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474672. The PDE describing constant mean curvature surfaces
- Creator:
- Wu, Hongyou
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- constant mean curvature surfaces, nonlinear partial differential equation, dressing action, and Weierstrass type representation
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- We give an expository account of a Weierstrass type representation of the non-zero constant mean curvature surfaces in space and discuss the meaning of the representation from the point of view of partial differential equations.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
474673. The pecularities of the solid phase of bronchoalveolar lavages in children with the lung diseases
- Creator:
- Modna, Yuliya, Tananakina, Tatiana, Dyka, Elina, Mozhaiev, Ievgen, and Borodin, Pavlo
- Format:
- braille, electronic resource, remote, and elektronický zdroj
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, statistics, and TEXT
- Subject:
- dítě, lidé, mladiství, předškolní dítě, akutní nemoc, pneumonie--farmakoterapie, plicní surfaktanty--aplikace a dávkování--terapeutické užití, bronchoalveolární laváž, and bronchoalveolární lavážní tekutina--cytologie
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The acute destructive pneumonias (ADP) occupy up to 80% of the total number of pneumonias. They require constant improvement of treatment strategy. Nowadays the use of surfactants is a part of most treatment protocols. The aim was to study the features of the solid phase bronchoalveolar lavage in children with the ADPs in the dynamics of complex treatment with exogenous surfactant. Material and methods: We examined 39 patients of contaminated surgery. We identified 2 groups of patients. The patients of first group (n=27) had pulmonary pleural form of ADP, the second group (n=12) had pulmonary form of ADP. All patients got classical treatment and the earlier draining of pleural cavity. We used as an antiseptic reamberin 1.5% by 10 ml/kg and endobronchially injected exogenous surfactant Bl in dose12 mg/kg body weight a day, 6 mg/kg every 12 hours. All the children were made a bronchoscopy to obtain BAL to study the crystallization properties. The solid phase of BAL was studied by method of cuneal dehydration. Results: All facies before treatment were divided into two groups according to classification of facies of biological fluids. Only the facies of the second and the third types were detected there. It was revealed that the sizes of the zones of the facies were different in the comparison groups before treatment and after. And the level of crystalline structures and amorphous aggregates were different in the groups with different degrees of inflammation. Conclusion: So, we can assume that the change in surfactant system is characterized by changes in the morphological structure of solids phases of BAL. And the morphological structure of BAL depends on the chemical composition of BAL., Yuliya Modna, Tatiana Tananakina, Elina Dyka, Ievgen Mozhaiev, Pavlo Borodin, and Literatura
- Rights:
- and policy:public
474674. The perceived stress scale: reliability and validity study in the Czech Republic
- Creator:
- Figalová, Nikol and Charvát, Miroslav
- Format:
- počítač and online zdroj
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Perceived Stress Scale, translation, reliability, validity, scale, Škála vnímaného stresu, překlad, reliabilita, validita, and škála
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Objectives. The aim of this study was to create a Czech translation of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), to assess its psychometric properties on a representative sample of the Czech general adult population, and to compare the original 14-item version (PSS-14) with the shortened 10-item (PSS-10) and four-item (PSS-4) versions. Sample and setting. Two pilot studies were conducted to create the final Czech translation of the scale (n = 365 and n = 420). The final version of the Czech PSS was administered to a sample of the Czech general adult population (n = 1725 of whom 981 were women, M = 44.32,SD = 12.8). The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) or the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) were administered alongside the PSS to a part of the sample. A retest measurement after 14 days was conducted (n = 159). Statistical analysis. Using the confirmatory factor analysis, the one-factor, two-factor and bifactor models were compared. The internal consistency, stability in time, and convergent validity of the scale, as well as the known-group differences were assessed. The three versions of the PSS were compared. Results. The confirmatory factor analysis sup-ported the bifactor model of the PSS-14 and PSS-10, and the two-factor model of the PSS-4. All versions of the scale showed good internal consistency and stability in time. There was a moderate to strong positive correlation between the PSS and the BDI-II and STAI. Differences based on age, sex, education level, and situ-ational factors were found. Overall, the PSS-10 showed the best psychometric properties of all three versions of the scale. Study limitation. The sample consisted mostly of highly educated respondents. and Cíle. Cílem předkládané studie bylo vytvořit český překlad Škály vnímaného stresu (PSS), ověřit jeho psychometrické vlastnosti na repre-zentativním vzorku běžné české dospělé po-pulace, a porovnat psychometrické vlastnosti původní čtrnáctipoložkové škály (PSS-14) se zkrácenou desetipoložkovou (PSS-10) a čtyřpo-ložkovou (PSS-4) verzí. Výzkumný soubor a metody získávání dat. Při tvorbě českého překladu škály byly provedeny dvě pilotní studie (n = 365 a n = 420). Finální překlad škály byl administrován vzorku běž-né české populace (n = 1725, z toho 981 žen, M = 44,32, SD = 12,8). Části vzorku byla také administrována Beckova škála deprese (BDI-II) nebo Dotazník na měření úzkosti a úzkostlivosti (STAI). Po 14 dnech proběhl retest, kterého se zúčastnilo 159 respondentů. Analýza dat. Pomocí konfirmační faktorové analýzy autoři porovnali jednofaktorový, dvou-faktorový a bifaktorový model škály. Ověřili vnitřní konzistenci škály, její stabilitu v čase, konvergentní validitu a rozdíly mezi známými skupinami. Porovnali vlastnosti jednotlivých forem PSS. Výsledky. Konfirmační faktorová analýza pod-pořila bifaktorový model PSS-14 i PSS-10 a dvoufaktorový model PSS-4. Všechny tři formy škály dosahovaly dobré hodnoty vnitřní konzis-tence i stability v čase. Korelace PSS s BDI-II a STAI ukázaly středně silný až silný pozitiv-ní vztah. Byly nalezeny rozdíly v závislosti na věku, pohlaví, vzdělání a řadě situačních fakto-rů. Nejlepších psychometrických vlastností do-sahovala desetipoložková verze škály. Limity studie. Ve zkoumaném vzorku dominují respondenti s vysokoškolským vzděláním.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
474675. The performance of backpropagation networks which use gradient descent on sigmoidal steepness
- Creator:
- Leung, Wing Kai
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- neural networks, backpropagation, sigmoidal steepness, neural metrics, and algorithmic complexity
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Backpropagation which uses gradient descent on the steepness of the sigmoid function (BPSA) has been widely studied (e.g. Kruschke et al. [1]). However, most of these studies only analysed the BPSA empirically where no adequate measurements of the network’s quality characteristics (e.g. efficiency and complexity) were given. This paper attempts to show that the BPSA is more efficient than the standard BPA by quantitatively comparing the convergence performance of both algorithms on several benchmark application problems. The convergence performance is measured by the values of the neural metrics [2] evaluated in the training process.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
474676. The period of a whirling pendulum
- Creator:
- Lichardová, Hana
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Hamiltonian system, period function, and Picard-Fuchs equations
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The period function of a planar parameter-depending Hamiltonian system is examined. It is proved that, depending on the value of the parameter, it is either monotone or has exactly one critical point.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
474677. The Permostridulidae fam. n. (Panorthoptera), a new enigmatic insect family from the Upper Permian of France
- Creator:
- Béthoux, Olivier, Nel, André, Lapeyrie, Jean, and Gand, Georges
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Insecta, Neoptera, Panorthoptera, Permostridulidae fam. n., Permostridulus brongniarti gen. n. & sp. n., Upper Permian, France, and stridulatory apparatus
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The unusual wing characters of the Permian insect Permostridulus brongniarti gen. n., sp. n. justifies the creation of a new family, the Permostridulidae fam. n., within the Panorthoptera. Phylogenetic relationships with the extinct order Caloneurodea, related to the Orthoptera (crickets, grasshoppers), are assumed. This assumption suggests an occurrence of the Permostridulidae at least since the Upper Carboniferous. The most prominent feature of the wing venation is a stridulatory apparatus, nonhomologous with those previously known in "panorthopterid" lineages. This is the oldest recorded sound-producing device of an animal.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
474678. The persistent Bond of socialism
- Creator:
- Chalupecký, Petr and Mareš, Jiří
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Přeložil Jiří Mareš
- Rights:
- and policy:public
474679. The person at law from the point of view of pure legal science
- Creator:
- Beran, Karel
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- person, personified set of legal norms, point of assignability, pure legal science, and legal normativism
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The person as a legal term is traditionally derived from a human being, either from an individual or a group of people. Hans Kelsen maintains that no such substance really exists. “The person exists only insofaras he “has” duties and rights; apart from them the person has no existence whatsoever.” This is why a human being is construed as an abstract holder of subjective rights rather than the person in a legal sense. This conception results in the normative construction of a person. The person is considered to be a mere point, an ideal and never real fact. Kelsen designates this point as “personification of the set of norms” regulating the conduct of a human being. However, such an entity as the personification of legal norms does not exist in the outer, real world. The legal order may attach legal personality to any segment of the outer world, even to an imagination of something non-existent in the outer world. The relationship between this abstract point and the addressee of duties is called “assignability”. This is why the person in a legal sense is, in the normativist perspective, considered to be “a point of assignability”. The aim of this article is to describe the approach of pure legal science to a person as a personified set of legal norms or as a point of assignability.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
474680. The pH-dependent and enzymatic release of cytarabine from hydrophilic polymer conjugates
- Creator:
- Pola, R., Olga Janoušková, and Tomáš Etrych
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- article, články, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Fyziologie člověka a srovnávací fyziologie, fyziologie, physiology, HPMA copolymers, drug delivery system, nucleoside analogues, cytarabine, 14, and 612
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Cytarabine is one of the most efficient drugs in the treatment of hematological malignancies. In this work, we describe the synthesis and characterization of two different polymer conjugates of cytarabine that were designed for the controlled release of cytarabine within the leukemia cells. Reactive copolymers of N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide (HPMA) and 3-(3-methacrylamidopropanoyl)thiazolidine-2-thione) or 3-(Nmethacryloylglycyl- phenylalanylleucylglycyl)thiazolidine-2-thione were used in the study as reactive polymer precursors for reaction with cytarabine. The enzymatic release of cytarabine from the conjugate containing a GFLG spacer utilizing cathepsin B was verified. In addition to enzymolysis, the pH-dependent hydrolysis of cytarabine from both copolymers was also confirmed. Approximately 40 % and 20 % of the drug was released by spontaneous hydrolysis at pH 7.4 within 72 h from the polymer conjugates with the GFLG and β-Ala spacers, respectively. At pH 6.0, the spontaneous hydrolysis slowed down, and less than 10 % of the drug was liberated within 72 h. The results of the cytotoxicity evaluation of the polymer conjugates in vitro against various cell lines showed that the cytotoxicity of the polymer conjugates is approximately three times lower in comparison to free cytarabine., R. Pola, O. Janoušková, T. Etrych., and Obsahuje bibliografii
- Rights:
- and policy:public