A detailed study of Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia for the 8th volume of the Flora of the Czech Republic revealed five new agamospermous species, viz. T. atroviride Štěpánek et Trávníček, T. clarum Kirschner, Štěpánek et Trávníček, T. moldavicum Chán, H. Ollgaard, Štěpánek, Trávníček et Žíla, T. urbicola Kirschner, Štěpánek et Trávníček and T. violaceifrons Trávníček. These species are formally described, thoroughly characterized morphologically and compared with similar taxa. They are known from numerous localities in Central Europe; T. moldavicum, in addition to the Central European distribution, is known to occur in two regions in Denmark. All these species are also documented by photographs of their general habit and important features.
Islámská minulost a současnost se podstatnou topologickou součástí západního obrazu Egypta staly až hluboko ve druhé polovině 19. století. Podíl na tom měl rozvoj vědecké orientalistiky, široká nabídka cestování i sociální a kulturní transformace blízkovýchodního regionu hledajícího svou moderní identitu. Dříve podceňované islámské formy se začaly prosazovat jako prostředky architektonické reprezentace na světových výstavách, kde konkurovaly replikám starověkých památek. Jedním z aktérů tohoto procesu byl rakouský architekt českého původu František (Franz) Schmoranz ml. (1845-1892), podle jehož projektu byl uskutečněn Egyptský pavilon na výstavě ve Vídni v roce 1873. Schmoranz se s islámskou architekturou důkladně seznámil při svých opakovaných mnohaměsíčních pobytech v Káhiře a po návratu působil ve Vídni jako její uznávaný znalec a propagátor. Pro Rakouské muzeum pro umění a průmysl připravil několik expozic islámské architektury a pro světovou výstavu v Paříži 1878 vytvořil kolekci skleněných nádob zdobených orientálními arabeskami. Ačkoliv sám nepublikoval vědecké studie, jako architekt i designér patřil k průkopníkům archeologicky fundovaného orientalismu. Na rozdíl od většiny Evropanů se při studiu islámského umění neomezoval jen na plošnou dekoraci. Schmoranz podstatně rozšiřoval rádius možné recepce Orientu, neboť západní publikum seznamoval s obytnými kvalitami arabského domu a tak uspokojoval potřebu „interiority“, sílící v industriální společnosti 19. století. Příspěvek prohlubuje a zpřesňuje poznatky o životní dráze, tvorbě a záměrech tohoto umělce, a to primárně se zaměřením na problematiku kulturního transferu v souvislosti se světovou výstavou ve Vídni roku 1873. Hledá odpověď na otázku, jak Schmoranzem navržená stavba naplnila očekávání, jež kontakty s Orientem ve střední Evropě probouzely. Současně bylo autorovým přáním touto sondou do recepce islámské hmotné kultury přispět do diskuse o alternativních formách orientalistického myšlení, která zatím byla převážně doménou jazykovědného a literárního bádání. and The Islamic past and present only became a fundamental topological part of the Western image of Egypt in the latter half of the 19th century. This was in part due to the development of Oriental studies as a research discipline, the wide range of travel possibilities, and the social and cultural transformation of the Middle East as it sought its modern identity. Islamic forms that had previously been overlooked began to assert their presence as means of architectural representation at world exhibitions, where they competed with replicas of ancient monuments. One of the actors in this process was the Austrian architect of Czech origin František (Franz) Schmoranz Jr. (1845–1892), who designed the Egyptian pavilion at the 1873 Vienna World’s Fair. Schmoranz became thoroughly acquainted with Islamic architecture during repeated stays lasting several months in Cairo, and upon his return worked in Vienna as a respected expert and promoter. He organised several exhibitions of Islamic architecture for the Austrian Museum of Arts and Industry, and created a collection of glass vessels decorated with oriental arabesques for the Exposition Universelle in Paris in 1878. Though he did not publish any research outcomes, as an architect and designer he was one of the pioneers of archeologically based Orientalism. Unlike most Europeans, his appreciation of Islamic art was not restricted to two-dimensional decoration. Schmoranz significantly expanded the radius of the possible reception of the Orient by introducing the Western public to the residential qualities of the Arab home, thus satisfying the growing need for ‘interiority’ in the industrial society of the 19th century. This article deepens and clarifies our knowledge of the life, work and ambitions of this artist, primarily by focusing on the issue of cultural transfer in connection with the 1873 Vienna World’s Fair. It seeks to answer the question of how the building designed by Schmoranz met the expectations aroused in Central Europe by contact with the Orient. In addition, by means of an investigation into the reception of Islamic material culture, the author wishes to contribute to the discussion of alternative forms of Orientalist thinking, which has up till now been predominantly the domain of linguistic and literary research.
The invasion of Paulownia tomentosa (Paulowniaceae), a new alien tree species in Central Europe, native to China, is analysed. By using its distribution in Austria, the invasion of this country is analysed in detail. The first reports of P. tomentosa in Austria were in the 1960s in Vienna. Since then, the number of sites has increased exponentially, with a total of 151 sites in 27 grid cells of the Floristic Mapping project of Austria. The number of sites per grid cell is strongly positively correlated with the minimum residence time in grid cell, which explains 86% of the deviance in the general linear model (GLM). The localities are confined to warm lowland areas (below 450 m altitude) and are concentrated in cities, with 90% of all localities recorded in cities with > 100,000 inhabitants. Paulownia tomentosa typically occurs in small populations of less then 10 individuals (83% of all records) and behaves as a pioneer species colonizing mainly disturbed urban habitats. Near-natural habitats, e.g. forest clearings and riparian shrubberies are rarely colonized. In extremely disturbed areas, the average number of vascular plant species is low (8.9 species), as is total plant cover (17%). As P. tomentosa is currently mostly confined to synanthropic habitats in urban areas, the invasion is not yet a nature conservation issue. In the future, predicted climate change might allow P. tomentosa to spread beyond its current distribution. The habitat preference in the eastern USA indicates that further spread of P. tomentosa in Central Europe might be accompanied by a switch to more natural habitats, e.g. forest clearings and forest margins. Thus, the future spread of this species should be closely monitored.
Based on previously published data, the Czech Republic is regarded an endemic country of the onchocercid nematodes Dirofilaria immitis (Leidy, 1856) and Dirofilaria repens Railliet et Henry, 1911. Nevertheless, while cases of D. repens are commonly reported from dogs in South Moravia, no recent records of D. immitis are available. Therefore, the present study was performed to clarify the occurrence of both species of Dirofilaria Railliet et Henry, 1910. Blood samples of 551 dogs sampled during 2015 and 2016 were analysed microscopically for presence of microfilariae and blood sera were examined by IDEXX SNAP® 4Dx® test (IDEXX, USA). DNA from blood of microscopically positive dogs was extracted and PCR protocol amplifying fragment of cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene was performed; PCR products were then sequenced. All dogs from the Bohemian part of the Czech Republic were negative. The prevalence of D. repens in the Moravian region was 5.7 % (27/476). BLAST analyses of obtained sequences confirmed the presence of D. repens (99-100% identical to KX265049). All sampled animals showed a negative result for D. immitis antigen in IDEXX SNAP® 4Dx® test. Our study confirmed the previously reported occurrence of D. repens in South Moravia and revealed its spreading from the epicentre to the north and west. PCR with subsequent sequencing together with negative results for D. immitis antigen in IDEXX SNAP® 4Dx® test revealed only D. repens infection. A previously published autochthonous infection of dogs with D. immitis in South Moravia was not confirmed.
The agamosporous and taxonomically critical Dryopteris affinis group was investigated as part of a cytogeographic and morphometric study of ferns in Central Europe. Material from 27 localities in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Austria was sampled and evaluated using both morphometric multivariate and karyological analyses. Chromosome counts and flow cytometric analyses revealed the existence of two distinct triploid taxa (2n = 123) of differing genome size, which correspond to D. borreri and D. cambrensis, and of a rare pentaploid hybrid (2n = 205) D. ×critica (D. borreri × D. filix-mas). Morphometric analyses confirmed a clear separation between both triploid taxa. New quantitative characters were selected based on a discriminant analyses, and a key for the identification of the species is presented.
Dry calcareous grassland is one of the most species-rich and endangered ecosystem in Central Europe. Despite the dramatic loss of grassland in the second half of the 20th century due to abandonment of agricultural land or afforestation, new grasslands developed on former arable land. The main objective of this studywas to assess the effect of age on the vegetation and habitat properties of calcareous grasslands. We found that the history (former land use, age of habitats) of grassland localities has had a fundamental effect both on the species composition of the vegetation and habitat properties. Significant differences were found, especially in soil reaction and water-holding capacity. Therefore, we can state that both history and habitat properties determine the recent species composition pattern. Consequently, it was possible to identify species indicating the historical status of the grasslands. Indicators of ancient grassland (i.e., patches continuously used as pastures at least since 1830) could be assigned to typical Festuco-Brometea species but also more widespread grassland species such as Carex flacca, Buphthalmum salicifolium, Carlina vulgaris, Cirsium acaule, Hippocrepis comosa and Scabiosa columbaria. Indicators of recent grasslands (i.e., patches temporarily farmed as arable fields after 1830) belong to different phytosociological classes: Festuco-Brometea, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei and Secalietea cerealis. Festuco-Brometea species restricted to recent grasslands were e.g. Thymus pulegioides subsp. carniolicus, Stachys alpina, Rhinanthus alectorolophus and Onobrychis viciifolia. The two latter species are survivors from the former arable cultivation, the first was an arable weed and the second a widespread fodder plant, but are now considered to be characteristic species of calcareous grasslands. Therefore, we claim that the occurrence of these species indicate calcareous grasslands that were previously arable fields and that recent grasslands are a monument to historical land use. Rare and/or endangered species were not only found in ancient but also in recent grasslands. Furthermore, recent grasslands have a high species diversity. Thus both, ancient and recent calcareous grasslands should be considered equally valuable from a nature-conservation point of view.
The object of the paper is to update the current concept of the chronology of the Neolithic (c. 5400–3300 BC) of the Czech Republic and northern Lower Austria by comparing the typo-chronological development of been perceived in Central Europe as “basic indicators” of archaeological cultures or pottery traditions, which are then further divided into chronological stages and phases. And yet, an analysis of the relation-ships of all three levels of these entities in the context of four types of models of radiocarbon dates indicates that changes in the original material culture do not necessarily occur on a time axis. While it is true that archaeological cultures have proven to be the robust materialisation of primarily chronological trends valid in larger geographic areas, at the level of general and more detailed pottery groups, development can be manifested in other ways (regionally, socially or in a way that is difficult to interpret). and Cílem práce je revidovat současnou koncepci chronologie neolitu v České republice a na severu Dolního Rakouska (ca 5400–3300 BC), a to na základě konfrontace typo-chronologického vývoje keramiky a modelace odpovídajících radiokarbonových dat. Ve střední Evropě jsou dosud keramika a její styl často vnímány jako základní indikátory archeologických kultur, které jsou dále členěny na chronologické stupně a fáze. Analýzou vztahů všech tří úrovní těchto entit v kontextu čtyř druhů modelů 14C dat však vychází najevo, že proměny původní hmotné kultury neprobíhají nutně jen na časové ose. Je pravdou, že archeologické kultury se ukazují být robustní materializací primárně chronologických trendů platných v širokém geografickém prostoru. Avšak v rovině obecných, a tím spíše detailních keramických stupňů a fází se vývoj může projevovat i jinak (regionálně, sociálně či způsobem, který je obtížné interpretovat).