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82. Paradoxy profesionalizace protikorupčních aktivistů v České republice
- Creator:
- June, Raymond
- Format:
- Type:
- model:internalpart and TEXT
- Subject:
- anti-corruption and governance, civic sector, intelligentsia, professionalisation, and Czech Republic
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- This article addresses the question of how to be an activist in the dynamic postsocialist field of power by focusing on anti-corruption actors in two policy-mediating knowledge institutions with transnational ties in the Czech Republic. Drawing upon sixteen months of participant observation research and interviews, I argue that a new generation of civic activists has sought to carve a niche in the competitive field by crafting an authoritative professional image. They have accomplished this through the performance of new international codes of neoliberal professionalism to both a Czech and international/ western audience in order to gain social recognition. At the same time, however, they risk alienating (and being alienated from) their local counterparts and public if they appear too much the global de-nationalized professional. The discomfort with having to craft their sense of self between globalizing cultures of professionalism and local conditions is a core tension these actors experience in the context of broader changes in the building of civil society and democracy (in the international image), the postsocialist labor market, and the role of the intelligentsia. It demonstrates the limits to the accumulation of global cultural and symbolic capital.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
83. Persicaria pensylvanica in der Tschechischen Republik
- Creator:
- Kubát, Karel and Jehlík, Vladimír
- Type:
- article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Persicaria pensylvanica, taxonomy, chronology, ecology, introduction, alien plant, naturalization, and Czech Republic
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Taxonomy, distribution and ecology of Persicaria pensylvanica in the Czech Republic are reviewed. In the Czech Republic, P. pensylvanica is an alien plant which immigrated along the Elbe river. Majority of Czech localities of the species have an ephemeral character but in two localities in the town of Litoměřice, the occurrence is more permanent.
- Rights:
84. Po stopách knižní sbírky Františka Eusebia hraběte z Pöttingu a Persingu (1626-1678). Část II
- Creator:
- Jaroslava Kašparová
- Format:
- print, text, and regular print
- Type:
- article, studie, studies, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Organizace knihoven a knihovních fondů, Operations of libraries, archives, information centers, Pötting, Francisco Eusebio de, 1627-1678, Národní muzeum (Praha, Česko)., Knihovna, 17. století, osobní knihovny, šlechtické knihovny, politici, šlechtici, historické knihovní fondy, rukopisy, staré tisky, rekonstrukce knihovních fondů, bibliofilové, personal libraries, noble libraries, politicians, noblemen, historical book collections, manuscripts, old prints, reconstruction of library collections, booklovers, Česko, Rakousko, Španělsko, Czechia, Austria, Spain, Franz Eusebius von Pötting (1626-1678), Diario del conde de Pötting 1664-1674, Bibliotheca Pöttingana, personal book collections, printed books from the 16th and 17th centuries, Hispanica, Czech Republic, National Museum Library in Prague, PROVENIO database, book provenance research, 12, and 025
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The article is a continuation of the author’s paper given at the professional conference on historical collections in Olomouc in 2013, which was published in the proceedings of the conference, Bibliotheca Antiqua.1 The author has corrected and expanded some of the data on the life story of Count Pötting on the basis of information from Pötting’s handwritten Diary from 1664-1674 (Diario del conde de Pötting, embajador del Sacro Imperio en Madrid). She provides an overview of the books that are known to have formed part of Pötting’s book collection (26 manuscripts, mostly codices comprising more units, and 46 printed books from the 16th and 17th centuries have been recorded as yet)., Jaroslava Kašparová., and Článek je pokračováním příspěvku předneseného na konferenci k historickým fondům v Olomouci v roce 2013, jehož písemná podoba vyšla ve sborníku Bibliotheca Antiqua.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
85. Politická kultura: koncept a mínění české veřejnosti
- Creator:
- Škodová, Markéta
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- article, články, journal articles, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Společenské vědy, výzkum veřejného mínění, public opinion polls, political culture, public opinion, Czech Republic, 18, and 3
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The article is based on the importance of the political culture in czech public opinion. Following the data obtained at Public Opinion Research Centre´s polls the author analyse how critical are czech citizens when talking about political culture of most of politically active people. The fi rst part of the article is devoted to the explanation of the concept of political culture and its use in sociological and politological theory., Markéta Škodová., and Seznam literartury
- Rights:
- and policy:public
86. Politická reprezentace žen na pozicích starostek v Česku a na Slovensku v letech 2006–2014: Srovnávací analýza faktorů úspěšnosti
- Creator:
- Maškarinec, Pavel, Klimovský, Daniel, and Danišová, Stanislava
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- local politics, local elections, women and politics, women’s representation, women mayors, Czech Republic, and Slovakia
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Main objective of this article is to analyse political determinants of the descriptive representation of women at the local level in communal elections (i.e. the position of mayor) in the Czech Republic and Slovakia over the past decade. It focuses on the political opportunity structure (i.e. the structure of relationships that affect social and political behaviour) and questions whether this structure affects also women’s political representation. It shows that women are significantly advantaged in municipalities where women have held a mayoral post in a previous electoral term. In contrast to other studies, previous women’s representation in a municipal council is here found to have only a limited effect. The strong negative effect of the direct election of mayors and the negative effect of municipal size (only in Slovakia) indicate that women’s representation as mayors may be the result of interdependent phenomena that are a combination of institutional structure (e.g. electoral procedure, the mayor’s powers) and political contextual factors (past experience with a female mayor – not necessarily incumbents). This finding challenges earlier studies and it shows that any effort to identify a clear list of determinants of women’s representation as mayors is a complex task, making it difficult to pursue a broader comparative study in a different institutional environment or a different political culture.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
87. Politika vykrmování na regionální úrovni: Případ dotací pro obce ve Středočeském kraji
- Creator:
- Spáč, Peter, Voda, Petr, Balík, Stanislav, and Pink, Michal
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- distributive politics, pork-barrel politics, grants, municipalities, regions, and Czech Republic
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The politically motivated distribution of public funding, or porkbarrel politics, occurs for various reasons, one of which is the wish to reward political allies over political rivals. Despite the widespread nature of this practice, research in Central Europe has not yet examined this issue at every level of publication administration. The literature that does exist on this subject has mainly focused on national grant programmes, while less attention has been paid to distribution channels at lower-level administrative units. This article focuses on the distribution of subsidies in the municipalities in the Central Bohemia Region between 2014 and 2016. It uses a binary logistic regression to analyse the factors that lead to an application for a subsidy being supported. A negative binomial regression revealed what factors influence the level of subsidy granted. The results of the analysis show that party ties have a strong effect on the odds of a municipality obtaining a subsidy. This factor, however, has less of an effect on how large a subsidy the municipality obtains, and moreover only does so when the distribution of funding is taking place before an election.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
88. Pravěká transhumance a salašnické pastevectví na území České republiky: možnosti a pochybnosti
- Creator:
- Dreslerová, Dagmar
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- sezónní pastva, salašnické pastevectví, pravěk, horské hospodaření, pylová analýza, transhumance, summer farming, prehistory, Czech Republic, mountain farming, and palynology
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Horské sezónní pastevectví tvořilo důležitou součást hospodářství mnoha evropských zemí prakticky od počátků zemědělství. V novodobé historii České republiky se praktikovalo ve formě valašského pastevectví zhruba od konce 15. stol. na moravských vnějších západních Karpatech, Hrubém Jeseníku a Kralickém Sněžníku. V Čechách bylo zavedeno až v průběhu 17. stol. v Krkonoších a na Šumavě. Z ostatních horských hřebenů a ze starších období, zejména pravěkých, doklady této činnosti chybějí. Důvod, proč se horské sezónní pastevectví v Čechách objevovalo v tak malé míře, není plně objasněn. Jednou z příčin může být rozlehlost pahorkatin, která umožňovala případnou sezónní pastvu mimo horská území. Horské pylové profily však zaznamenávají indikátory lidského vlivu již na konci doby bronzové a v době železné. V souvislosti s tím je diskutována možnost specifické formy pravěkého a raně středověkého horského zemědělského hospodaření, jehož poznání naráží na limity současné archeologie i palynologie. and Transhumance have formed a significant part of the economy in many regions of Europe. In the modern history of the Czech Republic such a system was practiced in the Moravian Outer Western Carpathians and the East Sudetes Hrubý Jeseník and Kralický Sněžník. It started with the arrival of nomadic shepherds, the Wallachians, in the 15th and 16th centuries and ceased to exist at the beginning of the 20th century. In contrast, in Bohemia transhumance has been almost unknown despite the fact that the whole of Bohemia is surrounded by mountain ranges. The only exceptions were so-called “mountain cabin farming” (Baudenwirtschaft) in the Krkonoše Mountains, introduced in this region by Alpine woodcutters in the late 17–19th centuries, and animal husbandry in the Šumava Mountains taking place at the same time. The reason why the mountain summer farming was not practiced in Bohemia on a bigger scale is not fully understood. Environmental rather than cultural factors may be behind it; both transhumance and summer farming may be practiced in inland uplands. In this context the possibility of a specific form of prehistoric/early medieval mountain farming system is discussed as well as the limitations of its detection in archaeological and palynological records.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
89. Predation of the alien American mink, Mustela vison on native crayfish in middle-sized streams in central and western Bohemia
- Creator:
- Fischer, David, Paluvčík, Petr, Sedláček, František, and Šálek, Martin
- Type:
- article and TEXT
- Subject:
- mink diet, stone crayfish, prey selectivity, density-dependent predation, and Czech Republic
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The impact of predation by alien American mink (Mustela vison) on endangered stone crayfish (Austropotamobius torrentium) was examined in middle-sized streams in central and western Bohemia for the duration of two years. The most frequent food source of the American mink were crustaceans, followed by mammals, amphibians and fish. Crustaceans consisted entirely of one species, the stone crayfish, which was represented in 82% of all collected mink droppings. Analysis of the relative composition of summer and winter diet showed no significant differences between these periods. The identification of predation of the American mink on stone crayfish was based on the collection of prey remains during the period monitored. Predation rates at particular localities were highly variable (0.85–21.5%, average = 7.4%), and decreased significantly in winter periods. The use of crayfish seems to reflect their spatial availability, suggested by the good correspondence between the population density and the number of prey remains. Minks preyed selectively on sexually mature individuals, which increases the seriousness of their predation impact. This study suggests that alien mink could be an important mortality factor for stone crayfish populations on a local scale.
- Rights:
90. Prehistoric origin of the extremely species-rich semi-dry grasslands in the Bílé Karpaty Mts (Czech Republic and Slovakia)
- Creator:
- Hájková, Petra, Roleček, Jan, Hájek, Michal, Horsák, Michal, Fajmon, Karel, Polák, Michal, and Jamrichová, Eva
- Type:
- article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Czech Republic, disjunct distribution, environmental history, Holocene, macrofossils, molluscs, palaeoecology, pollen, relict species, semi-dry grasslands, Slovakia, and species richness
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Bílé Karpaty Mts harbour some of the most species-rich managed grasslands in Europe, which contain a number of rare and disjunctly distributed species. Besides specific local environmental factors, the long Holocene history may explain the uniqueness of these grasslands. However, historical interpretations of the palaeoecological evidence from the region are far from unequivocal. While palaeomalacological data indicate persistence of open habitats throughout the entire Holocene, fragmentary pollen data support the hypothesis of a medieval origin of the grasslands. This paper reviews the available phytogeographical, archaeological and palaeoecological knowledge that provides indirect evidence for a prehistoric origin of the grasslands in the Bílé Karpaty Mts. High concentration of rare heliophilous species with a disjunct distribution in the south-western part of the Bílé Karpaty Mts suggest their long-term persistence. The archaeological findings provide evidence for the existence of prehistoric human settlement in this region since the Neolithic (Middle Holocene). Direct evidence for the existence of open human-influenced habitats before medieval times, based on the results of a multi-proxy analysis (macrofossils, molluscs and pollen) of an organic sediment dated back to Roman Age, is also provided. The results indicate the existence of an ancient cultural landscape with a mosaic of open grasslands, natural forests and fields. It is concluded that the evidence presented in this paper supports the hypothesis of prehistoric, rather than a medieval origin of the species-rich grasslands in the Bílé Karpaty Mts.
- Rights: