Suspended sediment dynamics during hydrological events influenced by rainstorms and factors controlling changes in sediment dynamics were investigated in a small basin scale, since small basins can be considered as one of the most important sediment sources. The study focuses on the agricultural microbasin Rybárik, near Považská Bystrica (Western Slovakia). Suspended sediment concentrations were measured during discharge waves in the years 1987-1990, 1992, 2000 and 2001. The behaviour of suspended sediments in watercourses is not only a function of energy conditions, but also a function of sediment availability. The variations in sediment supply and sediment depletion result in so-called hysteresis effects. Thus, suspended sediment concentrations at rising and falling limbs are different for equal discharges. Positive and anti-clockwise hysteresis was observed at Rybárik basin. The procedure of separation of factors controlling sediment dynamics has given more realistic view on production and transport of suspended sediments. It is confirmed that spatial and temporal variability of sediment availability and suspended sediment dilution by the baseflow, mainly in the case of two or more waves following one after another control significantly suspended sediment dynamics. and Keďže malé povodia možno považovať za jeden z hlavných zdrojov sedimentov, na malom povodí bol skúmaný režim plavenín počas hydrologických udalostí spôsobených prívalovými zrážkami, a faktory ovplyvňujúce zmeny v dynamike plavenín. Štúdia bola vykonaná na poľnohospodárskom mikropovodí Rybárik pri Považskej Bystrici. Koncentrácie plavenín boli merané počas prietokových vĺn v rokoch 1987- 1990, 1992, 2000 a 2001. Režim plavenín vo vodných tokoch nie je funkciou len transportnej kapacity toku, ale aj dostupnosti sedimentov. Zmeny v zásobovaní a vyčerpávaní sedimentov spôsobujú tzv. hysterézny efekt. To znamená, že koncentrácie plavenín na stúpajúcej a klesajúcej vetve vlny sú rozdielne pri tých istých prietokoch. V povodí Rybárik bola pozorovaná pozitívna aj opačná hysteréza. Postup izolovania faktorov, ktoré ovplyvňujú dynamiku plavenín, prináša reálnejší obraz o tvorbe a transporte plavenín. Ukazuje sa, že zrieďovanie koncentrácií plavenín základným odtokom a časová a priestorová heterogenita územia z hľadiska dostupnosti sedimentov, predovšetkým v situácii tesne za sebou nasledujúcich prívalových vĺn, sa významne podieľajú na celkovej dynamike plavenín.
I explain how Karl Popper resolved the problem of induction but not the pragmatic problem of induction. I show that Popper's proposed solution to the pragmatic problem of induction is inconsistent with his solution to the problem of induction. I explain how Popper’s falsificationist epistemology can solve the pragmatic problem of induction in the same negative way that it solves the problem of induction.
Farmakogenetika je vedný odbor, ktorý skúma efekt jednotlivých liekov v závislosti od genotypu. V súčasnosti sú liečebné odporúčania pre liečbu niektorých monogenénových diabetov založené na genetickej diagnostike. Aj v oblasti farmakogenetiky perorálnych antidiabetík boli už publikované prvé štúdie, ktoré zistili asociácie jednotlivých génových variantov s liečebnou odozvou. Odozva na deriváty sulfonylurey bola signifikantne asociovaná s variantmi KCNJ11/ABCC8, TCF7L2 a CYP2C9. Odozva na liečbu metformínom bola asociovaná s variantmi génov ATM a SLC47A1. Odozva na liečbu glitazónmi bola asociovaná s variantom génu PPARG. Terapeutická odozva na liečbu gliptínmi bola asociovaná s variantmi génov TCF7L2 a CTRB1/2. Je možné očakávať, že v blízkej budúcnosti budú farmakogenetické poznatky využívané aj pri personalizácii liečby diabetu 2. typu., Pharmacogenetics is the study of how genes (individual genotypes) affect a person‘s response to drugs. At present, recommendations made about the treatment of some monogenic forms of diabetes are based on genetic diagnostics. The first studies in the field of pharmacogenetics of oral antidiabetics have now been published which have identified associations of individual genetic variants with response to treatment. The response to sulfonylurea derivatives was significantly associated with the variants KCNJ11/ABCC8, TCF7L2 and CYP2C9. The response to metformin treatment was associated with the genetic variants ATM and SLC47A1. The response to treatment with glitazones was associated with the genetic variant PPARG. The therapeutic response to the treatment with gliptins was associated with the genetic variants TCF7L2 and CTRB1/2. It may be expected that in the near future pharmacogenetic knowledge will also be used within personalized treatment of type 2 diabetes., and Ivan Tkáč
It is widely assumed that the possibility of faultless disagreement is to be explained by the peculiar semantics and/or pragmatics of special kinds of linguistic construction. For instance, if A asserts “o is F” and B asserts this sentence’s denial, A and B can disagree faultlessly only if they employ the right kind of predicate as their “F”. In this paper, I present an argument against this assumption. Focusing on the special case when the expression of interest is a predicate, I present a series of examples in which the same pairs of sentences are employed, but in different contexts. In some cases, we get an impression of faultless disagreement and in some cases we don’t. I identify a pattern across these contexts and conclude that faultless disagreement is made possible, not by a special kind of predicate, but instead by a special kind of context.
Fekálna mikrobiálna terapia (FMT) je liečebná metóda, pri ktorej sa prenesie fekálna mikroflóra chorému jedincovi od zdravého darcu, a tým sa obnoví normálne mikrobiálne zloženie čreva. V súčasnosti vzrastá záujem o využitie FMT pri liečbe rôznych chorôb, avšak neexistujú štandardné terapeutické protokoly. Postupy pri realizácii FMT sa líšia vo viacerých aspektoch, ako je výber darcu, príprava fekálnych materiálov, príprava príjemcu a spôsob aplikácie. FMT sa zdá byť najúspešnejšia v liečbe rekurentnej infekcie Clostridium difficile, randomizované kontrolované štúdie dokázali úspešnosť približne 90 %. Existujú aj obmedzené výsledky pre liečbu ulceróznej kolitídy, publikované boli malé série prípadov, ktorých výsledky však nie sú jednotné. Využitie FMT sa skúma aj v liečbe iných chorôb, pri ktorých je narušená črevná mikroflóra, ako sú napr. kardiovaskulárne, autoimunitné a metabolické ochorenia. Nateraz je pri FMT veľa nezodpovedaných otázok, a preto je nevyhnutný ďalší výskum v tejto oblasti., Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is a therapeutic method, in which the fecal microflora from healthy donors is transmitted to the patient to restore the healthy microbial composition of the gut. In the recent years, there is a growing interest in the therapeutic potential of FMT in various diseases. The standard FMT protocols do not exist. Procedures of FMT vary in several aspects such as donor selection, preparation of fecal material, preparation of the recipient and administration way. FMT appears to be the most successful in the treatment of recurrent Clostridium difficile infection (CDI), randomized controlled studies reported 90 % success rate. There is a limited evidence for FMT as a treatment of ulcerative colitis. FMT has been also studied as treatment of diseases with impaired gut microbiota, such as cardiovascular, autoimmune and metabolic diseases. Many unanswered questions with regard to FMT remain and further research is needed., and Igor Šturdík, Tibor Hlavatý, Juraj Payer
The main purpose of this paper is to compare two pluralistic approaches to knowledge, Goodman’s theory of worldmaking and Feyerabend’s methodological anarchism. It therefore examines firstly, the concept of world-versions, which according to Goodman create our worlds and at the same time are crucial for achieving a better understanding of reality; and secondly, the concept of alternative theories which are built upon pluralism and, according to Feyerabend, secure knowledge and make scientific progress possible. Feyerabend’s concept has been rejected by many, seemingly for its lack of limitations. In line with this argument, I propose that based on the comparison of these two pluralistic approaches, the alternative theories can be understood as a part of worldmaking, for Goodman’s theory has wider applicability since it encompasses not only science but also art. Furthermore, I suggest adopting Goodman’s principle of rightness, the criterion of functionality in his worldmaking, as a criterion within Feyerabend’s methodological anarchism when establishing the prevailing theory. It is to be expected that such a juxtaposition will uncover inconsistencies, in particular regarding boundless relativism and the vague terminology in both conceptions.
Fictional realism allows direct reference theorists to provide a straightfor- ward analysis of the semantics of fictional discourse by admitting into their ontology a set of objects (ficta) that serve as the referents of fictional names. Ficta may be modeled using an axiomatic object theory, but actualist interpretations of the formalism have been the subject of recent objections. In this paper, I provide an interpretation of object theory’s formalism that is consistent with actualism and avoids these objections. Drawing on insights from an actualist semantics for quantified modal logic, a central point in my proposal is to interpret ficta as contingently nonconcrete objects., Fiktivní realismus umožňuje přímým teoretikům poskytnout přímou analýzu sémantiky fikčního diskurzu tím, že do své ontologie připouští soubor objektů (ficta), které slouží jako odkazy fiktivních jmen. Ficta může být modelována pomocí axiomatické objektové teorie, ale aktualistické interpretace formalismu byly předmětem nedávných námitek. V tomto příspěvku poskytuji výklad formalismu objektové teorie, který je v souladu se skutečností a vyhýbá se těmto námitkám. Na základě poznatků z aktuální sémantiky pro kvantifikovanou modální logiku je v mém návrhu ústředním bodem interpretace fikce jako podmíněných nespecifických objektů., and Ceth Lightfield
The study considers the pertinence of Searle’s speech act theory to literary studies, more specifically to the definition of fictional and factual autobiography. Searle’s conception of fictional discourse as a pretended assertion influenced Gérard Genette in his definition of the necessary condition of factual autobiography, which he sees in the identity of the author with the narrator, meaning that in autobiography, the author bears full responsibility for what he or she asserts. According to Genette, if the narrator and the author are not identical, the autobiography is fictional. These theoretical arguments are then applied to the interpretation of Bohumil Hrabal’s trilogy In-House Weddings, Vita Nuova and Gaps and the fictional autobiography Boyhood, Youth and Summertime by John Maxwell Coetzee., Studie zvažuje vhodnost Searleovy teorie řeči k literárním studiím, více specificky k definici smyšlené a faktické autobiografie. Searleovo pojetí fiktivního diskurzu jako předstíraného tvrzení ovlivnilo Gérard Genette v jeho definici nezbytné podmínky faktické autobiografie, kterou vidí v identitě autora s vypravěčem, což znamená, že v autobiografii nese plnou odpovědnost za to, co on nebo on tvrdí. Podle Genette, jestliže vypravěč a autor nejsou identičtí, autobiografie je smyšlená. Tyto teoretické argumenty jsou pak aplikovány na výklad trilogie Bohumila Hrabala In-House Weddings , Vita Nuova a Gaps a fiktivní autobiografieBoyhood, mládí a léto John Maxwell Coetzee., and Jan Tlustý