The reactivating and therapeutic efficacy of two combinations of oximes (HI‑6 + trimedoxime and HI‑6 + K203) was compared with the effectiveness of antidotal treatment involving single oxime (HI‑6, trimedoxime, K203) using in vivo methods. In vivo determined percentage of reactivation of cyclosarin‑inhibited blood and tissue acetylcholinesterase in poisoned rats showed that the reactivating efficacy of both combinations of oximes is slightly higher than the reactivating efficacy of the most effective individual oxime in blood, diaphragm as well as in brain. Moreover, both combinations of oximes were found to be slightly more efficacious in the reduction of acute lethal toxic effects in cyclosarin‑poisoned mice than the antidotal treatment involving single oxime. Based on the obtained data, we can conclude that the antidotal treatment involving chosen combinations of oximes brings a beneficial effect for its ability to counteract the acute poisoning with cyclosarin., Jiří Kassa, Jana Zdarová Karasová, Růžena Pavlíková, Filip Caisberger, Jiří Bajgar, and Literatura 36
AIMS: Authors studied potential side effects of fetal calf serum (FCS) in cultivation media on human dental pulp stem cells (DPSC) during long-term cultivation. METHODS: Two lines of DPSC obtained healthy donors (male 22 years, female 23 years) were used. Both lines were cultivated under standard cultivation conditions in four different media containing 10% or 2% FCS and substituted with growth factors. During long-term cultivation proliferation ability, karyotype and phenotype of DPSC were measured. RESULTS: Both lines of DPSC cultivated in a media containing 2% FCS and ITS supplement showed the highest number of population doublings. On the other hand the proliferation rate of DPSC cultivated in a media with 2% FCS without ITS supplement was slowest. Proliferation rate of DPSC cultivated in 10% FCS media with or without FGF-2 was comparable. DPSC cultivated in a media with 10% FCS showed a significantly higher amount of chromosomal aberrations. These chromosomal aberrations do not seem to be clonal but surprisingly we found large amounts of tetraploid cells in the 9th passage in both media containing 10% FCS. CONCLUSIONS: Our study proved that cultivation of DPSC in media containing higher concentration of FCS has critical side effects on cell chromosomal stability. and J. Suchánek, TS. Kleplová, M. Kapitán, T. Soukup
This study aimed to investigate alterations in hemorheology induced by L-carnosine, an anti- oxidant dipeptide, and to determine their relationship to oxidative stress in density-separated erythrocytes of aged and young rats. 28 male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into 4 groups as aged (Aca), young (Yca) L-carnosine groups (250 mg/kg L-carnosine, i.p.) and aged (As), young (Ys) control groups (saline, i.p.). Density separation was further performed to these groups in order to separate erythrocytes according to their age. Blood samples were used for the determination of erythrocyte deformability, aggregation; and oxidative stress parameters. Erythrocyte deformability of Yca group measured at 0.53 Pa was lower than Aca group. Similarly, deformability of least-dense (young) erythrocytes of Yca group was decreased compared to least-dense erythrocytes of Aca groups. Total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of Aca group was higher and oxidative stress index (OSI) lower than As group. Although L-carnosine resulted in an enhancement in TAC of aged rats, this favorable effect was not observed in erythrocyte deformability and aggregation in the dose applied in this study. and G. Erken, M. Bor-Kucukatay, E. KilicToprak, B. Akdag, V. Kucukatay
Současné studie naznačují možnou důležitou úlohu melatoninu v Huntingtonově nemoci (HN) a jeho možné terapeutické využití při léčbě této nemoci. HN je dědičné neurodegenerativní onemocnění, které doprovází snižování hladiny melatoninu s postupem onemocnění. U normálních (nenádorových) buněk působí melatonin antiapoptoticky díky svým antioxidačním vlastnostem a schopnosti zabránit aktivaci proteinu p53. Dále melatonin zvyšuje expresi BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor) a dalších neuroprotektivních faktorů. Cílem této studie bylo stanovit netoxickou dávku melatoninu pro primární kožní fibroblasty izolované z transgenních miniprasat pro N‑koncovou část lidského mutovaného huntingtinu (TgHD) a popsat efekt tohoto ošetření na tyto buňky vystavené genotoxickému stresu. Buňky byly kultivovány v médiu obohaceném různými dávkami melatoninu. Analýzou proliferačních křivek získaných mikroskopováním živých buněk v pravidelných časových intervalech jsme stanovili efekt různých koncentrací melatoninu.Ukázali jsme, že vyšší dávky melatoninu jsou pro primární prasečí buňky toxické. Je zajímavé, že TgHD buňky byly oproti kontrolním buňkám více citlivé k tímto dávkám melatoninu. Stanovili jsme efektivní dávku melatoninu a současně jsme ukázali její efekt na proliferaci u buněk vystavených genotoxickému stresu. Klíčová slova: Huntingtonova choroba – melatonin – mikroskopie buněk v čase – miniprasečí model –proliferační křivky – kožní fibroblasty Autoři deklarují, že v souvislosti s předmětem studie nemají žádné komerční zájmy. Redakční rada potvrzuje, že rukopis práce splnil ICMJE kritéria pro publikace zasílané do biomedicínských časopisů., According to the recent studies, melatonin might play an important role in Huntington’s disease (HD) and act as a novel therapeutic approach in the treatment of the disease. HD, the inherited neurodegenerative disorder, is accompanied by gradual melatonin reduction as it progresses. Melatonin in normal cells (non‑tumor) has the anti‑apoptotic ability due to its antioxidant property and its ability to prevent the activation of p53. Furthermore, melatonin increases the expression of BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor) and other neuroprotective factors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the nontoxic dose of melatonin for primary skin fibroblasts isolated from minipigs transgenic for the N‑terminal part of human mutated huntingtin (TgHD), and the effect of melatonin treatment to these cells exposed to genotoxic stress. Cells were cultured in medium supplemented with different doses of melatonin. Using time lapse microscopy, we estimated the effect of decreasing melatonin concentrations by analyzing the proliferation curves. We show that higher doses of melatonin are toxic for primary porcine fibroblasts. Interestingly, TgHD cells were more sensitive to these doses of melatonin treatment than wild type cells. We evaluated the effective dose of melatonin and demonstrated its rescue proliferative effect on porcine primary cells exposed to genotoxic stress., and P. Rausova, J. Valasek, Z. Ellederová, J. Motlik
Introduction: We studied influence of mud-bath on bone status in male Wistar rats with subchronic arthritis. Methods: Arthritis was induced by 2 subplantar injections of Freund’s adjuvans with heat-killed Streptoccocus pyogenes into paw. Groups: intact (int) on chippings; (con) arthritis on chippings; (san38) arthritis on hot sand; (mu38) arthritis on hot mud; (mu21) arthritis on mild mud. Bone mineral density (BMD, g/cm2) was measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and femurs were tested biomechanically. Bone markers osteocalcin (OC), PINP and CTX were analysed in bone. Results: BMD of right femur decreased vs. left in san38 (p = 0.030) and mu38 (p = 0.047). Fracture load of right/left femur (N) decreased in experimental groups, significantly in san38 (p = 0.05). Fracture threshold of neck decreased in right vs. left in experimental groups, but significantly in san38 (p = 0.05). OC decreased in mu38 vs. con (1.84 ± 0.14/2.62 ± 0.23). PINP decreased in int vs. san38 (p = 0.005) and mu21 (p < 0.001). CTX decreased in int vs. mu38 (p = 0.006) and mu21 (p = 0.005). Conclusion: The hot bath appears indifferent in relation to osteoporosis, while cold mud-bath shows good effect on bone metabolism. The cold mud-baths help to reduce arthritic inflammation and pain and thereby lead to higher mobility with positive consequence on bone., Helena Živná, Ljiljana Maric, Iveta Gradošová, Klára Švejkovská, Soňa Hubená, Pavel Živný, and Literatura 19
AIM: The ability of two newly developed oximes (K727, K733) to reduce tabun-induced acute neurotoxic signs and symptoms was evaluated and compared with currently available trimedoxime in rats. METHODS: The neuroprotective effects of the oximes studied combined with atropine on Wistar rats poisoned with tabun at a lethal dose (380 µg/kg i.m.; 90% of LD50 value) were evaluated. Tabun-induced neurotoxicity was monitored by the functional observational battery consisting of 38 measurements of sensory, motor and autonomic nervous functions at 2 hours following tabun challenge. RESULTS: All tested oximes combined with atropine enable tabun-poisoned rats to survive till the end of experiment. Both newly developed oximes (K727, K733) combined with atropine were able to decrease tabun-induced neurotoxicity in the case of lethal poisoning although they did not eliminate all tabun-induced acute neurotoxic signs and symptoms. CONCLUSION: The ability of both novel bispyridinium oximes to decrease tabun-induced acute neurotoxicity was slightly lower than that of trimedoxime. Therefore, the newly developed oximes are not suitable for the replacement of commonly used oximes such as trimedoxime in the treatment of acute tabun poisonings. and J. Kassa, J. Hatlapatková, J. Žďárová Karasová
Large animal models to explore the safety and tolerability of novel therapeutic approaches for Huntington’s disease (HD) are in exploration to achieve higher translational reliability in future studies. Recently, a Libechov minipig has been established as one new transgenic (Tg) large animal model for HD. We here discuss the advantages and limitations in using this model in HD with regards to breeding, housing, handling, and with respect to homology to humans and ethical considerations. A group of TgHD and wild type (WT) female minipigs (n = 36) was used to gain first evidence about abovementioned aspects. It is concluded that Libechov minipigs may fulfill an important role to bridge the gap between rodents and non‑human primates in the translation to humans. and S. Schramke, R. Schubert, F. Frank, M. Wirsig, M. Fels, N. Kemper, V. Schuldenzucker, R. Reilmann
We aimed to investigate in detail the structural mutations after influence of actellic insecticide at different doses and different temperature conditions. We tested effects of single introduction of different doses of actellic: 48, 96, 192, and 384 mg/kg. Cytogenetic effect of actellic in bone marrow cells at different temperature regimens was studied. Following actellic administration, animals were being in two temperature regimes: normal (18-20°C) and high (37-38°C). After treatment with actellic, animals were kept within 1, 2, 4 and 8 hours at high temperature (37-38°C), i.e. in a thermostat (TV-80) with access of air. In experiments, the animals were divided into seven groups. The animals of the 1st group were administered actellic at a dose 384 mg/kg and kept under normal temperature until slaughtering. The animals of the 2nd group after administration of actellic were immediately placed in an environment with a temperature of 37-38°C. Animals of the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th groups after treatment with actellic were transferred to conditions with high temperature, respectively, for 1, 2, 4 and 8 hours. The 7th group of mice was under normal temperature conditions without treatment with actellic. Our results have shown that in normal temperature conditions single exposure of actellic (384 mg/kg) did not affect the genetic apparatus of somatic cell, evidenced by the frequency of chromosome aberrations in bone marrow cells that were within the control levels. However, at high temperatures (37-38°C) the pesticide caused 6-fold larger number of chromosome aberrations in bone marrow cells, in comparison with normal conditions., Anvarjon Rakhmankulovich Shermuratov, and Literatura