Úvod: Každoročně jsou zveřejňována oficiální data, která popisují péči o pacienty s onemocněním diabetes mellitus v České republice. Je vždy uváděn celkový počet osob s diabetem, počet nově zachycených onemocnění a počet zemřelých. Z těchto dat však nelze zjistit, jaké jsou diference v mortalitě pro jednotlivé skupiny diabetiků ve vztahu k terapii. Cíl: Porovnat vývoj mortality v letech 2002 až 2006 s vývojem v letech 2010 až 2013 v reprezentativním vzorku populace pacientů s diabetes mellitus 2. typu léčených perorálními antidiabetiky v ČR vedených v databázi Všeobecné zdravotní pojišťovny České republiky, u níž bylo v roce 2013 pojištěno 63 % populace ČR. Metodika: Retrospektivní epidemiologická analýza. V databázi VZP jsme identifikovali všechny osoby, které měly v letech 2002–2008 a 2009–2013 záznam o diagnóze DM (E10-E16 podle MKN 10), nebo měly předepsanou jakoukoliv antidiabetickou terapii (ATC skupina A10). Pro vlastní analýzu jsme vybrali pouze pacienty, kteří byli léčeni perorálními antidiabetiky (v daném roce nebo v roce předcházejícím měli záznam o léčbě alespoň jedním preparátem ze skupiny A10B a současně neměli v obou letech záznam o léčbě preparáty ze skupiny A10A). Zvoleným kritériím odpovídalo v roce 2003 celkem 237 665 osob, a v roce 2013 celkem 315 418 osob. Výsledky: Mortalita se snížila napříč všemi věkovými skupinami (rok 2003–2013): věk 50–59 let 1,2 %-0,7 %; věk 60–69 let 2,6 %-1,6 %; věk 70–79 let 5,8 %-3,5 %. V roce 2013 se mortalita blížila obecné populaci, v níž byla pro tytéž věkové skupiny 0,6 %, 1,5 % a 3,4 %. Mortalita se snížila v relativním vyjádření oproti roku 2003 ve věkové skupině 50–59 let o 42 % (ČR o 25 %), ve věkové skupině 60–69 let o 39 % (ČR o 17 %) a ve věkové skupině 70–79 let o 40 % (ČR o 28 %). Pokles mortality u diabetiků léčených perorálními antidiabetiky byl v abslolutním i relativním vyjádření větší mezi roky 2003–2013, než v obecné populaci ČR. Závěr: Analýza mortality pacientů léčených perorálními antidiabetiky, kteří jsou v databázi VZP, prokázala jednoznačně příznivý trend snižování, který je rychlejší než v obecné populaci. Kriticky důležitým zjištěním je skutečnost, že se mortalita v tomto souboru přibližuje populaci obecné odpovídajícího věku. Současně lze oprávněně předpokládat, že při extenzivnějším využití dosavadních terapeutických postupů bude mortalita dále klesat. Klíčová slova: diabetes mellitus – mortalita – perorální antidiabetika, Introduction: Every year official data is published which describes the care of patients with diabetes mellitus in the Czech Republic. An overall number of individuals with diabetes, the number of newly reported cases and the number of patient deaths is always specified. However this data does not allow us to identify the differences in mortality between the individual cohorts of diabetic patients in relation to therapy. Goal: Comparison of the mortality development in the periods of 2002–2006 and 2010–2013 in a representative sample of the patient population with type 2 diabetes mellitus using oral antidiabetic drugs, kept in the database of the General Health Insurance Company of the Czech Republic (VZP) which provided health care coverage for 63% of Czech population in 2013. Methodology: A retrospective epidemiologic analysis. We identified all individuals in the VZP database who had a record of DM diagnosis (E10 – E16 based on ICD 10) or who had any antidiabetic therapy prescribed (ATC group A10) in the periods of 2002–2008 and 2009–2013. We only selected those patients for the analysis who were treated with oral antidiabetic medicines (in the given year or the preceding years they had a record of treatment with at least one medicine from A10B group, while having no record of treatment with medicines from A10A group within both years). 237 665 individuals met the selected criteria in 2003 and 315 418 individuals in 2013. Results: Mortality rates dropped for all age groups (from 2003–2013): for 50–59 year olds by 1.2%-0.7%; in 60–69 year olds by 2.6%-1.6%; for 70–79 year olds by 5.8%-3.5%. In 2013 mortality rates came close to the general population where for the same age groups they reached 0.6%, 1.5% and 3.4% respectively. When expressed in relative terms, the mortality among 50–59 year olds declined by 42% (Czechia by 25%), among 60–69 year olds by 39% (Czechia by 17%) and among 70–79 year olds by 40% (Czechia by 28%) from the year 2003. The decline in mortality among the patients with DM treated with oral antidiabetic medicines was greater in both absolute and relative terms in the period of 2003–2013 than among the general population in the Czech Republic. Conclusion: The analysis of mortality among the patients treated with oral antidiabetic medicines, registered in the VZP database, has shown a clearly favourable trend of mortality decline which is faster than among the general population. The fact that mortality among this cohort is getting closer to that among the general population of the corresponding age is a finding of critical importance. There is a justified expectation that mortality, with increasingly extensive utilization of the present therapeutic procedures, will continue to decrease. Key words: diabetes mellitus – mortality – oral antidiabetic medication, and Jan Brož, Petr Honěk, Ladislav Dušek, Tomáš Pavlík, Milan Kvapil
According to the theory of plate tectonics, the Earth crust is composed of 14 to 16 major independent segments - tectonic plates. These plates are in motion relative to one another. Not all the plate boundaries are exactly defined. The paper focuses on the behaviour of tectonic plates in the collision zones. Space geodesy techniques allow us to determine precise positions and velocities of the sites on the Earth surface. The global horizontal motions of the tectonic plates were derived from the coordinates and velocities of the stations defining the International Terrestrial Reference Frame - ITRF 2005 which is based on these techniques. The method described in (Kostelecký and Zeman, 2000) was employed. In the Mediterranean area, which is a contact area between the Eurasian, the Arabian and the African plate, also relative movements of the points located along the plate boundaries were computed. Further, a continuum mechanics approach was applied to detect surface deformations on the European continent and around collision zones between the tectonic plates all over the globe., Miluše Šnajdrová and Jan Kostelecký., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We have previously shown that chronic renal failure in rats induces changes in motor activity and behavior. Similar work on the possible effects of acute renal failure (ARF) induced by cisplatin (CP) is lacking. This is the subject matter of the current work. CP was injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) at a single dose of 20 mg/kg to induce a state of ARF, and three days later, its effects on motor activity, thermal and chemical noci ceptive tests, neuromuscular coordination, pentobarbitone-sleeping time, exploration activity and tw o depression models were investigated. The platinum concentration in the kidneys and brains of mice was also measured. The occurrence of CP-induced ARF was ascertained by standard physiological, biochemical and histo-pathological methods. CP induced all the classical biochemical, physiological and histopathological signs of ARF. The average renal platinum concen tration of CP-treated mice was 5.16 ppm, but there was no measurable concentration of platinum in the whole brains. CP treatment significantly decreased motor and exploration activities, and increased immobility time in depression models, suggesting a possible depression-like state. There was also a significant decrease in neuromuscular coordination in CP-treated mice. CP, given at a nephrotoxic dose, induced several adverse motor and behavioral alterations in mice. Further behavioral tests and molecular and biochemical investigations in the brains of mice with CP-induced ARF are warranted., B. H. Ali ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Infrastructure is one of the main causes of landscape fragmentation, which results in isolation and loss of populations. Although the negative effect of roads on insects is well documented, only a minority of studies has focused on roads in the context of barriers to dispersal. Flying species in particular have been neglected. We investigated the effect of a four-lane motorway as a barrier to the movement of an isolated population of the threatened dragonfly Sympetrum depressiusculum in an agricultural landscape in Central Europe. Generalized additive models were used to assess the motorway's effect on (i) the distribution of adult dragonflies in patches of terrestrial habitat surrounding their natal site, and (ii) individual flight behaviour (i.e. willingness or unwillingness to cross the motorway). Movement patterns of marked adults throughout the landscape were also investigated. During one season, significantly fewer adults were found at patches located on the far side of the motorway, indicating it has a barrier effect. Observations on flight behaviour revealed no apparent effect of the motorway. The possible barrier effect for the species studied was therefore presumed to be a consequence of road mortality. Our results indicate that the motorway may influence the dispersal of this threatened species of dragonfly, which is a habitat specialist with particular requirements for its terrestrial environment. Negative effects on other species with similar behaviour and strategy can be presumed. When establishing new habitats, carrying out reintroductions or translocations, it is necessary to consider that roadways may reduce population size and affect population dynamics by limiting dispersal., Hana Šigutová, Filip Harabiš, Michal Hykel, Aleš Dolný., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The Moravia territory has been the subject of geokinematic investigation within scope of several realized research projects and repeated GPS campaigns since 1992. The monitoring has been concentrated on all the Moravia region as well as on particular areas of interest concerning the eventual possible geodynamic changes (Králický Sněžník Massif, Diendorf-Čebín Tectonic Zone (DCTZ) and others). At present time all the territory is covered by several tenths of permanent and epoch GNSS stations. Long observation time series at permanent stations alone are not sufficient for delivering the regional velocity field of sufficient density. On the other hand, epoch stations are more densely spread but periods of repeated observations are less frequent and often the data processing is not homogeneous. In the paper the preliminary kinematic model is briefly described which gives for the first time the general view of movement tendencies at the region of Moravia. On base of long-term monitoring it shows that the Southern Moravia region is more active then it was supposed., Lubomil Pospíšil, Otakar Švábenský and Josef Weigel., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We studied the demography, movement, behaviour and choice of nectar plants by adults of Aporia crataegi. This study was done in a dense network of different types of habitats (total size of study area 16.26 ha) from open landscape to shrubland, the latter being a result of abandonment of traditional agricultural practices such as extensive mowing and grazing. Total population size was estimated to be approximately 1700 and 2700 for females and males, respectively. Median and maximum distances moved by males were 134 and 3493 m, and by females 138 and 3165 m, respectively. The average lifespan was ca. 7.1 and 7.5 days, with maximum recorded lifespans of 21 and 17 days for males and females, respectively. The greater capture probability recorded for males indicates their high activity, as they spend most of their time in flight patrolling and searching for mates. A parabolic recruitment curve and protandry were also recorded. Both sexes are highly mobile. The spatial distribution of both sexes was roughly similar. The adult behaviour differed in different habitats, with more time spent feeding and resting when nectar plants were plentiful and more time spent flying when they were rare. Although adults utilized nine nectar sources, only two were recorded in over 80% of all the feeding occasions. In order to re-establish open grassland with some shrubland, traditional and mosaic management of the landscape should be revived at least to some extent., Jure Jugovic, Mitja Črne, Martina Lužnik., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Přestože je výskyt BRCA pozitivity v populaci dlouhodobě stabilní, je význam tohoto nálezu především u žen stále častěji diskutován. Důvodem je velmi vysoké celoživotní riziko vzniku karcinomu prsu a ovaria. Postižení pacienti musejí být pečlivě sledováni onkology a gynekology a naopak při podezření na možnost hereditárně podmíněného tumoru je nutné doplnit genetické vyšetření k určení možné přítomnosti mutace BRCA. Je však důležité neredukovat tento problém pouze na otázku profylaktické oboustranné mastektomie. Pro karcinom prsu i v této situaci lze využít modifikovaného screeningového programu a prognóza i léčba tohoto onemocnění je téměř shodná s nádory u ostatních žen, u karcinomu ovaria neexistují možnosti jeho časnějšího záchytu a většina nemocných na něj zemře. V tomto článku je zmíněna potřeba většího uvědomění u gynekologů vedoucí ke změně trendu upřednostnit profylaktickou chirurgii gynekologickou před výše zmíněnou mastektomií., BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations Although incidence of BRCA positivity in population seems to be long-term stable this finding is especialy in women discussed more and more often. The reason is extremely high lifelong risk of breast and ovarian cancer development. Affected patients have to be precisely followed by oncologists and gynecologists and on the contrary it is necesary to provide genetic testing for BRCA mutation positivity if some posibility of hereditary conditioned tumor exists. However, it is important not to reduce this problem on the question of prophylactic bilateral mastectomy only. Even in this situation we can use some modified screening program for breast cancer but there are no posibilities for earlier detection of ovarian cancer and the majority of patients will die because of this disease. There is a need of greater awareness by gynecologists leading to the trend change of preferring prophylactic gynecological surgery over mastectomy mentioned above. salpingo-ooforectomy and hysterectomy, CA125 tumor marker, PARP inhibitors., Ivan Šubrt, Jiří Presl, Tomáš Svoboda, and Literatura
Sdělení představuje souhrn aktuálních znalostí o fotokatalytickém jevu na povrchu nanočástic TiO2, přehled publikovaných sdělení o jejich známých a potenciálních zdravotních účincích, o biocidním působení i o možném využití v oblastí zlepšení kvality životního prostředí. Součástí je i přehledná diskuze reklamních tvrzení producentů nátěrů obsahujících nanočástice TiO2., Presented is a summary of current knowledge about the photocatalytic effect on the surface of TiO2 nanoparticles, review of published information and documents about the potential health effects, about their biocidal activity and about possible use of photocatalysis in improving the quality of the environment. It also includes a transparent discussion on advertising claims of producers of paints containing nanoforms TiO2., Bohumil Kotlík, Lenka Škrabalová, Lenka Šubčíková, and Literatura
Léčba chronické hepatitidy C kombinací přímo působících perorálních virostatik (Directly Acting Antivirals – DAA) má vysokou účinnost (až 100 %), minimum kontraindikací a mimořádně příznivý bezpečnostní profil. Pozornost je nutné věnovat především lékovým interakcím, které jsou však dobře zdokumentované a uspokojivě řešitelné i v běžné klinické praxi. Současné možnosti bezinterferonové léčby představují kombinace sofosbuviru s jinými DAA nebo s ribavirinem a kombinace paritapreviru potencovaného ritonavirem + ombitasvir ? dasabuvir ? ribavirin. Klíčová slova: chronická hepatitida C – paritaprevir – ombitasvir – dasabuvir – ribavirin, Chronic hepatitis C therapy using Directly Acting Antivirals (DAA) has high efficacy (till 100 %), minimum contra-indications and extraordinarily favorable safety profile. Primarily, it is necessary to pay attention to drug-drug interactions. However they are well documented and successfully resolvable already in general clinical practice. Current possibilities of interferon-free therapy represent combinations of sofosbuvir with other DAA or with ribavirin and combination of paritaprevir boosted by ritonavir + ombitasvir ? dasabuvir (3D combination). Key words: chronic hepatitis C – paritaprevir – ombitasvir – dasabuvir – ribavirin, and Petr Husa
Kolorektální karcinom (KRka) je jedním z nejčastějších maligních onemocnění v České republice. Téměř 70 % KRka vzniká na podkladě adenomových polypů, 30 % vzniká de novo. V patogenezi vzniku kolorektálního karcinomu je potvrzena sekvence adenom-karcinom, na podkladě postupně vznikajících mutací onkogenů a supresorových genů. Odstraněním adenomové slizniční neoplazie je přerušena cesta vývoje KRka, což je praktickým cílem screeningového programu. K naplnění cílů preventivního programu musí být endoskopující gastroenterologové dostatečně erudováni v detekci a v technikách odstraňování slizničních neoplazií. Povrchové slizniční neoplazie jsou morfologicky rozděleny dle Pařížško-Japonské klasifikace do 2 základních typů: protrudující typ I, jejichž výška je > 2,5 mm nad úroveň okolní sliznice, a plochý typ II, jejichž výška je < 2,5 mm. K endoskopickému odstranění povrchových slizničních lézí máme k dispozici kličkovou polypektomii, endoskopickou mukózní resekci a endoskopickou submukózní disekci. Volba metody závisí na morfologii léze. Benigní slizniční léze (adenom, hyperplastický polyp) lze řešit výhradně endoskopicky. Neinvazivní maligní slizniční léze omezené na mukózu lze taktéž řešit endoskopicky, invazivní karcinomy pronikající do submukózy (maligní polyp, T1N0M0) se řeší dle definitivního histologického nálezu, a při splnění Morsonových kritérií lze endoskopické snesení považovat za kurativní. U plochých maligních slizničních lézí je situace složitější a většinou, při průniku buněk karcinomu do submukózy, nelze endoskopickou resekci provést a navazuje chirurgické řešení., Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most frequent malignant diseases in the Czech Republic. Almost 70 % of CRC develop based on adenomatous polyps, 30 % arise de novo. The pathogenesis of development of colorectal cancer confirms an adenoma to carcinoma sequence, based on the gradually developing mutations of oncogenes and suppressor genes. By removing the adenomatous mucosal neoplasia the pathway of CRC development is cut off, which is the practical goal of the screening programme. To meet the goals of the preventive programme the gastroenterologists performing endoscopy must be appropriately trained and experienced in the detection of and procedures of removing mucosal neoplasias. Surface mucosal neoplasias are morphologically divided based on the Paris and Japanese classification into 2 basic types: protruding type I, whose height is greater than 2.5 mm above the level of the surrounding mucous membrane, and flat type II, whose height is smaller than 2.5mm. We have the following procedures available for endoscopic removing of surface mucosal lesions: loop polypectomy, endoscopic mucosal resection and endoscopic submucosal dissection. The choice of method depends on the lesion morphology. Benign mucosal lesions (adenoma, hyperplastic polyp) can only be treated endoscopically. Non-invasive malignant mucosal lesions limited to mucosa can also be treated endoscopically, invasive cancers penetrating into submucosa (malignant polyp, T1N0M0) are treated based on the definitive histological finding, and on meeting Morson’s criteria the endoscopic removal can be seen as curative. The problem of flat malignant mucosal lesions is more complex and in most cases, when cancerous cells penetrate into submucosa, endoscopic resection cannot be performed and surgical solution follows., and Milan Dastych, Radek Kroupa