Ciele výskumu. Hlavným cieľom tejto štúdie bolo hlbšie preskúmať názory a presvedčenia žiakov v oblasti fajčenia a pitia alkoholu s využitím kvalitatívneho prístupu a údajov prierezovej štúdie HBSC (Health behaviour in school-aged children) 2013/2014. Cieľom bolo tiež porovnať variabilitu názorov a presvedčení žiakov z hľadiska rodu a veku.
Výskumná vzorka a metódy. Výskumnú vzorku tvorilo 75 žiakov 4 základných škôl. Výskumná vzorka kopírovala cieľovú populáciu HBSC štúdie, teda žiakov vo veku 11-, 13- a 15- rokov. Dizajn výskumu bol založený na kvalitatívnom prístupe s využitím elicitácie formou pripravených pracovných listov a iniciačných otvorených otázok. Metódou zberu dát boli pracovné listy a záznamy tichého pozorovateľa.
Výskumná otázka. Aké sú postoje a presvedčenia žiakov ku prezentovaným výsledkom v oblasti fajčenia a pitia alkoholu ich rovesníkov, a aké sú následné odporúčania školákov v týchto oblastiach.
Analýza dát. Získané údaje boli analyzované kvalitatívnou riadenou obsahovou analýzou.
Výsledky. Participanti majú dostatočné informácie predovšetkým o rôznych negatívnych vplyvoch fajčenia a užívania alkoholu na zdravie a život človeka, avšak neuvedomujú si dostatočne vlastný potenciál pri riešení zdravotných rizík. Výsledky naznačili niektoré osobitosti vzhľadom na vek a rod participantov.
Limitácie výskumu. Množstvo a kvalita materiálu získaného od participantov môže byť ovplyvnená nedostatočnou skúsenosťou participantov s diskusnými metódami a aktivitami rozvíjajúcimi aktívny prístup žiakov. Veľkosť diskusných skupín. and Objectives. The main objective of this study was to explore the views and beliefs of school-aged children on smoking and drinking of alcohol, using a qualitative approach and data of the cross-sectional HBSC (Health behaviour in school-aged children) 2013/2014 study. The aim was also to compare the variability of identified views and beliefs in terms of gender and age.
Sample and settings. The sample comprised 75 participants from four Slovak elementary schools. The characteristics of the present sample were similar to those of the target population of HBSC study (11-, 13- and 15-years-old children). The research design was based on a qualitative approach using elicitation in a form of prepared worksheets and initial open questions. The data were collected using worksheets and observer’s records.
Research questions. What are the views and beliefs of school-aged children about the HBSC findings regarding smoking and drinking and what are their recommendations regarding these issues.
Data analysis. A qualitative controlled content analysis was carried out.
Results. Participants have sufficient information particularly about the various negative impacts of smoking and alcohol use on health and life in general. However, they do not realize their own potential in addressing health risks. The results indicated some specifics in terms of the gender and age.
Study limitation. The quantity and quality of the material gained from participants might be affected by their lack of experience with discussion methods and activities aimed at the development of active engagement. Focus groups size.
Smoking during pregnancy presents health risks for both the mother and her child. In this study we followed changes in the production of steroid hormones in pregnant smokers. We focused on changes in steroidogenesis in the blood of mothers in their 37th week of pregnancy and in mixed cord blood from their newborns. The study included 88 healthy women with physiological pregnancies (17 active smokers and 71 nonsmokers). We separately analyzed hormonal changes associated with smoking according to the sex of newborns. In women with male fetuses, we found higher levels of serum cortisone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), 7α-OH-DHEA, 17-OH pregnenolone, testosterone, and androstenedione in smokers at the 37th week compared to non-smokers. In women with female fetuses, we found lower serum levels of 7β-OH-DHEA and higher androstenedione in smokers at the 37th week. We found significantly higher levels of testosterone in newborn males of smokers and higher levels of 7α-OH-DHEA in female newborns of smokers. Smoking during pregnancy induces changes in the production of steroids in both the mother and her child. These changes are different for different fetal sexes, with more pronounced changes in mothers carrying male newborns as well as in the newborn males themselves., K. Adamcová, L. Kolátorová, T. Chlupáčová, M. Šimková, H. Jandíková, A. Pařízek, L. Stárka, M. Dušková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
a1_Chronic smoking alters the circulating levels of sex hormones and possibly also the neuroactive steroids. However, the data available is limited. Therefore, a broad spectrum of free and conjugated steroids and related substances was quantified by GC-MS and RIA in premenopausal smokers and in age-matched (38.9±7.3 years of age) non-smokers in the follicular (FP) and luteal phases (LP) of menstrual cycle (10 non-smokers and 10 smokers, in the FP, and 10 non-smokers and 8 smokers in the LP). Smokers in both phases of the menstrual cycle showed higher levels of conjugated 17-hydroxypregnenolone, 5α-dihydroprogesterone, conjugated isopregnanolone, conjugated 5α-pregnane-3β,20α-diol, conjugated androstenediol, androstenedione, testosterone, free testosterone, conjugated 5α-androstane-3α/β,17β-diols, and higher free testosterone index. In the FP, the smokers exhibited higher levels of conjugated pregnenolone, progesterone, conjugated pregnanolone, lutropin, and a higher lutropin/follitropin ratio, but lower levels of cortisol, allopregnanolone, and pregnanolone. In the LP, the smokers exhibited higher levels of free and conjugated 20α-dihydropregnenolone, free and conjugated dehydroepiandrosterone, free androstenediol, 5α-dihydrotestosterone, free and conjugated androsterone, free and conjugated epiandrosterone, free and conjugated etiocholanolone, 7α/β-hydroxy-dehydroepiandrosterone isomers, and follitropin but lower levels of estradiol and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and lower values of the lutropin/follitropin ratio. In conclusion, chronic cigarette smoking augments serum androgens and their 5α/β-reduced metabolites (including GABAergic substances) but suppresses the levels of estradiol in the LP and SHBG and may induce hyperandrogenism in female smokers., a2_The female smokers had pronouncedly increased serum progestogens but paradoxically suppressed levels of their GABA-ergic metabolites. Further investigation is needed concerning these effects., M. Dušková ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Smoking becames the important and relevant health and social problem in the Czech republic as well as in the world. Tobacco together with alcohol is the first habit forming substance, which the child contacts or which somebody offers to him. The aim of the research is to map the situation of using of legal drugs, tobacco and alcohol, by the children in the basic schools of the region of South Bohemia. The pupils of the 4th- 9 th classes of basic schools of region of South Bohemia of age 10 – 16 years present the basic group. The methods of questionning, technique questionnaire was used for the primary colection of data. More than the tenth of children - 12 % are the regular smokers – they smoke every day. Regular strong smokers, who smoke regularly more than 10 cigarettes a day, present more then 3 %. The most often beginning of the regular (daily) smoking is about 12 and 13 years. Only 16 % adolescents have never drunk the alcohol, less than half of them did not drink it in the last month. Only 57 % of respondents have never been drunken. The biggest popularity of beverages among the teen-agers has traditionally the beer followed wine and then destillates. The biggest experiences with alcohol had got the questionned people until 10 years of age., Tento článek seznamuje čtenáře s výsledky výzkumu, který byl provedený jako školní studie zahrnující populaci nižší věkové kategorie než u dosud provedených školních studií v ČR, a snaží se díky tomu lépe zachytit nástup užívání a zneužívání legálních návykových látek, tabáku a alkoholu. Cílem výzkumu bylo zmapovat situaci v užívání legálních drog, tabáku a alkoholu, u dětí na základních školách Jihočeského kraje. Výzkum se zaměřuje jak na pravidelné uživatele těchto legálních drog, tak na reprezentativní vzorek mladých lidí, kteří jsou potenciálně (a pochopitelně i reálně) ohrožených legálními drogami., Markéta Kastnerová., and Seznam literatury
The aim of the study was to assess the association between promoter polymorphism [A(-596)G] in interleukin-6 gene and office systolic and diastolic blood pressures, and the heart rate (HR) in apparently healthy Czech subjects. Furthermore, we evaluated the possible influence of gender, BMI and smoking on these supposed associations. An age-matched (40-50 years) and gender-matched (F/M=81/89) sample of apparently healthy Czech subjects (n=170, F/M=81/89) without hypertension, other cardiovascular diseases or diabetes was examined. The A(-596)G Il-6 gene polymorphism was detected by the PCR method. No differences in genotype distribution and/or allelic frequency was found between groups with lower systolic blood pressure (£ 122 mm Hg) and higher systolic blood pressure (> 122 mm Hg). Similarly, no differences in the IL-6 polymorphism were found between lower (£ 86 mm Hg) and higher (> 86 mm Hg) diastolic blood pressure groups. However, we proved a significant increase of genotypes AG+GG as well as the allele (-596)G in higher (>78 beats/min) heart rate group. The genotypes AG+GG represent significantly higher relative risk for higher HR frequency, especially in women. Among lean persons with a low heart rate frequency, fewer AG+GG genotypes were determined than among any other subjects. The genotypes AG+GG are more frequent in non-smoking persons with higher HR compared to non-smoking subjects with lower HR, especially in women. Gender, BMI and smoking substantially modify the distribution of A(-596)G Il-6 gene polymorphism in apparently healthy persons with lower or higher heart rate., A. Vašků, M. Souček, M. Goldbergová, J. Vácha., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Článek je zaměřen na specifické aspekty náročnosti profese zdravotní sestry, zvl. z hlediska způsobů zvládání těchto nároků včetně kouření. Přináší nejprve přehled prevalence kouření zdravotních sester u nás ve srovnání s prevalencí kouření žen české populace a s některými obdobnými zahraničními údaji. Ukazuje, že prevalence kouření českých zdravotních sester je vyšší než prevalence kouření žen české populace. Empirická část příspěvku přináší informace o výsledcích dotazníkového šetření u souboru 337 respondentů, 329 žen a 8 mužů, pracujících jako zdravotní sestry. V tomto souboru bylo identifikováno celkem 207 nekuřáků (61,4 %) a 130 kuřáků (38,6 %). Výsledky dotazníkového šetření, zaměřeného na zjištění úrovně a struktury osobní pohody (well-being), životních událostí (life events), lokalizace kontroly a kuřáckých zvyklostí ukázaly mj., že kouření respondentů – kuřáků se pohybuje na rozhraní mírné a střední závislosti. Průměrná délka kouření u skupiny kouřících je 14,35 let, nejčastěji uvádějí kouřící 10 let trvání kouření a průměrný počet vykouřených cigaret za den je 11,7 cigarety. Výsledky hodnocení Škály sociální readjustace se statisticky významně liší u skupiny kouřících a nekouřících v neprospěch kouřících. Nebyl zjištěn statisticky významný rozdíl v úrovni osobní pohody (well-being) mezi kuřáky a nekuřáky. Průměrná bodová hodnota interní lokalizace kontroly, zjišťovaná vizuální analogovou škálou u celé skupiny kouřících je však mírně nižší než u skupiny nekuřáků.
V období ranej adolescencie patria rodičia a ich správanie k významným faktorom, ktoré môžu napomôcť predchádzaniu rizikovému správaniu dospievajúcich. K najčastejším formám rizikového správania v tomto období patrí fajčenie a konzumácia alkoholu. Prvým cieľom štúdie je sledovať rozdiely v percepcii s rizikovým správaním súvisiacich faktorov medzi adolescentmi a ich matkami/ otcami. Druhým cieľom je sledovať vzťah medzi premennými súvisiacimi so správaním rodičov (percipované adolescentom) a fajčením a užívaním alkoholu u dospievajúcich. Výskumnú vzorku tvorilo 580 dospievajúcich (priemerný vek 12,51; SD = 0,59; 51,1 % dievčat), 217 matiek a 150 otcov. Vo všetkých sledovaných premenných, s výnimkou trávenia spoločného času, boli identifikované významné rozdiely medzi percepciou dospievajúcich a rodičov. Výsledky logistickej regresie ukazujú, že najvýznamnejším faktorom súvisiacim s pravdepodobnosťou fajčenia a pitia alkoholu je percipované schvaľovanie takéhoto správania zo strany rodičov. Zdá sa, že bez ohľadu na to, akým spôsobom sa rodičia snažia ovplyvňovať rizikové správanie dospievajúcich, najdôležitejšie je zabezpečiť, aby adolescenti skutočne vnímali postoj rodičov voči alkoholu/cigaretám ako nesúhlasný. Získané výsledky by mohli byť aplikovateľné aj pre učiteľov a iných významných dospelých, ktorí sú v pravidelnom kontakte s dospievajúcimi. and During the early adolescence period the parental behaviour belongsto one of the most important factors that may help to avoid adolescent risk behaviour. Among the most prevalent forms of risk behaviour in early adolescence are smoking and alcohol consumption. The first aim of this study is to explore discrepancies between parental and adolescent perceptions of several factors related to risk behaviour. The second aim of the study is to explore relationship between parental behaviour (as perceived by adolescents) and adolescents smoking and alcohol consumption. Research sample consisted of 580 adolescents (mean age 12.51, SD=0.59; 51.1% girls), 217 mothers and 150 fathers. In all studied all variables but spending free time, showed, significant differences between the perception of adolescents and their mothers /fathers were found with an exception of parental companionship. Results of logistic regression show that the most important factor that is associated with probability of smoking and drinking in early adolescence is perceived parental approval of such behaviour. It seems to be, that regardless of the way how parents try to prevent adolescents risk behaviour, the most important is to show clear and consistent disapproval of such behaviour. Our results may be applied also for teachers and significant others that are in contact with adolescents.
Smoking is the most widespread substance dependence in the world. Nicotine and some other components of the cigarette smoke cause various endocrine imbalances, and have negative effects on pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, testicular and ovarian functions. Here, we examined studies that describe the influence of smoking and smoking cessation on the male and female reproductive systems. We also focused on studies providing an account of differences in cessation success rates between men and women. In men, the most common effects associated with smoking are erectile dysfunction and decreasing spermiogram quality. Several groups have studied the effects of cigarette smoking on testosterone levels in men. However, the results have been conflicting. In women, nicotine has an antiestrogen effect and increases the ratio of androgens to estrogens throughout life. Beside nicotine, other cigarette toxins also cause dysregulation of reproductive and hormonal system, and essentially influence the probability of a successful pregnancy not only in cases of assisted reproduction but also in healthy women. Tobacco addiction is one of the forms of addiction that are generally thought to be different for men and for women. Women are less successful than men in quitting smoking, and nicotine replacement therapy is less effective in female smokers. We also summarize recent studies that have indicated possible reasons., H. Jandíková, M. Dušková, L. Stárka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Nitric oxide belongs to the most important factors influencing structural and functional properties of vessel wall. Both genetic and environmental factors may influence its metabolism. The aim of this study was to explore whether two common polymorphisms of endothelial nitric synthase (eNOS) may, jointly with smoking, influence the stiffness of large arteries, quantified as pulse wave velocity (PWV). One hundred ninety four subjects free of manifest atherosclerotic disease or chronic pharmacotherapy were selected from population-based postMONICA study. PWV´s were measured using Sphygmocor® device between carotic and femoral arteries (aortic PWV) and between femoral and tibialis-posterior arteries (peripheral PWV). Two common polymorphisms, T786C and G894T, were assessed. Among current smokers, homo- or heterozygous carriers of T786C mutation showed significantly higher peripheral PWV than normal genotype carriers (14.0 vs 10.7 m/s, p<0.002); the same was true for the carriers of G894T mutation (13.9 vs 11.0 m/s, p<0.015). No differences were found in non-smokers, and neither of the eNOS polymorphisms influenced aortic PWV in our setting. In conclusion, genetically determined disorder of nitric oxide metabolism was associated with increased stiffness of peripheral, muscular-type arteries in generally healthy, untreated subjects, but only in the interaction with current smoking., O. Mayer jr. ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy