tlaku krve (TK). U normotenzních jedinců není pokles TK tak významný jako u hypertenzních, přesto převládá názor, že i mírné snížení přívodu sodíku může mít dlouhodobý pozitivní vliv na zdraví populace. Odhady naznačují, že snížení denního přívodu sodíku o 3 g by mohlo snížit výskyt ischemické choroby srdeční (ICHS) o 10 % a výskyt cévní mozkové příhody (CMP) o 13 %. Reakce organismu na přívod sodíku může být různá. U některých osob dojde po snížení přívodu sodíku k výraznému poklesu tlaku krve. V souvislosti s tím se používá termín citlivost na sůl. Častěji se vyskytuje u starších osob a u Afroameričanů. Je podmíněná geneticky. Dalším onemocněním dávaným do souvislosti se sodíkem je onemocnění ledvin. Studie potvrdily vliv redukce přívodu sodíku na proteinurii a albuminurii. Přívod sodíku může mít vliv také na hypertrofii levé komory, nelze však s jistotou prokázat, zda jde opravdu o jev nezávislý na tlaku krve. Sůl a solené potraviny jsou označovány za pravděpodobnou příčinu nádorového onemocnění žaludku. Vysoký přívod soli může vyvolat atrofickou gastritidu a ovlivnit i další stadia patogeneze. Zvýšená spotřeba sodíku vede ke zvýšené exkreci vápníku močí. Výsledky studií zaměřených na potvrzení souvislosti mezi přívodem sodíku a dalšími ukazateli osteoporózy, jako jsou markery kostní resorpce nebo výskyt zlomenin, jsou však nekonzistentní. Ve starší literatuře se objevovaly zmínky o možné souvislosti sodíku a astmatu. Autoři nejnovější přehledové studie došli k závěru, že snížení přívodu sodíku nemá větší vliv na zlepšení astmatu. Téma sodíku je i přes množství realizovaných studií stále kontroverzní. K objasnění zůstává mnoho nejasných vztahů a příčinných souvislostí. I přes tyto nejasnosti se zdá, že snižování přívodu sodíku v populaci má význam., Excessive sodium intake is associated with many health complications, especially hypertension. Data on sodium intake show too high consumption in many countries around the world. In many cases sodium intake exceeds recommendation for adults, which is 2 g sodium/day. Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and mortality. Many studies have confirmed that dietary sodium reduction reduces blood pressure (BP). BP reduction was less significant in normotensive individuals than in individuals with hypertension. Nevertheless, there is a consensus that even a moderate decreasing in sodium intake is likely to have a beneficial impact on public health. Estimates suggest that a reduction of 3 g of daily sodium intake would reduce ischemic heart disease by 10% and strokes by 13%. BP response to change in dietary sodium varies widely among individuals. Significant BP reduction is evident in some patients following decreased sodium intake. This heterogeneity led to a concept of salt sensitivity. It is more common among the elderly and African-Americans. Salt sensitivity is determined genetically. Another disease associated with sodium intake is kidney disease. Studies have confirmed the effect of reducing sodium intake on proteinuria and albuminuria. Sodium intake can affect left ventricular hypertrophy but it is impossible to prove whether it is independent of blood pressure. Salt and salted foods have been identified as a probable risk factor of stomach cancer. High salt intake can induce gastric atrophy and affect the other stages of pathogenesis. Increased consumption of sodium leads also to increased urinary calcium excretion. Relationship between sodium intake and other indicators like bone biomarkers or fractures is unclear. Some older studies suggest that dietary sodium can be related to asthma. Authors of the latest systematic review have concluded, that there is no evidence that reduction of sodium intake improves asthma control. Despite the number of completed studies, the question of sodium intake is still controversial. There is a plethora of unclear causal relationships. Regardless of these uncertainties, it seems that sodium intake reduction is beneficial for the population., Marie Šubrtová, Halina Matějová, and Literatura
The character of modern pedogenesis in the territory of the Brdská and Křivoklátská vrchovina Highlands was studied on silicate rocks such as Paleozoic granite and Proterozoic mudstone and greywacke. The parent materials were evaluated on the basis of petrography, X-ray diffractometry of powder samples of rock forming and heavy minerals. The soils were described as for their macromorphological characterics and the results of a variety of analyses of organic and anorganic components. Pedogenesis proceeded in acid conditions. The values of base saturation are mostly below 50 % for the Ah horizons. The intensity of soil development on individual parent material decreases in the order: mudstone (Ah-AhBw-Bw-C)granite (Oi-Oe-Oa-Ah-Bw-C)greywacke 1 (Oi-Oe-Oa-Ah-AhC-C)greywacke 2 (Oi-Oe-Oa-Ah-C). The process of humification was documented at all study sites. Evidence of pedogenetic alteration is present in soils developed on granite and mudstone. High amounts of chlorite and elevated contents of illite are characteristic for Cambic Leptosols (Dystric, Skeletic) on mudstone. Weddellite and whewellite were found in relatively large amounts in O horizons of soils except for the Červený kríž site. The predominant from of calcium oxalate minerals at these sites is whewellite. Weddellite occurs in small amount, which is probably due to its lower stability., Anna Žigová, Martin Šťastný, Petr Mikysek., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The bicentennial varia tions of the Earth rotation consist of several oscill ations with most known periods 178.7a (Jose cycle), 210a and 230a (de Vries cycle); they are driven by the solar cycles which affect climatic variations, followed by global environmental changes. These periods are close to the higher harmonics of millennial Hallstatt cycle (2300a), so the proper separation between the indi vidual bicentennial cycles needs time series longer than 2300a. The bicentennial variations of the Universal Time (UT1) in relation to the Terrestrial Time (TT) are investigated using reconstructed time series of the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) for the last 9300a. A linear regression model of TSI influe nce on the UT1 and the Mean Sea Level (MSL) bicentennial variations are created. The parameters and time series of the bicentennial UT1-TT oscillations for the last 9300a are determined., Cyril Ron, Yavor Chapanov and Jan Vondrák., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
V případu uvádíme kazuistiku pacienta s výskytem solitární metastázy adenokarcinomu prostaty do glans penis cca pět let po radioterapii pro lokálně pokročilý karcinom prostaty. Popisujeme zvolenou diagnostickou a léčebnou strategii a následné sledování. I přes špatnou prognózu a postupnou progresi onemocnění je uvedený pacient v relativně dobrém stavu, asymptomatický., We present a case of a patient with a solitary metastasis of the prostate cancer to the glans penis which occurred approximately five years after the radiotherapy with curative intent for the treatment of locally advanced adenocarcinoma of the prostate. We describe the diagnostic and treatment strategy and follow-up. Despite a poor prognosis and a high risk of progression in these patients, our patient is in a quite good condition and asymptomatic., and Balajková T., Pacík D., Čermák A., Pavlovský Z.
Soluble leptin receptor (SLR) is the extracellular part of the leptin receptor. This protein is released into circulation and constitutes the main circulating leptin-binding protein. The aim of our study was to measure SLR concentrations in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) and healthy subjects and to explore the relationship of SLR to other hormones and cytokines. The patients with CRF had significantly higher serum leptin, TNF-a and insulin levels than healthy subjects (25.1±23.5 vs. 9.4±7.6 ng.ml-1 (S.D.); 14.2±4.2 vs. 4.55±2.5 ng.ml-1; 39.8±36.1 vs. 20.3±11.1 mU.l-1). Serum soluble leptin receptor levels did not differ between these groups (19.1±11.3 vs. 19.6±6.1 U.ml-1). An inverse relationship between serum SLR and leptin levels was found in both groups. In patients with CRF the inverse relationship between SLR and insulin, body fat content and total protein levels were also found, while in healthy subjects only inverse relationship of SLR with insulin and albumin concentrations were detected. We conclude that soluble leptin receptor levels in patients with chronic renal failure do not differ from those of healthy subjects despite higher serum leptin levels in CRF patients. The physiological consequences of this finding require further investigation., J. Křížová, S. Sulková, V. Bednářová, E. Kotrlíková, M. Haluzík., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The decapeptide QLNLKEYNLV corresponding to the C-terminus of Gq/G11alpha guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G-proteins) was synthesized by the solid-phase method and conjugated to keyhole limpet hemocyanin. The rabbits were immunized with these conjugates and an antiserum that reacted specifically with the alpha subunit of Gq/G11 proteins was used in this study. The antiserum exhibited no cross-reactivity with the alpha subunits of stimulatory (Gs) or inhibitory (Gi) G-proteins associated with adenylate cyclase. Immunoblots with the antiserum showed that it specifically recognized the Gq/G11 alpha-proteins in cholate extracts of adipose tissue membranes of goats. Treatment of young castrated male goats with bST had no effect on the quantity of Gq/G11 alpha-subunits in adipose tissue and the results thus obtained did not support the idea that the bST signal in adipose tissue is transmitted via Gq/G11 alpha-proteins., V. Krbeček, H. Kovářů, J. Škarda, T. Barth, J. Velek, V. Žižkovský., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The relationship between weighted Lipschitz functions and analytic Bloch spaces has attracted much attention. In this paper, we define harmonic ω-α-Bloch space and characterize it in terms of \omega \left( {{{\left( {1 - {{\left| x \right|}^2}} \right)}^\beta }{{\left( {1 - {{\left| y \right|}^2}} \right)}^{\alpha - \beta }}} \right)\left| {\frac{{f\left( x \right) - f\left( y \right)}}{{x - y}}} \right| and \omega \left( {{{\left( {1 - {{\left| x \right|}^2}} \right)}^\beta }{{\left( {1 - {{\left| y \right|}^2}} \right)}^{\alpha - \beta }}} \right)\left| {\frac{{f\left( x \right) - f\left( y \right)}}{{\left| x \right|y - x'}}} \right| where ω is a majorant. Similar results are extended to harmonic little ω-α-Bloch and Besov spaces. Our results are generalizations of the corresponding ones in G.Ren, U.Kähler (2005)., Xi Fu, Bowen Lu., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Oxidative stress is a phenomenon associated with pathogenetic mechanisms of several diseases including atherosclerosis, neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, cancer, diabetes mellitus, inflammatory diseases, as well as psychological diseases or aging processes. Oxidative stress is defined as an imbalance between production of free radicals and reactive metabolites, so-called oxidants, and their elimination by protective mechanisms, referred to as antioxidative systems. This imbalance leads to damage of important biomolecules and organs with potential impact on the whole organism. Oxidative and antioxidative processes are associated with electron transfer influencing the redox state of cells and the organism. The changed redox state stimulates or inhibits activities of various signal proteins, resulting in a changed ability of signal pathways to influence the fate of cells. At present, the opinion that oxidative stress is not always harmful, has been accepted. Depending on the type of oxidants, intensity and time of redox imbalance as well as on the type of cells, oxidative stress can play a role in the regulation of other important processes through modulation of signal pathways, influencing synthesis of antioxidant enzymes, repair processes, inflammation, apoptosis and cell proliferation, and thus processes of malignity. Imprudent administration of antioxidants may therefore have a negative impact on the organism., Z. Ďuračková., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
We construct a class of special homogeneous Moran sets, called {mk}-quasi homogeneous Cantor sets, and discuss their Hausdorff dimensions. By adjusting the value of {mk}k\geqslant 1, we constructively prove the intermediate value theorem for the homogeneous Moran set. Moreover, we obtain a sufficient condition for the Hausdorff dimension of ho- mogeneous Moran sets to assume the minimum value, which expands earlier works., Xiaomei Hu., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
In the present in vitro experiments we examined FSH- and ghrelin-induced changes in ovarian hormone secretion by transgenic rabbits. Fragments of ovaries isolated from adult transgenic (carrying mammary gland-specific mWAP-hFVIII gene) and non-transgenic rabbits from the same litter were cultured with and without FSH or ghrelin (both at 0, 1, 10 or 100 ng/ml medium). The secretion of progesterone (P4), estradiol (E2) and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) was assessed by RIA. It was observed that ovaries isolated from transgenic rabbits secreted much less P4, E2 and IGF-I than the ovaries of non-transgenic animals. In control animals FSH reduced E2 (at doses 1-100 ng/ml medium) and IGF-I (at 1-100 ng/ml), but not P4 secretion, whereas ghrelin promoted P4 (at 1 ng/ml) and IGF-I (at 100 ng/ml), but not E2 output. In transgenic animals, the effects were reversed: FSH had a stimulatory effect on E2 (at 100 ng/ml) and ghrelin had an inhibitory effect on P4 (at 10 ng/ml). No differences in the pattern of influence of FSH on P4 and IGF-I and of ghrelin on E2 and IGF-I were found between control and transgenic animals. The present observations suggest that 1) both FSH and ghrelin are involved in rabbit ovarian hormone secretion, 2) transgenesis in rabbits is associated with a reduction in ovarian secretory activity, and 3) transgenesis can affect the response of ovarian cells to hormonal regulators., A. V. Sirotkin, P. Chrenek, K. Darlak, F. Valenzuela, Ž. Kuklová., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy