Sorbus omissa is described as a new hybridogenous triploid (2n = 3x = 51) species belonging to the Sorbus latifolia group. This species is considered to be of hybrid origin, with S. danubialis and S. torminalis being its putative parental species. It is a stenoendemic whitebeam occurring in central Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the vicinity of the towns of Roztoky and Libčice nad Vltavou (Praha-západ district) in the valley of the lower Vltava river, where it grows primarily in oak forests (Viscario-Quercetum). The only two known populations contain approximately 150 individuals. This species differs from other similar Czech species of the S. latifolia group in having broadly elliptical to rhomboidal leaves with very shallowly lobed laminas, predominantly with 9–11 lateral leaf veins on each side, and is orange to orange-red fruit at maturity. Observation, morphological comparison and karyological (chromosome counts, DAPI flow cytometry) methods were used to identify this new species. A character-comparison table and a determination key including all taxa of the S. latifolia agg. endemic in the Czech Republic are provided. An illustration, a photograph and a distribution map of this new species are also presented.
Two new apomictic triploid (2n = 3x = 51) species from the Sorbus latifolia group, S. portae-bohemicae M. Lepší, P. Lepší, P. Vít et K. Boublík and S. albensis M. Lepší, K. Boublík, P. Lepší et P. Vít, putative hybridogenous species originated from a cross between S. danubialis and S. torminalis, are distinguished and described based on a taxonomic and chorological revision of Sorbus bohemica (a hybridogenous triploid species from the same parental combination). A number of contemporary biosystematic techniques, including molecular (nuclear microsatellite markers), karyological (chromosome counts, DAPI flow cytometry) and multivariate and geometric morphometrics were used to assess the variation of the species and justify their independent taxonomic status. All three species occur sympatrically in the České středohoří Mts (NW Bohemia). Sorbus bohemica is recorded from 31 localities, based on a revision of herbarium vouchers and field research. Recent field studies failed to verify five of these localities. Sorbus portae-bohemicae is a stenoendemic in the Porta bohemica gorge (situated ca 7 km WNW of Litoměřice) where it grows in open oak forests (Luzulo-Quercetum and transition vegetation type to Melampyro nemorosi-Carpinetum) on ENE-facing slopes and rocks. The only known population of S. portae-bohemicae consists of 14 adult individuals. Sorbus albensis occurs at 12 localities W to NW of Litoměřice. The total number of individuals is estimated at 600. Most are in acidophilous oak forests (Luzulo-Quercetum and its mesic derivatives), scree forests (Aceri-Carpinetum) or shrubby slopes (Pruno-Ligustretum, Antherico-Coryletum). Populations of the new taxa show little genetic variation and are phenotypically homogenous and well separated from other Bohemian hybridogenous Sorbus species. A distribution map of the three species is provided. Photographs of the type specimens and in situ fructiferous individuals of the new species are presented.
The extreme gravity of the funeral ceremonies in the Czech Republic is due to the diffusion of the biblical models in all the sections of the population. A definitive shift between the traditional european way of celebrating death of a relative and the Christian tradition seems to have occured at the end of the nineteenth century. If it is true that the majority of Czech funerals end with the cremation of the body (a process originally refused by the Catholic Church), it is also true that the funeral ceremony at the present day fully accomplishes the principle of severity provided by the Bible. Today most of the Czech funeral ceremonies consist mainly in listening to pieces of music recommended by the management of crematories. A less controlled (and probably more natural) expression of mouming seems to be almost extinct in the culture of the Czech majority.
Presented article analyzes oral narratives usually defined as contemporary (urban) legends with emphasis on their main characteristics as a folklore genre. The article focuses on definition, terminology and presentation of history of International and Czech research of contemporary legends along with examples of local contemporary narratives. Czech contemporary legends can be characterized as showing clear parallels with East European as well as global folklore repertoire. The most popular Czech cautionary legend was legendary “Black Ambulance”, narrative about mysterious black ambulance kidnapping children, current mainly in 1988 and 1989. Widespread is corpus of comical narratives (“Hilarious Accidents”), in Czech oral transmission popular at least from the 1960s. Narratives showing clear parallels with traditional Czech folklore are relatively lacking in the contemporary Czech repertoire - single exception being cycle of legends about undead Nazi soldier Hagen, popular in tramping movement since the 1980s. Czech contemporary xenophobic narratives deals mainly with Romani (Gypsy) people, “Chinese Restaurant Legends” from global repertoire and anti-Turkish legends from repertoire of German-speaking countries. Newer narratives current from the end of the 1990s show more parallels with international contemporary legends.
Výzkum se zaměřil na možné vztahy mezi lhaním a emoční inteligencí mezi respondenty v České republice. Emoční inteligence souvisí se sebeklamem a detekcí lži, ale její vztah k lhaní zatím dostatečně zkoumán nebyl. Celkem 112 respondentů vyplnilo dotazník pro analýzu klamavého chování a test emoční inteligence TEIQue. ANOVA a regresní analýza ukázaly signifikantní rozdíly ve lhoucím chování, které mohou být ovlivněny globálním rysem emoční inteligence nebo well-being. Výsledky naznačují, že respondenti s nižší emoční inteligencí říkají méně lží a lžou častěji dospělým než dětem. Výzkum může být přínosný pro intervence v pedagogické a forenzní psychologii nebo v rodinné terapii a může pomoci v porozumění proměnným ovlivňujícím klamavé chování. and This study is focused on finding a possible relation between deception and emotional intelligence among respondents in the Czech Republic. Emotional intelligence is related to self-deception and detection of lying, yet there is not enough information on its possible relation to lying behavior itself. A deception behavior survey and the TEIQue inventory were used to analyse deception characteristics and emotional intelligence among 112 respondents. ANOVA and regression analysis revealed significant differences in lying behavior, which might be influenced by the global trait of emotional intelligence or well-being. Results suggest that respondents with lower emotional intelligence use less lies and tend to lie to adults more often than to children. These results might be beneficial for interventions in pedagogical or forensic psychology or in family therapy and can improve our understanding of variables affecting lying behavior.
In 1966, the Černíkovice experiment, Czech Republic, was started when an alluvial meadow dominated by Alopecurus pratensis was subjected to the following fertilizer treatments: non-fertilized control, PK, N50PK, N100PK, N150PK, and N200PK. The experimental plots were cut three times per year in the initial phase of the experiment and twice per year since the late 1980s. In mid May 2005, plant cover was visually estimated, biomass yield and sward height measured in order to detect changes in the grassland ecosystem caused by this long-term fertilizer treatment. After 40 years treatment was a significant predictor of sward structure, explaining 32% of the variability in plant cover data in RDA. Legumes were not detected in the N200PK treatment and achieved the highest cover in the control and PK treatment. Grasses had the lowest cover in the PK treatment and control, which significantly differed from all treatments with N. Alopecurus pratensis prevailed in all NxPK treatments. Herbs had the highest cover in the control followed by the PK treatment and both treatments significantly differed from the NxPK treatments. Achillea millefolium was recorded in all treatments, but the highest cover was recorded in the control treatment. Species richness of vascular plants ranged from 8 per m2 in the N200PK treatment to 24 in the control. A significant decrease in species richness with increase in sward height was detected. The cover of mosses ranged from 1 to 6% like sward height gradually increased with fertilizer application. Aboveground biomass yield was significantly lower in the control than all other treatments. Based on the results of the Černíkovice experiment and a comparison with other long-term fertilizer experiments it is concluded that naturally highly productive grasslands are much less threatened by the inappropriate application of fertilizers than low productive grasslands with a specific plant species composition.
This paper summarizes the present state of knowledge of the vascular plants endemic to the Krkonoše Mts. The species given in previous lists but excluded from the present one are also discussed together with the history of opinion of their status. Some endemics are of Holocene age, e.g. Sorbus sudetica is the result of a past hybridization while others originated from continuous differentiation of small populations over time. Some endemic species of other genera, for example, Hieracium, Taraxacum and Alchemilla appear to be older in origin, representing relict populations which occurred at low altitudes at least during the last glacial period. Their age is unknown, because it is unknown, when and how they evolved.
Czech “tramping” is primary Czech non-political movement and in the same time a pastime which came into existence at the beginning of the 20th century. It interconnected a stay in the countryside with romanticizing inspiration with American Wild West. Emphasis was placed on personal freedom and small amount of organization. It is also characterized by specific literary, musical and graphic production. This paper attempts to analyze specific features
of current campfire legends as a part of modern folk literature. It is based on material collected during a short survey. It seems that narration appearing in “tramping” environment has heavy though not absolute motivic relation to some more general types of narration of the youth such as the campfire legends and motifs related to legend tripping. However, they are spread in the ways characteristic for the youth by people who are much older. There is also a strong connection to the places visited by “tramps”. The existence of the legends is reflected within the movement. The stories can be turned into literature, parodied, or intentionally newly created as folklorism.
Studie podává kritický přehled vývoje československého právního diskursu nad spoluvlastnickým předkupním právem (zákonným předkupním právem spoluvlastníků) od počátku 50. let XX. stol. do současnosti, vztahující se k po delší čas diskutované otázce, zdali také bezplatné převody spoluvlastnického podílu mohou být podřazeny uvedenému spoluvlastnickému předkupnímu právu. Spoluvlastnické předkupní
právo má své kořeny ve starším právu ssutí (retraktu), avšak jeho moderní znovuzrození v českém právním řádu je spojeno se švýcarským Civilním zákoníkem (ZGB) z roku 1912. Jeho vlivem došlo postupně kvelké vlně znovuoživení tohoto institutu napříč Evropou: počínaje Tureckem,Lichtenštejnskem a Ruskem, později se rozšířivší do Československa,Maďarska, Jugoslávie, Bulharska, Norska, Německé demokratické republiky, Litvy, Estonska a jiných zemí. Článek se rovněž zaměřuje na argumentační strategie českých odpůrců institutu, včetně jejich zjednodušujícího nálepkování institutu coby „socialistického“, navzdory
jeho dlouhé historii a přestože představuje stabilní součást právního řádu zemí jako Švýcarsko, Španělsko či Norsko, jakož i navzdory skutečnosti, že ještě mnohem více dalších zemí užívá institut pro některé zvláštní právní vztahy (např. v oblasti zemědělského vlastnictví).Převážně technická otázka po vhodnosti či nevhodnosti institutu a jeho případně možného právního tvaru či variet byla v rámci českého odborného diskursu znesnadňována a narušována vnášením vágních ideologických tvrzení. Článek se kloní k názoru, že spoluvlastnické zákonné předkupní právo může být významným prvkem, zvyšujícím právní jistotu spoluvlastníků.
Mimo jiné jím dochází k vyvažování některých negativních stránek spoluvlastnictví.Postavení spoluvlastníka je stabilnější a právně jistější, což činí spoluvlastnění atraktivnějším zvláště pro malé spoluvlastníky. Z této příčiny článek stručně kritizuje nový zdejší OZ a jím přivozené změny, dalekosáhle omezující tento právní institut a podržující jej v omezené míře pouze pro některé zvláštní právní poměry. and This paper gives a critical overview of the evolution of the Czech and Czechoslovak legal discourse on the legal institute of the statutory pre-emptive rights of co-owners since the 1950s, especially in relation to the long-disputed question as to whether the unpaid property transfers
(gifts) shall be subordinated under this pre-emption. This statutory pre-emptive right has its roots in the older right of retract, but its modern re-emergence in the Czech legal order is connected with the modern Swiss Civil Code of 1907 (1912). Its influence has started a great wave of the revival of
this institute across Europe: starting with Russia, Liechtenstein and Turkey, and later spreading to Czechoslovakia,Hungary,Yugoslavia, Bulgaria,Norway, German Democratic Republic, Lithaunia, Estonia and other countries. The article also focuses on the argumentation strategies of Czech
adversaries of this legal institute, including the simplifiing tactics of labelling it as “socialist” despite of its long history and despite of the fact, that it represents a stable component of the law in countries such as Spain, Switzerland and Norway, and that many more countries are using this institute in certain special legal relationships (especially in agricultural co-ownership). The predominantly technical question of the suitability or non-suitability of this legal institute in its many forms has been largely undermined by the introduction of vague ideological assertions into the scholarly debate in the Czech Republic. The article argues that the statutory pre-emptive rights of co-owners might play an important role in increasing legal certainty of co-owners and, by this, in counterbalancing someof more negative aspects of co-ownership and making it more stable and attractive for small co-owners. For this reason, the paper criticises the new Czech Civil Code and its changes, liquidating this legal institute and retaining it only for two special legal relationships.
Variability in vegetation, participation of target and non-target species and the role of the local species pool in the spontaneous succession on acidic bedrock were studied in quarries. The study was conducted in the Českomoravská vrchovina uplands (central Czech Republic). A total of 135 relevés, 5 × 5min size, were used to sample 41 quarries that were abandoned from 1 to 92 years ago. Three types of sites were distinguished: mesic, wet and periodically flooded. Species cover (seven point Braun-Blanquet scale) was visually estimated. The following characteristics were noted: steep rocky slopes, bottoms and levels, dumps and screes as habitat types; age; proportion of the main land-cover categories (arable land, ruderal and urban, grassland,woodland and wetland) in the surroundings up to 100 m and 1 km from each quarry; and the occurrence of target (grassland, woodland, wetland) and non-target (ruderal, alien) species up to 100 m from each quarry. Ordination indicates that the spontaneous succession of vegetation results in the formation of mixed woodland, Alnus and Salix carrs, or tall sedge and Typha beds with scattered Salix, depending on the wetness of a site, surrounding vegetation and land cover. Restoration of target vegetation in the quarries by spontaneous succession is possible and can occur within about 25 years, especially if the target species are present close by.