The article summarizes the current state of knowledge of bridges and river channels in the 9th century Mikulčice. It defines the basic themes of a new project, which is expected to synthesize unique large-scale excavations of filled -up river channels in Mikulčice. The excavations took place between 1966 and 1984 and yielded wooden structures and artefacts — uncommon for this region. The main focus of this article is the structural features and dating of three archaeologically documented wooden bridges. Two of the structural designs are specific to the local water features. Bridge designs include classical river structures used by Celts and Romans, as well as a design similar to lake bridges known from regions settled by north-western Slays. The most well preserved bridge (No. 1) allows dendrochronolo gical dating and detailed reconstruction. Many questions remain unanswered regarding bridges, archaeological and palaeoecological reconstructions offilled-up oxbows., Lumír Poláček., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
V článku jsou vyhodnoceny nálezy středověkých mincí z konce 10. až počátku 13. stol., které byly v posledním desetiletí učiněny v dolním Podyjí, a to jak při archeologických terénních výzkumech, tak povrchovým průzkumem s pomocí detektoru kovů. Soubor čítající více než 170 mincí je významný pro poznání peněžního oběhu na Moravě v raném středověku. Zejména nálezy jednotlivých mincí byly donedávna vzácné. Pět mincí z polohy Kostice – Zadní hrúd a blízkého okolí pochází z 2. pol. 10. století. Většinou se jedná o ražby datované před r. 976, doposud jediné z oblasti dolního Podyjí a Pomoraví, včetně přilehlé části rakouského Podunají. Nálezy mincí z 1. pol. 11. stol. ukazují na významnou roli uherské mince ve struktuře oběživa na Moravě. Od poloviny 11. stol. nastupují početné mince domácí provenience, ražné především olomouckými Přemyslovci. and The article evaluates medieval coins from the end of the tenth century to the beginning of the thirteenth century, found over the past decade in the lower Dyje (Thaya) River region (the southeast part of the Czech Republic) during both terrain excavations and surface surveys with the use of a metal detector. The assemblage of more than 170 coins is an important source for learning about monetary circulation in Moravia at the Early Middle Ages. Finds of individual coins were especially rare until recently. Five coins from the Kostice – Zadní hrúd site and the surrounding area date to the second half of the tenth century. These were mostly coins struck before 976, thus far the only ones from the lower Dyje River and Morava River regions, including adjacent Austrian parts of the Danubian Basin. Coin finds from the first half of the eleventh century indicate the prominent role of Hungarian coins in the structure of currency in Moravia. Numerous coins of domestic provenance, minted mostly by the Olomouc Přemyslids, start appearing in the middle of the 11th century.
Příspěvek přináší informace o nově objeveném mladohradištním pohřebišti z prostoru mezi Břeclaví a Lanžhotem. Dva z celkem 11 odkrytých kostrových hrobů obsahovaly mince z 11. století. Jedná se o první mladohradištní pohřebiště v prostoru levobřežní terasy Dyje mezi Břeclaví a Lanžhotem. and The article presents information on the newly discovered Late Hillfort cemetery between Břeclav and Lanžhot. Two of the eleven inhumation graves excavated at the site contained coins from the eleventh century. The site is the first Late Hillfort cemetery found on the left bank terrace of the Dyje between Břeclav and Lanžhot.
Příspěvek je zaměřen na deskripci a analýzu souboru povelkomoravské a mladohradištní keramiky z lokality Kostice – Zadní hrúd v dolním Podyjí. Metoda zpracování keramického souboru spočívá ve statistické analýze dat. Zpracování rozsáhlého souboru keramiky přispělo k poznání produkce keramiky na jižní Moravě v období po zániku Velké Moravy až do sklonku raného středověku, zároveň se podařilo definovat základní vývojové fáze lokality. and The article provides a description and analysis of an assemblage of post-Great Moravian and Late Hillfort pottery from the Kostice – Zadní hrúd site in the lower Dyje region. The pottery assemblage was processed using the statistical analysis of data. The processing of the large pottery assemblage contributed to an understanding of pottery production in south Moravia in the period following the demise of Great Moravia up to the end of the Early Middle Ages; the basic development phases of the site were also defined.
This article deals with 29 Early Medieval finger-rings found, mostly in cemeteries, in Moravia (Czech Republic). They are made of gold, silver, gilded silver or gilded bronze. Each finger-ring consists of two parts – hoop and bezel – made of sheet metal and soldered together, and decorated with granulation, filigree, inlays of glass or semi-precious stones; only two finger-rings are cast as one piece. The finger-rings are classified into 8 types (A to H), some with subtypes. The author outlines the current state of chronology of Early Medieval jewellery in Moravia and discusses the dating of finger-rings: most of the precisely-datable pieces fall into the older period of the Great Moravian Empire, i.e. the first half of the 9th century. The main concern of the study is the question of the origin of Moravian finger-rings. The author sketches the current state of research of Early Medieval finger-rings in Central and South-eastern Europe (ca. 6th–12th century) and searches for parallels in the Moravian types. In Moravian material, he tries to identify structural and decorative elements that could distinguish imported pieces, their imitations and local products. However, in large measure the sorting of Moravian finger-rings into these three groups remains hypothetical. On the whole, it is evident that the finger-rings found in Moravian cemeteries are based on Mediterranean models. Probably the first specimens (or their immediate producers) came to Moravia in the 8th century, from Byzantine cities on the Adriatic coast, and local production of similar finger-rings in Moravian workshops followed soon afterwards.
The author presents the preliminary results of the excavation of the Mikulčice acropolis fortifi cation near Church II. Any rampart is the largest such structure built by the Mojmír dynasty. The importance of this particular fortifi cation lies in the fact that it is the rampart of the main area of one of the top Great Moravian centers of power that protected, among other things, a number of religious buildings and a district with the only properly documented stone palace of a Great Moravian ruler. Great Moravian rampart is composed of a stone face wall, clay-wood core strengthened by grates and a stone substructure ringed by stake palisades, in front of, and in some places partially under, the face wall. The substructure’s role was most likely to bear the face wall’s weight and to strengthen the artifi cial slope under it against water erosion by the nearby river. The conclusion poses the main issues and unknowns that remain to be discovered and answered about the Mikulčice fortifi cation, Marian Mazuch., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Článek předkládá RFA analýzy ryzosti zlatých šperků z pěti významných raně středověkých lokalit z Čech (9.–10. stol.), považovaných za importy z Moravy, a srovnávací soubor náušnic, gombíků/knoflíků a ozdob s gemmami z Mikulčic, tedy centrální lokality na Moravě. Analýzy potvrdily velkou ryzost zlata užívaného na Moravě, podpořily interpretaci kování – relikviáře – s perlami z Mikulčic jako importu; v případě nálezů z Čech jejich složení podporuje moravský původ, u medailonu ze Želének je po analýze zřejmé, že řetěz vznikl nezávisle na medailonu a byl na něj použit kov menší ryzosti. Identické složení čtyř šperků ze dvou lokalit (Želénky – náušnice, Stará Kouřim – perly) může ukazovat na společný původ v jedné moravské dílně. and This article presents X–ray fluorescence analyses of the purity of gold jewellery from five important Early Medieval sites in Bohemia (9th–10th century) regarded as imports from Moravia, and of a comparative assemblage of earrings, spherical gombík buttons and gem–studded jewellery from Mikulčice, i.e. from a central site in Moravia. The analyses confirmed the high purity of the gold used in Moravia, and supported the interpretation of metalwork (a reliquary) with pearls from Mikulčice as an import. The composition of the finds from Bohemia supports a Moravian origin for them; in the case of a medallion from Želénky it is clear after analysis that chain originated separately, and that less pure metal was used in its making. The identical composition of of four jewels found at two sites (Želénky – earrings, Stará Kouřim – beads) may indicate their common origin in a single Moravian workshop.
Authors draw attention to certain problems which should not be missed especially concerning the last step of archaeological methodology i.e. in attempting to interpret discovered archaeological sources with respect to a living culture,i.e. a historical society. This article outlines several possibilities that may explain the so-called burials in settlementcontexts. All of the examples discussed were encountered in the area of Mikulcice - a Great Moravian power centre.The authors also introduce several possible interpretations of these field situations with respect to the living culture.They consider (similarly to other researchers) the possibilities and difficulties of chronological, social, economic, political as well as symbolic interpretations of material sources. In concluding this work, the authors emphasize thatall examples discussed, point to the necessity of carefully distinguishing between archaeological and empirical factson the one hand, and cultural facts that are not available to archaeologists, on the other hand. In light of the proposedconclusions, the revision of „old“ excavations in the area of early Medieveal fortified agglomeration Mikulcice-Valydemonstrates the need for acquiring new data of a quality matching the current methodological requirements. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The author presents a revised interpretation of the area of the NE gateway of the acropolis of the Great Moravian power centre Mikulčice-Valy and the adjacent fortification. The work is a response to a previously published picture of the overall find situation of this area (by B. Kavánová 2003), which, according to the author, does not match the infor mation available in the original documentation. The interpretation procedures clearly presented in the aforementioned monograph cannot be substantiated due to inadequate field work methods, the extent of the documentation compiled and the way in which this documentation is selected and designed This work also provides a critique of the interpre tation of the stratigraphic situation and the dating means and methods used. According to this revised interpretation, it is not possible to concur regarding the relevance of the evidence on which B. Kaváinová bases her hypothesis that there was more than one phase to the rampart. Due to this unsubstantiated interpretation, the chronology given for other settlement structures therefore lacks credibility. The text also includes a reconstruction of the passage through the fortification when the aforementioned gate was in use., Marian Mazuch., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Příspěvek je bilancí dosavadních poznatků k vývoji a funkcím budečského hradiště, které je jednou z nejrozsáhlejších a archeologicky nejprozkoumanějších raně středověkých opevněných lokalit v Čechách. Do okruhu vybraných otázek náleží: vývoj a charakter osídlení a opevnění, organizace plochy hradiště, charakter sídlištní zástavby, pohřbívání, sakrální stavby, doklady přítomnosti elity, doklady řemesel a obchodu, přírodní prostředí, charakter osídlení v okolí a zázemí hradiště. and The Early Medieval Budeč – the source material and a summary of knowledge (On the problem of central place function). This contribution is a balanced assessment of knowledge to date regarding the development and function of the hillfort at Budeč, one of the largest and archaeologically best investigated early medieval fortified sites in Bohemia. Among the questions raised are those of the development and character of settlement and fortification, the organisation of areas within the hillfort, the character of the settlement structures, burial, sacred structures, the presence of an elite, evidence for crafts and trade, the natural environment, the character of settlement around and in the hinterland of the hillfort.