Recovery from exercise refers to the period between the end of a bout of exercise and the subsequent return to a resting or recovered state. It is a dynamic period in which many physiological changes occur. A large amount of research has evaluated the effect of training on intramuscular lipid metabolism. However, data are limited regarding intramuscular lipid metabolism during the recovery period. In this study, lipid metabolism-related proteins were examined after a single bout of exercise in a time-dependent way to explore the mechanism of how exercise induces intramuscular lipid metabolism adaptation. Firstly, all rats in the exercise group underwent a five-week training protocol (HIIT, five times/week), and then performed a more intense HIIT session after 72 h of the last-time five-week training. After that, rats were sampled in a time-dependent way, including 0 h, 6 h, 12 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, and 96 h following the acute training session. Our results discovered that five weeks of HIIT increased the content of intramuscular triglyceride (IMTG) and enhanced the lipolytic and lipogenesis-related proteins in skeletal muscle. Furthermore, IMTG content decreased immediately post HIIT and gradually increased to baseline levels 48 h postexercise, continuing to over-recover up to 96 h postexercise. Following acute exercise, lipolytic-related proteins showed an initial increase (6-12 h) before decreasing during recovery. Conversely, lipogenesis-related proteins decreased following exercise (6-12 h), then increased in the recovery period. Based on the changes, we speculate that skeletal muscle is predominated by lipid oxidative at the first 12 h postexercise. After this period, lipid synthesis-related proteins increased, which may be the result of body recovery. Together, these results may provide insight into how the lipid metabolism-related signaling changes after chronic and acute HIIT and how protein levels lipid metabolism correlates to IMTG recovery., Min Chen, Lei Zhou, Siyu Chen, Ruonan Shangguan, Yaqian Qu, Jingquan Sun., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Ruminants are often fed a high-concentrate (HC) diet to meet lactating demands, yet long-term concentrate feeding induces subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) and leads to a decrease in milk fat. Buffering agent could enhance the acid base buffer capacity and has been used to prevent ruminant rumen SARA and improve the content of milk fat. Therefore, we tested whether a buffering agent increases lipid anabolism in the livers of goats and influences of milk fat synthesis. Twelve Saanen-lactating goats were randomly assigned to two groups: one group received a HC diet (Concentrate: Forage=60:40, Control) and the other group received the same diet with a buffering agent added (10 g sodium butyrate, C4H7NaO2; 10 g sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3; BG) over a 20-week experimental period. Overall, milk fat increase (4.25±0.08 vs. 3.24±0.10; P<0.05), and lipopolysaccharide levels in the jugular (1.82±0.14 vs. 3.76±0.33) and rumen fluid (23,340±134 vs. 42,550±136) decreased in the buffering agent group (P<0.05). Liver consumption and release of nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) into the bloodstream increased (P<0.05). Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), protein kinase B (AKT) and ribosomal protein S6 kinase (p70S6K) up-regulated significantly in the livers of the buffering agent group (P<0.05). It also up-regulated expression of the transcription factor sterol regulatory element binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c) and its downstream targets involved in fatty acid synthetic, including fatty acid synthetase (FAS), stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD-1) and acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 (ACC1) (P<0.05). The BG diet increased insulin levels in blood (19.43±0.18 vs. 13.81±0.10, P<0.05), and insulin receptor was likewise elevated in the liver (P<0.05). Cumulatively, the BG diet increased plasma concentrations of NEFA by INS-PI3K/AKTSREBP- 1c signaling pathway promoting their synthesis in the liver., L. Li, M. L. He, K. Wang, Y. S. Zhang., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Insulin resistance associated with dyslipidemia enhances cardiovascular risk. Several atherogenic indexes have been suggested to give more precise information about the risk. The aim of our study was to estimate, which atherogenic index correlates better with parameters of insulin resistance. Furthermore, we compared the parameters of lipid metabolism and insulin resistance between smokers and non-smokers. In our cross-sectional study we enrolled 729 patients with dyslipidemia which were divided into two groups - non-smokers (586) and smokers (143). We measured lipid profile, parameters of insulin resistance (fasting glycemia, insulin, HOMA-IR, C-peptide, proinsulin) and calculated atherogenic indexes - atherogenic index of plasma (log (TAG/HDL-C), AIP), ApoB/ApoA1 index and nonHDL-C. AIP was found out to show stronger correlations with parameters of insulin resistance (p<0.001, correlation coefficients ranging between 0.457 and 0.243) than other indexes (ApoB/ApoA1 or nonHDL cholesterol). AIP correlated with parameters of insulin resistance both in smokers and nonsmokers, but after adjustment (for age, body mass index, waist circumference) persisting only in non-smokers. Smokers had a wider waist circumference and a proatherogenic lipid profile. Smoking increases the risk of developing metabolic syndrome. AIP can be used in daily praxis for predicting insulin resistance in patients with dyslipidemia, predominantly in non-smokers., L'. Cibičková, D. Karásek, K. Langová, H. Vaverková, J. Orság, J. Lukeš, D. Novotný., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) possesses fat-reducing effect, while little information is available on whether DHEA regulates cell proliferation and mitochondrial function, which would, in turn, affect lipid droplet accumulation in the broiler. In the present study, the lipid droplet accumulation, cell proliferation, cell cycle and mitochondrial membrane potential were analysis in primary chicken hepatocytes after DHEA treated. The results showed that total area and counts of lipid droplets were significantly decreased in hepatocytes treated with DHEA. The cell viability was significantly increased, while cell proliferation was significantly inhibited in a dose-dependent manner in primary chicken hepatocytes after DHEA treated. DHEA treatment significantly increased the cell population in S phase and decreased the population in G2/M in primary chicken hepatocytes. Meanwhile, the cyclin A and cyclin-dependent kinases 2 (CDK2) mRNA abundance were significantly decreased in hepatocytes after DHEA treated. No significant differences were observed in the number of mitochondria, while the mitochondrial membrane permeability and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity were significantly increased in hepatocytes after DHEA treated. In conclusion, our results demonstrated that DHEA reduced lipid droplet accumulation by inhibiting hepatocytes proliferation and enhancing mitochondrial function in primary chicken hepatocytes., Long-Long Li, Dian Wang, Chong-Yang Ge, Lei Yu, Jin-Long Zhao, Hai-Tian Ma., and Obsahuje bibliografii
U pacientů, u kterých se manifestoval diabetes mellitus, dochází po měsících až desetiletích trvání choroby k vyhasnutí sekrece inzulinu, což je téměř jistým znamením úbytku B-buněk Langerhansových ostrůvků. U souboru 30 pacientů, u kterých se choroba manifestovala mezi 30–45 roky a byli diagnostikováni jako diabetici 2. typu, má po 30 letech trvání choroby polovina zachovanou nebo vyšší sekreci inzulinu, druhá polovina pak sekreci výrazně sníženou nebo vyhaslou. Faktory, které postihují B-buňky a vedou k jejich destrukci, můžeme shrnout do následujících skupin: 1. Faktory chemické: faktory metabolické: hyperglykemie a glukotoxicita, lipotoxicita, hypoxie, volné kyslíkové radikály, faktory farmakologické: anitimikrobiální prostředek pentamidin, antidepresiva typu SSRI, faktory spojené s poruchou sekrece inzulinu: MODY typy diabetu, toxické látky ze zevního prostředí: jed na krysy Vacor, streptozotocin, polychlorované či polybromované uhlovodíky 2. Onemocnění zevně sekretorické části pankreatu: nádorová infiltrace, vazivová infiltrace, chronická pankreatitida 3. Infekce, zánět a autoimunita: faktory virové: Coxsackie viry, virus chřipky H1N1, enteroviry, záněty: autoimunní faktory, představující patogenetický faktor diabetu 1. typu. V současné době pracujeme jak na další specifikaci dalších faktorů vedoucích k poškození B-buněk, tak na studiu poznání jejich účinku na buněčnou apoptózu respektive nekrózu, a konečně na definici ochranných faktorů, které by účinky působení těchto faktorů snížily. S nárůstem vědomostí o mechanizmech poškození a destrukce B-buněk se rýsují návrhy některých opatření, která by je mohla chránit. V našem přehledu podáváme zestručnělý a s ohledem na rozsah článku také notně zjednodušený přehled některých znalostí, které se poškození a destrukce B-buněk týkají. Klíčová slova: B-buňky Langerhansových ostrůvků pankreatu – faktory vedoucí k destrukcí B-buněk – sekrece inzulinu, Insulin secretion in patients with manifested diabetes mellitus tends to disappear months to decades after the diagnosis, which is a clear sign of a gradual loss of pancreatic islet beta-cells. In our sample of 30 type 2 diabetic patients, whose disease manifested between 30 and 45 years of age, about a half have retained or even increased insulin secretion 30 years later, while the other half exhibit a much diminished or lost insulin secretion. Factors that can damage or destroy beta-cells can be divided into the following groups: Metabolic factors: hyperglycemia and glucotoxicity, lipotoxicity, hypoxia, reactive oxygen species; Pharmacological factors: antimicrobial medication pentamidine, SSRI antidepressants; Factors related to impaired insulin secretion: MODY type diabetes; Environmental toxic factors: rat poison Vacor, streptozotocin, polychlorinated and polybrominated hydrocarbons; Disorders of the exocrine pancreas: tumor infiltration, fibrous infiltration, chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis; Infections, inflammation, autoimmunity, viral factors: Coxsackie viruses, H1N1 influenza, enteroviruses. We are currently working on finding other factors leading to beta-cell damage, studying their effect on apoptosis and necrosis and looking for possible protective factors to prevent this damage. We our increasing knowledge about the mechanisms of beta-cell damage and destruction we come ever closer to suggest measures for their prevention. In this review we offer a brief and simplified summary of some of the findings related to this area. Key words: pancreatic islet beta-cells of Langerhans – factors damaging or destroying beta-cells – insulin secretion, and Michal Anděl, Vlasta Němcová, Nela Pavlíková, Jana Urbanová, Marie Čecháková, Andrea Havlová, Radka Straková, Livia Večeřová, Václav Mandys, Jan Kovář, Petr Heneberg, Jan Trnka, Jan Polák
V současné době je věnována familiární hypercholesterolemii (FH) po letech opět zvýšená pozornost. Je tomu tak především proto, že se toto geneticky podmíněné onemocnění stává cílem velmi účinných nových hypolipidemik, PCSK-9 inhibitorů, lomitapidu a mipomersenu. Předložené sdělení se zabývá popisem 2 souborů nemocných (vždy ve své době z největších na světě), před 50 lety a nyní. I když přímé statistické srovnání není možné, lze přeci jen najít v klinickém obrazu FH jisté vývojové změny. Faktem však je, že základní charakteristika FH se zásadně nezměnila. V biochemickém obrazu dominuje těžká izolovaná hypercholesterolemie s hodnotami celkového cholesterolu 9–10 mmol/l, s hodnotami LDL-cholesterolu 7–8 mmol/l a s normálními hodnotami triglyceridů. Je zajímavé, že právě triglyceridy se při srovnání s dobou před 50 lety významně zvyšují a dosahují hraničních hodnot. Hladiny HDL-cholesterolu jsou normální. Manifestace ICHS ve věku od 40 let u mužů a od 50 let u žen není výjimkou (ojediněle se vyskytují i případy infarktu myokardu již ve 3. dekádě života). Klasickou klinickou manifestací FH je xantomatóza. Pravděpodobně v důsledku časné detekce nemocných s FH a účinné agresivní léčby se se šlachovými xantomy, s xanthelasma palpebrarum a arcus lipoides setkáváme méně často než před desítkami let. Obezita, diabetes mellitus (DM) ani hypertenze nepatří mezi typické klinické příznaky FH., Currently, the familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) rises the interest. The reason is that this genetic disorder is targeted by newly emerged and highly effective hypolipidemic agents, PCSK-9 inhibitors, lomitapid and mipomersen. Present paper discusses 2 patient study groups, before 50 years and nowadays. Although direct statistical analysis is impossible some changes in clinical features of FH might be found over the course of the time. In fact, the basic FH characteristic has not changed dramatically. Severe isolated hypercholesterolemia with total cholesterol 9–10 mmol/l, LDL-cholesterol 7–8 mmol/l and normal values of triglycerides dominates in laboratory analysis. Interestingly, the values of triglycerides increase and almost reach the pathological range in comparison to the values from the period 50 years ago. The values of HDL-cholesterol are normal. Manifestation of CHD in male patients over 40 years of age and in female patients over 50 years of age is not exceptional (rarely occur cases of myocardial infarction in third decade of age). Typical clinical manifestation of FH is xanthomatosis. The early detection and aggressive treatment in FH patients cause that xanthoma tendinosum, xanthelesma and arcus lipoides are less frequent as decades ago. Obesity, diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension do not belong to typical clinical sign of FH., and Richard Češka, Michal Vrablík, Tereza Altschmiedová, Martina Prusíková, Zuzana Urbanová, Josef Šobra
A high VO2max in middle-age is related to high metabolic flexibility and lowered risk of metabolic diseases. However, the influence of a high VO2max induced by years of regular training in middle-age on protein expression related to muscle metabolism is not well studied. This study measures key proteins involved in mitochondrial oxidation, glucose and lipid metabolism in skeletal muscle of trained and untrained middle-aged men. 16 middle-aged men, matched for lean body mass, were recruited into an endurance trained (TR, n=8) or an untrained (CON, n=8) group based on their VO2max. A muscle biopsy was obtained from m. vastus lateralis and protein levels were analyzed by Western blotting. The TR had higher protein levels of mitochondrial complex III-V, endothelial lipase (EL) and perilipin 5 compared to the CON. Glycogen synthase (P=0.05), perilipin 3 (P=0.09) and ATGL (P=0.09) tended to be higher in TR than CON, but there was no difference in AKT I/II, HKII, GLUT4 and LPL protein expression. Lastly, there was a positive correlation between plasma HDL and EL (R2=0.53, P<0.01). In conclusion, a high VO2max in middle-aged men was as expected is reflected in higher muscle oxidative capacity, but also in higher endothelial lipase and perilipin 5 expression and a borderline higher glycogen synthase protein expression, which may contribute to a higher metabolic flexibility., A. Vigelsø, C. Prats, T. Ploug, F. Dela, J. W. Helge., and Obsahuje bibliografii
With the increasing prevalence of obesity and especially abdominal obesity, a simple clinical tool is needed that identifies the cardiometabolic risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. The aim of our study was to evaluate a broad spectrum of metabolic variables and IMT in subjects with and without hypertriglyceridemic waist (HTGW) and compare it with the harmonized definition of metabolic syndrome (MS) with both a higher (MS- I) and lower waist circumference (MS -II) for Europids. We enrolled 607 asymptomatic dyslipidemic subjects (295 men and 312 women) into our cross -sectional study. The subjects with HTGW had an atherogenic lipid profile (significantly higher triglycerides, AIP, non -HDL -C, lower HDL -C and ApoA -1, and the women also higher TC and ApoB), increased markers of insulin resistance (insulin, HOMA, C -peptide, proinsulin), inflammation (hsCRP), thrombosis (fibrinogen, PAI -1), SBP and DBP, and lower adiponectin (p<0.05 -0.001 for all). These risk factors were entirely similar in HTGW, MS- I and MS -II. Age -adjusted IMT was significantly higher only in the women with HTGW but this significance disappeared after further adjustment for TC, SBP, and smoking. Our results support the routine use of HTGW as a simple and inexpensive screening tool to detect subjects at increased cardiometabolic risk in clinical practice., H. Vaverková, D. Karásek, D. Novotný, M. Halenka, J. Orság, L. Slavík., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Diabetická dyslipidemie je komplexní změnou metabolizmu lipidů, které musíme věnovat při péči o diabetika velkou pozornost. Samotný diabetes mellitus 2. typu je onemocnění spojené s mnoha makrovaskulárními a mikrovaskulárními komplikacemi a od počátku onemocnění je nutné s ohledem na možnost rozvoje těchto komplikací o pacienta pečovat komplexně. Prevence kardiovaskulárních komplikací je jedním z nejdůležitějších faktorů při péči o diabetika, protože kardiovaskulární příhody jsou mezi hlavními příčinami morbidity a mortality pacientů s diabetem. Riziko vzniku aterosklerotických komplikací je u diabetiků výrazně vyšší než u nediabetické populace, což více než z poloviny podmiňuje rozdílný metabolizmus plazmatických lipoproteinů a rozvoj typické diabetické dyslipidemie s vysoce aterogenním potenciálem. Léčba diabetické dyslipidemie je založená na dodržování režimových opatření, která mají pozitivní efekt i na diabetes obecně, prakticky vždy doplněných farmakoterapií vhodně zvolenou k dosažení cílových hodnot plazmatických lipoproteinů a ovlivnění jejich kvality., Diabetic dyslipidemia is a complex disorder associated with changes in lipid metabolism, which must be considered during care of the diabetic patient. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a disease associated with a number of macrovascular and microvascular complications and it is necessary to treat the patient with regard to the possibility of developing these disorders. Prevention of cardiovascular complications is one of the most important factors of diabetes care, because cardiovascular diseases are among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in patients with diabetes mellitus. The risk of developing atherosclerotic changes is significantly higher in diabetics in comparison with people without diabetes, which is mostly due to the differences in the plasma lipid metabolism and development of typical diabetic dyslipidemia with high atherogenic potential. Treatment of diabetic dyslipidemia as well as prevention of cardiovascular events is based on adherence to lifestyle changes, that have a positive effect on diabetes itself, and a suitable pharmacotherapy selected to achieve target plasma lipoprotein levels while affecting their quality., and Michal Vrablík, Eva Tůmová
In the process of population screening for apo E gene polymorphism with the PCR and subsequent restriction analysis, we identified a female who demonstrated heterozygosity for an unusual restriction fragment caused by the loss of a CfoI restriction site. Sequence analysis of the apo E gene was performed and a carrier of the mutant allele with C - T substitution at cDNA position 3817 was identified, which caused an Arg136 - Cys change. The first-line relatives have been screened for this rare mutation with PCR and restriction analysis of PCR products. The complete lipoprotein parameters have been determined in the probands family. In the family, only one child had the same mutant allele as his mother had. The proband (7.49 mmol/l) with her siblings had hypercholesterolemia and a high body mass index (BMI 31.6 kg/m2). By contrast, her son had a normal lipid spectrum with normal BMI. We described the mutation apo E2* (Arg136 - Cys) in a family with elevated lipid levels, but there was no confirmation of the connection between this mutation and type III hyperlipoproteinemia or hyperlipoproteinemia at all. In the case of this mutation, other factors (mainly genetic) are important for the development of lipid metabolism disorders., J. A. Hubáček, J. Piťha, P. Stávek, G. Schmitz, R. Poledne., and Obsahuje bibliografii